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Chapter 387 Resentment

Chapter 387 Resentment

In the human world, there is a sinister star field surrounded by dozens of black holes.

A dozen small planetary systems are sparsely lined up in this star field, and a dozen stars that are about to enter their twilight years emit dim light with little heat, lazily shining on the planets rotating around them.

One day, these stars will also become dim and lightless, and eventually become the same existence as the black holes on the outer edges of the star field.

This star field is barren, barren, barren, and no life can be seen on the surface of the planet. However, the aura of heaven and earth in this star field is unusually rich. Under the planets, there are a large number of treasures of heaven, materials, and earth. Not to mention other things, just the

The output and quality of carat crystals are more than 10,000 times that of Youxian Star. If you dig out a piece of crystal here, it is a top-grade, top-quality product.

Inside a certain planet, in a mine more than 300 kilometers deep into the planet's surface, dozens of mechanical spiders slowly crawled past with a small "chichi" sound. These red mechanical spiders were twice as big as a buffalo.

The electronic eyes flashed with ruthless fierce light, and the barrels of the three small-caliber high-energy rapid-fire cannons mounted on its back also glowed faintly red, ready to fire at any time.

Behind these mechanical spiders, followed a group of mercenaries from Hardward Defense Company wearing combat armor. They advanced silently in the dimly lit tunnel, watching their surroundings with keen and vigilant eyes at all times.

Behind the mercenaries, there are nearly a hundred mechanical spiders densely packed, also fully armed and ready to fire at any time.

On the backs of the three mechanical spiders at the end, three gray wolf spirits with middle-level cultivation of heavenly immortals sat cross-legged in a serious manner. The three big gray wolves, which had been transformed into humanoid shapes, chattered and discussed a few Taoism and techniques.

The mudra of magic, or studying the mysteries of a certain elixir, is indeed a bit of an immortal's temperament.

It's just that the gray wolf is the gray wolf. Even if he becomes a god, he will still remain stubborn. They are more discussing various braised pork trotters, twice-cooked pork, and Dongpo pork. Occasionally, they will get excited and saliva will flow from the corners of their mouths.

Come down.

Suddenly, the tunnel was shaken violently, a large amount of smoke and dust spewed out from an auxiliary tunnel on the side, and countless miserable howls came out. Mechanical spiders and mercenaries swarmed in, and three gray wolf spirits

He even rushed into the tunnel at an extremely fast speed.

About 3,000 to 5,000 cubic meters of rock collapsed, and nearly a hundred ragged miners were trapped under the rocks. Most of them were reduced to meat patties, and a dozen lucky ones only had their hands and feet pinned down by the rocks, bleeding.

It is constantly spraying out from the wound.

A group of miners with buns in buns and ragged clothes screamed heartbreakingly, waving pickaxes, crowbars and other simple tools against the rocks, trying to rescue the trapped people.

Miners. Those miners who were still alive screamed in agony, and some even fainted from the pain.

"Uncle, wuwu, you must bear it!"

"Master, master, you must not faint, don't faint, stay awake, stay awake!"

"Disciple, my disciple, you, you, wuwu, my poor disciple!"

There was a loud cry of sorrow in the tunnel, but the three gray wolf spirits that had just rushed into the mine burst out laughing. They were laughing so hard that they couldn't tell how happy they were. Those Hardward mercenaries

They also smiled in a low voice, standing loosely in the open space dozens of meters away from the landslide, with no intention of going up to help.

More than a hundred mechanical spiders with huge strength and infinite limbs that could easily chop rocks were just lined up neatly behind the mercenaries. Scarlet electronic eyes looked at these miners coldly, and the rapid-fire cannon on their backs locked everyone present.

All miner bodies.

An old miner with an old face, who looked to be more than a hundred years old, turned around, pointed at a gray wolf spirit and shouted angrily: "Monsters, do you still have any humanity at all? You don't even have the compassion of a monk.


The expressions of the three gray wolf spirits turned cold. One of them suddenly kicked the old miner in the abdomen, sending him flying far away. He almost hit his head on the rock behind and was badly injured.


