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Chapter 20 The Strength of Rapid Advancement (Part 2)

Fortunately, the huge energy contained in the crystal rushed into the Zifu Consciousness Sea in time. Gu Xiechen watched helplessly as this red energy was swallowed by the Zifu Consciousness Sea and assimilated into lavender mist. However, the assimilated energy was only

A very small part of less than 3% of the crystal energy, the other 97% of the energy was transformed by the Zifu Consciousness Sea into the innate Gang Qi that Gu Xiechen was familiar with and then fed back to Gu Xiechen's meridians.

The Han Yuan Canon instinctively started to operate, and the cyclones in the one hundred and eight large holes surged rapidly, and the pure innate Qi was continuously absorbed and merged into the cyclones.

More purple mist rushed out of the Purple House Consciousness Sea and kept rushing towards the red crystal stone. More energy roared into Gu Xiechen's body, generating more purple mist and innate aura.

The unprecedented feeling of comfort made Gu Xiechen almost look up to the sky and cheer. The innate Qi was rolling in, but the innate Qi generated in just a quarter of an hour was comparable to the intensity that Gu Xiechen could achieve after twelve hours of hard training. Forty-eight

times, by absorbing the energy in the red crystal, Gu Xiechen's cultivation speed increased by forty-eight times!

"If there are enough Zakla crystals, Kaishi can practice at least forty-eight times as fast as ordinary warriors! One year of their practice is equivalent to forty-eight years of ordinary warriors! Now the average life span of humans on earth is about 150 years old. If a person

The lucky person will be able to fuse the Crystal Crystal and become a realm warrior when he is fifty years old, and he can still use the Crystal Crystal to practice for a hundred years!"

The pores all over his body opened at the same time. Gu Xiechen's hair stood on end because of the result of his calculation. If enough crystal stones were provided to the warriors, their one hundred years of hard training would be equivalent to the thousands of years of ordinary warriors' training. No wonder all the warriors were

Crazy search for crystals! No wonder the Earth Federation Special Management Committee issues a certain number of crystals to the warriors every year to control these warriors!

"It's so comfortable!" Hanyuan Zhendian almost didn't need to be controlled by Gu Xiechen. His mutated Zifu Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was almost equivalent to his second brain, which could perfectly control the flow of his true energy.

The crystal energy turns into purple energy and innate Gang Qi. The innate Gang Qi merges into the Dantian and one hundred and eight major acupoints. The purple air rushes out of the body and absorbs the energy of the crystal. It tempers the innate Gang Qi and makes the innate Gang Qi more condensed. A nearly

A perfect virtuous cycle is formed.

In just half an hour, all the energy in the red crystals was absorbed. Without Gu Xiechen's thought, the purple mist had already instinctively pounced on the nearly a hundred pieces of Zakla crystals piled on the ground. There was another wave.

The energy that made people feel comfortable poured into the body. The energy that poured in this time was so strong that Gu Xiechen even felt that his meridians were about to burst.

Fortunately, Zifu's Consciousness Sea instinctively slowed down the speed of energy absorption, and Gu Xiechen finally took a breath.

"Well, it seems that there is an upper limit for absorbing crystal energy. The stronger the body, the stronger the energy it can absorb! A powerful body?"

The following chapters of the Hanyuan Zhendian appeared in Gu Xiechen's mind like the bright moon under the water, and for a moment his heart became bright!

Hanyuan Zhendian is almost a supreme book created for the world warriors. It nourishes acupoints, I Ching, cleanses marrow, enriches blood, etc., all in order to create a strong enough body. The stronger the body, the faster it can absorb the power of crystal stones.

The faster it will be, the stronger your own cultivation will be!

Gu Xiechen jumped up, rolled up nearly a hundred crystal stones on the ground and rushed towards the warehouse next door. He lay down on the large pile of crystal stones in a large glyph shape, and the article "Acupuncture Points" in Hanyuan Zhendian was running at full speed.

Endless energy continued to pour into the body, and a large amount of new Gang Qi quickly filled Gu Xiechen's 108 large acupoints. The cyclone of the large acupoints that was originally only one-third filled gradually expanded, gradually filling the acupuncture points.

The purple mist washed through all the spaces over and over again, and the volume of the cyclone gradually shrank, condensed, and gradually grew larger and stronger. In this way, after ninety-nine and eighty-one times, Gu Xiechen's Dantian and one hundred and eight major acupoints were all

Full of innate Qi that solidifies like substance.

A Mahayana article on acupuncture point nourishment from Hanyuan Zhendian!

Without hesitation, Gu Xiechen began to run the mind method of the Book of Changes. The innate Qi continued to flow through the Qi meridians around the body, constantly expanding the meridians. The beating speed of the heart suddenly increased, and pure energy continued to surge from the Tao womb.

As it came out, the enlarged meridians became stronger and tougher under the nourishment of Tao embryo energy. With such continuous expansion and strengthening, Gu Xiechen slowly entered an ethereal and trance state.


In a daze, Gu Xiechen seemed to see 84,000 stars twinkling in front of his eyes, as if he saw a star map composed of these 84,000 stars revolving around a huge Tai Chi cyclone.

This cyclone rotates extremely slowly, and an endless and mysterious aura is faintly revealed from the cyclone, as if it represents all the meaning of the universe.

