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Chapter 27 Crazy in the World (1)

A burst of fire erupted from the muzzle, and the huge roar made Gu Xiechen's ears buzz. A cloud of fire burst out from the sentry tower on the left side of the camp gate in front. Five servants standing on the sentry tower

The soldiers were blown into pieces in the fire, and the tower fragments mixed with blood and pieces of meat were falling in all directions.

Gu Xiechen diligently picked up a cannonball and handed it to Xinjia. Xinjia skillfully picked up the cannon door latch with his fingers, and the shell shell jumped out with a "clang" of gunpowder smoke. Xinjia grabbed the cannonball that Gu Xiechen sent.

It was stuffed into the barrel of the gun, and the door latch was closed tightly. When the trigger button was pressed, another shell roared out, and this time the sentry tower on the right side of the door flew into the sky.

Two armed helicopters immediately took off from the camp and flew towards Gu Xiechen's location with murderous intent.

An armor-piercing round was loaded into the gun barrel. Xin Jia raised the cannon with one hand and fired it without aiming. A helicopter opened a large hole about a foot in diameter from beginning to end. The helicopter disintegrated and exploded in the air. Three people were killed.

The pilot fell from the air into the dense forest covered in flames and black smoke. A second later, Xinjia fired again, and another helicopter also exploded into a ball of flames and fell. A large amount of burning fuel in the helicopter was splashed near the camp gate.

, the fire caused dozens of mercenaries who were rushing out of the camp to scream in agony.

Xin Jia opened his mouth with a kind of honest and simple smile. He blasted the camp gate with one shot after another, blasting the mercenaries who wanted to rush out of the camp. Several mercenaries were killed by Xin Jia.

They were named with cannonballs, and their bodies split open amidst loud noises and firelight. Large pieces of flesh and blood were sprayed out in all directions, blowing up their companions and turning the camp gate into a hell.

Siren, Arediya and the white-clothed men of the Dawn Squadron rushed towards the camp gate like crazy, but there were still more than 100 meters away from the camp gate, so Xin Jia fired a very accurate shot at Arediya. Bit level

The sniper's sneak attack with a sniper rifle was much more accurate. The armor-piercing bullet went straight to the forehead of Arediya, who was running at high speed.

Aredia's reaction was very quick. Almost as soon as the cannonball came out of the barrel, she instinctively shot a fist-sized fireball forward. The fireball and the cannonball collided in the air, and a loud noise was followed by a shock wave that destroyed everything within a fifty-meter radius.

The mercenaries were all blown away. Siren, who was rushing at the front, was swept away by the shock wave. He staggered to one side, and a high-explosive grenade hit Siren's body. Siren looked up to the sky.

Roaring, a thick layer of silver light spilled out from his body, the shell exploded, and Siren was blown dozens of meters away. He flipped several somersaults lightly in the air and landed safely, but not a single hair was injured.


"Huh?" Xin Jia in the dense forest frowned: "What kind of protective treasure is this? Hmm, it looks familiar... I am not fully aware of it, so I can't remember it."

Picking up the ammunition boxes tied into a hill beside him, Xin Jia strode into the dense forest carrying the artillery. He was like an elephant breaking into the rice fields, deliberately leaving a lot of traces as he ran. The huge body carried

Carrying a heavy load, Xin Jia's running speed was not slow at all. He managed to maintain a constant distance from Siren and the others, and then from time to time, he turned around and fired cold cannons at Siren.

Siren and Aredia were beaten furiously, and they were sure that Gu Xiechen was only alone, so they followed the traces left by Xin Jia with confidence.

As early as Siren appeared, Gu Xiechen had already left Xinjia briskly. He climbed up a big tree and dug out a set of Holy Unicorn Mercenaries on the branches dozens of meters above the ground.

After putting on the regiment's uniform and using special ointment to draw a few colorful traces on his face, Gu Xiechen quickly slid down the tree trunk and quietly approached the camp.

Siren and other masters who were a threat to Gu Xiechen had already chased them out. No one in the chaotic camp could threaten Gu Xiechen. The mercenaries who came to this planet belonged to the sacred unicorn mercenaries.