The gray wolf spirit sternly scolded: "Fuck your mother's spring and autumn, human nature? Mercy? The parents and uncles of our three brothers were taken by you to dig up the inner elixir, take the soul to refine the elixir, and even the fur

When you make a leather mattress and cover it on the couch, do you guys have any humanity?"

The miners stared blankly at the three gray wolf spirits, as if they suddenly heard countless shrill pleas from the past.

It seemed that a few old miners recognized the three gray wolf spirits. They stared blankly at the three wolf spirits. After a long time, an old miner with ivory-yellow hair and beard muttered in a low voice: "Yes."

Those three little wolf cubs who fled for their lives in the thorn bushes, haha, have actually become immortals? I didn’t kill you back then, it’s really my misfortune, Kunlun, Zhongnan!”

A strange atmosphere reverberated in the mine. The three gray wolf spirits stared at the miners with red eyes, and the miners also stared at the three gray wolf spirits with evil eyes. Gradually, a strong wind swirled in the tunnel.

Then, the Taoist robes of the three gray wolf spirits "Hunter" made a sound, their heads gradually turned into wolf shapes, and countless long gray hairs sprang out from their bodies.

An electric whip was pulled out fiercely from the side. A miner howled miserably and was hit by the high-voltage electricity of nearly a thousand volts, twitching and falling to the ground. A dozen Hardward mercenaries rushed in waving electric whips.

He came over and started beating these miners indiscriminately.

Hundreds of miners were beaten and fled, but a large part of the tunnel had collapsed. The place where the gray wolf spirit and the mercenaries came in was the only exit. They really didn't have much room to maneuver. More than a dozen electric whips filled the sky.

The miners were flailed and beaten indiscriminately, causing each of the miners to twitch and fall to the ground. Some of the weaker miners were frothing at the mouth and fainted.

The mercenaries scolded and insulted these miners with the most direct and obscene words, and ordered them to clear out all the sites immediately and resume work within fifteen minutes. One mercenary shouted angrily: "No matter how many of you die, this

The monthly quota must be fulfilled. Your team must pay at least ten tons of Zakla crystals. If you lose one kilogram and kill one person, you can decide on your own!"

In just three to five minutes, all the miners were knocked to the ground. Everyone's bodies were twitching rapidly due to the high-voltage current. The reason why the mercenaries gave them fifteen minutes of rest was precisely because

Because of this.

Following the order from the leading mercenary, the three mercenaries walked up to the miners who were pressed under the rocks, pointed their guns at their eyebrows, and pulled the triggers. The low gunshots shook the heads of the miners and sparse little ones.

The stones and dust fell, and the sound of gunshots also stiffened the bodies of the twitching miners who fell to the ground.

After three to five breaths, a shrill wail suddenly erupted from the miners.




The miners crawled toward the injured miners who were killed and cried one by one. Tears burst out from their eyes, and the corners of some people's eyes burst open, and lines of bloody tears flowed down their cheeks.

The three gray wolf spirits looked at the scene in front of them with great joy. They looked up to the sky with great piety and praised: "Master Yingming, this endless hell is the place where these hypocrites and stinky Taoist priests should stay!"

The gray wolf spirit smiled and shot dozens of finger winds at the miners, leaving traces of bone cracks on the finger bones, arm bones, and shoulder bones of some of the miners.

The transport capacity would be unbearable, and it would be much more difficult for them to dig out enough Zakla crystals.

There was a cry of mourning in the mine, but the three gray wolf spirits laughed and led the mercenaries and mechanical spiders out of the mine.

Parallel to this mine, a rock formation about ten miles thick is a huge underground magma lake.

This is a cave with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers and a height of nearly 100 kilometers straight up and down. Dozens of platforms of different sizes are cut out on the smooth mirror-like cave wall. Some Jiuyou Dao disciples wearing gray robes and some haha

The mercenaries of Devo Defense Company were stationed on the platform, overlooking the nearly 10,000 miners working hard by the magma lake.

In the center of the cave is a lava lake with a diameter of about ten kilometers, which is constantly churning out lava waves tens of meters high. The metal content of this planet is extremely heavy, and there are many spiritual veins underground. In addition, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this star field is abnormally abundant, causing the underground

The metal veins absorbed a huge amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth and gave birth to countless rare mineral deposits.