The crystal stone completely covered Gu Xiechen, and Gu Xiechen's body surface was covered with a colorful halo. His heart was beating rapidly, and the huge energy in the Tao embryo continued to surge throughout his body.

In the Zifu Consciousness Sea that Gu Xiechen could not see - the depth of the world he owned - countless wisps of purple mist gradually gathered, slowly forming a hazy black and white Tai Chi cyclone. This cyclone was extremely

It is small and very light, as if it will collapse when the wind blows, but the mysterious and mysterious breath is constantly seeping out from the cyclone, slowly filling it, occupying the boundless Zifu Sea of ​​​​Consciousness.

After seven days and seven nights, Gu Xiechen woke up from his deep sleep. He slowly opened his eyes. Purple light shot out from his eyes, and the whole room suddenly became bright.

The purple light flashed away, and Gu Xiechen stood up slowly, staring blankly at the Zakla crystal that had turned into a solid stone on the ground.

"Ten cubics! Ten cubics of Zakla crystal! A cubic Zakla crystal on the black market is worth at least 100 million! One billion!"

Taking a breath, Gu Xiechen thought to himself: "If I don't kill people, set fires, and do evil, where can I find so many Zakla crystals to practice? This thing is federal military control supplies! Doesn't this force me to take an evil path?

?Well, of course I am not saying that I am a good person, but this forces me to become a bad person, a bad person, a bad person!"

After sensing the Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, the originally empty Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness became a little fuller, but that was it, there was no other change at all.

"Oh my God, how many crystal stones do other world practitioners have to waste to succeed in cultivation?" Gu Xiechen almost cried.

But what makes Gu Xiechen happy is that the Book of Changes has been successfully completed. The meridians are spacious and strong. The meridians that were originally similar to an eight-lane highway have expanded at least ten times than before, and the meridians are condensed and strong as if they were cast from bright jade.

The meridians are filled with innate Qi that is like substance.

The Dantian, acupuncture points, and Qi meridians are connected, and the boundaries between the three are no longer very large. The inside of Gu Xiechen's body is filled with pure and condensed Gang Qi like a big balloon.

Wherever the mind goes, there is uncast Gang Qi arising from the heart, and there is no need to mobilize Gang Qi from the Dantian to waste time. For Gu Xiechen at this time, the Dantian is only used to polish and refine the Gang Qi on weekdays.

Source. But with the help of the "Jie", which absorbs crystals and transforms them into Gang Qi, the effect of Dantian is really not big enough.

"Wonderful!" The ecstatic Gu Xiechen came to the testing room again. He carefully closed the door of the testing room and stood in front of the tester seriously.

Now Gu Xiechen's meridians and acupuncture points no longer have the ability to withstand Gang Qi. What limits Gu Xiechen's attack power has become the strength of the muscles and bones that were relatively tough before. Carefully condense the new Gang Qi into

With his right paw, he carefully kept the muscles, bones and blood vessels of the right paw from being shattered by the Gang Qi, and Gu Xiechen hit the tester with his "full force" claw.

There was a muffled sound and the tester trembled slightly.

Ten seconds later, Gu Xiechen's new data was displayed on the tester's light screen.

"Nine hundred and seventy-five Zakla. High-level fighter of Uranus."

Gu Xiechen nodded with satisfaction. If he was willing to pay the price of injured bones and muscles, his attack power would at least be doubled!

After casually clearing the data on the tester, Gu Xiechen walked out of the testing room and went to the gym in the base to test his physical strength.

I can bench press 5.85 tons, and my physical strength has increased to more than twice what it was before. This is also a leap.

After vigorously shaking his fist, Gu Xiechen stepped off the fitness equipment. He was in a good mood and was ready to reward himself with delicious food.

The beard captain, who had not been seen for several days, appeared in front of the gym in time. With a flattering smile on his mighty face, he stared at Gu Xiechen like a pervert seeing a naked beauty. Gu Xiechen's

His heart felt cold, and he instinctively took several steps back.

"What are you doing? I'm not interested in men! Especially an unattractive guy like you with a big beard!"

The head of the beard just smiled at Gu Xiechen. He giggled for three minutes before he said to Gu Xiechen pleasantly: "Xielong, I have prepared a new position for you here. Are you interested?"

"Uh? What position?" Gu Xiechen was slightly shocked. What did this guy see?

"The first deputy commander of the Hell Angel Mercenary Group has his own main battle group directly under him. All the powers are exactly the same as my bearded man. How about that?" The bearded leader stared at Gu Xiechen with bright eyes.

"I..." Gu Xiechen was stunned. He looked at the bearded leader and said in silence: "It seems that I have only joined the Hell Angels mercenary group for more than a month!"

"For a world warrior, any price is worth it!" Captain Qiu Bearded said solemnly: "In seven days, the strength has increased by thirty times. If you still say that your Christos fusion failed, you will

You really treat me like a pig. For the sake of how good I have been to you for more than a month, are you interested in being the first deputy leader?"

The beard leader said sincerely: "When I retire, you will be the boss of the Hells Angels mercenary group! All the hundreds of thousands of brothers in the group will be handed over to you!"


Gu Xiechen stared hard at Captain Qiu-bearded. Captain Qiu-bearded's eyes were clear and fanatical, without any other impurities.

This is a warrior who loves the mercenary group as if he were his lover!

Gu Xiechen stretched out his hand: "A fool would not agree! First deputy captain? I did it!"

× × × × × × × × × × × × ×

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