There were six main battle groups in the regiment, and the mercenaries were not familiar with each other. Gu Xiechen walked into the camp in a grand manner, covered in gunpowder smoke and carrying a sniper rifle, and then walked into the Hercules transport ship that served as a temporary field hospital.

There were a few mercenary guards beside the hatch of the transport ship, but their attention was entirely focused on the camp gate with explosions and thick smoke and fire in the distance, and no one paid attention to Gu Xiechen.

Entering the transport ship easily, Gu Xiechen couldn't help but smile. But soon he stopped smiling and put on a sad look. His steps also became staggering, as if he had just been hit on the thigh.

One shot. Walking along the aisle filled with wounded soldiers, and going down the three storage compartments in a very smooth manner, Gu Xiechen successfully arrived at the power compartment of the transport ship.

There are no guards in the power cabin, only a dozen technicians on duty.

Gu Xiechen rushed into the power cabin with a touch of cold air, and easily knocked out these technical soldiers with developed brains and simple limbs.

Walking to the second auxiliary console of the power cabin, Gu Xiechen skillfully disassembled one of the panels and pulled out eighteen wires from the console. He reconnected the eighteen wires to the control panel. Gu Xiechen

Very quickly, he typed a 512-digit password on the small keyboard.

A light curtain hung from the roof of the power cabin, and a virtual cyborg face appeared in front of Gu Xiechen. A dull electronic sound sounded: "Commander, please give the order!"

Like any arms company, the Gu Group has left a back door in the warships it produced. What Gu Xiechen used was the most incredible one - using the auxiliary console of the power cabin to directly control the main engine of the entire transport ship.

Control the computer.

Pulling out a storage chip from the tape tied to his hand, Gu Xiechen calmly ordered: "Connect to the federal public channel and play all the data inside repeatedly."

A robotic arm hung from the cabin roof, and a data connector protruded from the robotic arm. Gu Xiechen stuffed the chip into the data connector, and then ordered: "After the data is repeatedly transmitted thirty times, start the self-destruction program of the transport ship.

Well, send a self-destruct command to all nearby 'Pangu-type' master computers."

The cyborg's face was cold and ruthless, and the equally cold electronic voice answered Gu Xiechen's order: "Yes, Commander!"

The data in the chip was scanned into the transport ship's main control computer. A thick communication antenna outside the transport ship's bridge slowly rose, and the transport ship sent out a set of strong signals with the strongest power.

The signal was quickly transmitted through a communication satellite of the Holy Unicorn Mercenary Group outside the atmosphere to a transfer satellite outside the wormhole. The transfer satellite processed and compressed the signal into an extremely high signal that could be propagated in subspace.

A frequency pulse signal is emitted into the wormhole, and a group of three communication satellites in the subspace receive the signal and forward it to the communication satellite on the other side of the wormhole.

The communication satellite forwarded this set of pulse signals to all communication satellites in the Alpha Star Domain. Because Gu Xiechen used the public channel broadcast mode, the only ones who received the signal were those from the Holy Unicorn Mercenary Group in this star domain.

Several transit satellites also include the Earth Federation Parliament, the Earth Federation Military Department, the Earth Federation Academy of Sciences, several major mining companies of the Earth Federation, and other forces such as the Asian Alliance, the Vatican, the East Siberian Parliament, the Joint Council of Non-Human Races and other organizations.

More than two dozen satellites were installed in secret.

These satellites immediately transmitted pulse signals to the subspace communication satellites installed at several fixed jump points in the Alpha Star Domain...

Just three hours later, the pulse signal arrived on Earth and was decompressed and broadcast by the communications departments of many of the above organizations at the same time.

Five minutes later, a flickering light curtain appeared in front of all the important figures in the Earth Federation. At the same time, they saw Gu Xiechen standing on the top of a towering tree, looking as if he was coming out of the dust.

Gu Xiechen, who was wearing a full set of Taoist robes and a crane but with a big bald head, was silent for a full minute before he reached out and pointed behind him.

The camera changed and what appeared in front of everyone was an endless virgin forest. Then the camera changed rapidly, showing the herds of animals in the forest, the flocks of birds flying in the sky, the wind and the clouds, and the changing weather.

Gu Xiechen's deep voice sounded: "Fellow compatriots of the Earth Federation, what you see now is a brand new planet."

The corresponding data of the planet slides across the corner of the screen like a tide.



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