The temperature and pressure in the core of the planet are extremely high, so a large amount of rare ores are melted by the high temperature, mixed with magma and gush out of the ground along the eruption vent of the underground volcano. This magma lake is one of the exits, and there are thousands of them every day.

Hundreds of tons of rare metal solutions of various colors erupted.

Nearly a thousand miners were wrapped in tattered asbestos insulation suits, holding simple alloy colanders, and stood cautiously by the lava lake. When they saw the white, shiny gold, black, and green, all in different colors

When the metal solution rolled out of the magma, they desperately leaned out, used a colander to catch as much of the metal solution as possible, and then ran backwards dragging the colander with an extremely long handle.

On the ground behind, hundreds of large and small pools were dug. Inside were clear springs formed by melting ice and snow from the cold and biting snowy mountains brought from the ground. These miners poured the metal solution in the colander into the pools, accompanied by rolling sounds.

There was steam and harsh boiling sounds, and pieces of metal ingots of different colors accumulated in the pool.

After each miner has received ten colanders of metal ingots, he can go back to the cave at the back to rest for a while. It is a cave that is densely dug into the cave wall like a honeycomb. There is nothing in it, but a place that makes people feel happy.

Just a place where you can lie down and rest.

A team of more than a hundred miners just finished today's work. They let out a long breath of relief, couldn't wait to take off their thermal insulation suits, dropped their colanders, and walked toward the nearest piece of land laughing and joking.

Walk to the cave.

From the conversation and laughter of these miners, we can know that they are a group of pirates who once roamed the stars. Two months ago, they were unlucky enough to be captured by a mysterious and powerful fleet, and all of them were sent here to work as miners.

Perhaps because they have just arrived here not long ago, this group of miners who were transferred from pirates still have other thoughts in their minds, and their hearts are still filled with various desires.

, and still full of enough energy to do evil.

Just when they were about to enter the cave where they were resting, two women wearing tattered clothes, with picturesque features, fair skin as snow, and figures as charming as weak willows in the wind walked out of a cave on the side.

come out.

The pirates all gasped and looked at the two women blankly.

The two women with their hair in buns suddenly saw these pirates. They instinctively saw some malice in the pirates' eyes, and hurriedly turned around and fled towards the cave from which they came out. In panic, the two women even forgot

Called out.

The pirates laughed, and the pirate leader, a two-meter-tall one-eyed man with a dark complexion and an unusually strong complexion, laughed strangely: "I didn't expect that there are such delicate women here. Hey, brothers, come on! Everyone has a share.

, they all have a share! It’s really hard here!”

Nearly a hundred pirates swarmed in and rushed into the cave where the two women were hiding. There was only one exit in the cave, and the space inside was not very big. Nearly a hundred pirates casually searched for the two women.

He came out and fell to the ground in a panic.

The pirate leader was the first to press forward, and the two women let out pitiful howls at the same time.

The magma lake outside the cave continued to erupt, and the deafening eruption sound covered up the struggles, howls, and weird sounds of physical collisions in the cave. The Jiuyou Dao disciples stationed above witnessed all this, but no one said a word, and everyone was extremely happy.

Looking at the cave.

After a full two hours, a few old miners in ragged clothes struggled to complete today's work. Panting, they supported each other and slowly walked towards the cave where the pirates were committing violence.

The disciples of Jiuyou Dao looked at the old miners walking into the cave with smiles on their faces - a hundred years ago, these old miners could have fallen in the wind, but all the disciples of the Kunlun lineage were protected.

They have the cultivation level of a first-grade Da Luo Jinxian! But now, they are just some poor people who are allowed to do whatever they want.

Some demon-born Jiuyou Dao disciples exhaled heavily and murmured the names of some of their relatives, friends and elders.

In the past ten thousand years, Jiuyou Dao disciples have died in Kunlun, and Zhongnan Sect has been poisoned by countless people. Jiuyou Dao and Kunlun, and Zhongnan have already had a hatred as deep as the sea. This bloody hatred can only be dealt with in the most brutal and cruel way.

Only cruel means can be used to wash it away.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the cave, and then several figures flew out of the cave in random directions. The old disciples of Kunlun and Zhongnan fell to the ground with broken limbs, squirming like caterpillars.

. Several pirates with glowing faces, who had obviously enjoyed great enjoyment and relaxation, walked out of the cave happily and leaned triumphantly on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave.

"Old man, why are you in such a hurry? Hehe, they are just two women. They won't die if you give them to us!"

A pirate laughed proudly and ridiculed these disciples. After a hundred years of torture, the immortals in Kunlun and Zhongnan were as withered as wood. In terms of physical strength, there was no way they could compare with these cutting-edge pirates who had been genetically modified and strengthened.


Several old Taoists stared blankly at these pirates, and suddenly screamed at the same time. They wanted to summon their disciples, but all their cultivation was abolished a hundred years ago, and their voices were no louder than those of normal people.

Where to go.

Separated by a distance of several miles, next to them was the roaring sound of the continuously erupting lava lake. How could those Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples hear their screams? Several veteran Taoists fell to the ground in despair, extremely resentful.

He looked at the Jiuyou Dao disciple who was standing on a high platform and looking down at him.

"If we don't die, if we can escape from here, even if we fall into the endless hell, even if we turn into a demon, we will settle the hundred years of torture, the hundred years of humiliation, and the hundred years of blood debt with you, Jiuyou Dao!"

The vows made by the veteran Taoists were clearly heard by the disciples of Jiuyou Dao, and all the disciples of Jiuyou Dao showed ferocious smiles at the same time.

It's just a hundred years of torture that they can't stand anymore. They have survived ten thousand years of torture and abuse in Kunlun and Zhongnan! One hundred hundred years! The disciples of Jiuyou Dao have not deliberately tortured and killed them.

These old Taoists, these old Taoists treated the disciples of Jiuyou Dao as raw materials for alchemy and weapon refining!

In comparison, what does it matter if the old Taoists in Kunlun and Zhongnan do a little hard work? What does it count? Can it be compared to the thousands of years of blood and tears of the Jiuyou Taoist disciples?

A Jiuyou Dao disciple with the Golden Immortal cultivation level waved his hand gently, and a Hardward mercenary got a slingshot from somewhere, and slowly placed a mud ball as thick as a thumb on the slingshot.

After taking a slight aim, he shot at an old Taoist.

The mud ball hit the old Taoist's lower abdomen, and the sudden and severe pain almost made the old Taoist's eyes pop out of his sockets. His eyes widened, and a sharp and unpleasant "hissing" sound came out of his mouth, and he almost fainted.

Seeing the sudden attack of the stationed Hardward mercenaries, these bullying pirates hurriedly nodded and ducked into the cave.

After another full three hours, when another group of Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples were waiting for a rest, the pirates walked out of the cave with satisfaction.

Several Kunlun disciples realized that the momentum was not right, and they hurriedly ran into the cave. The other disciples nervously gathered around the injured guardian disciples, and called "Master Uncle", "Master Uncle", "

Master's yelling and confusion.

Suddenly, cries like those of a mourning concubine were heard in the cave, and hundreds of Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples outside the cave suddenly cried in unison.

In Kunlun, where they were busy in the distance, the Zhongnan disciples finally realized that something was wrong here, and they hurried over here.

In this cave, there are more than 8,000 disciples from Kunlun and Zhongnan, accounting for more than 80% of all miners. As soon as they move, almost no one will mine ore next to the entire magma lake.

The Jiuyou Dao disciples stationed here were furious and immediately ordered Hardward's mercenaries to suppress these restless Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples.

Before the mercenaries took action, accompanied by shrill wails, a dozen of the highest-ranking Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples carried two naked women covered in dirt and walked out of the cave. They looked up at Jiuyou Dao.

The disciples scolded sternly: "Is this what you want? Isn't it enough for you to humiliate us? Why don't you kill us all and exterminate our descendants!"

These two women were the girls possessed by Taoist Xiao Zhang and Taoist Zheng.

The heads of two dignified factions have shared a body with a female soul for hundreds of years.

The disciples of Jiuyou Dao laughed and looked at these Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples, just smiling.

Thousands of Kunlun and Zhongnan disciples present wailed in unison, and the painful cries made the cave tremble faintly.

A surge of resentment soared straight into the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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