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Chapter Five Hundred and Eighth Battle

Chapter 508 The Battle Begins

The line of stars is still compressing inward day by day. In addition to the same length, its diameter becomes smaller and smaller.

It is constantly emitting vitality, but it is also constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Today's Star Abyss does not have the beautiful scenery of that day. It has become dazzling with bright light, like a green light cord traversing the void.

Countless twisted runes and large and small wheels of heaven loomed in the light cord, exuding an intoxicating aura.

There is an instinctive attraction that urges all the strong men in this universe to move forward here. This is the temptation to master everything and master all the mysteries of heaven. This temptation is like the aura emanating from a piece of delicious flesh and blood.

All the beasts are crazy about it.

Gu Xiechen, Sanqing, and Jie Yingzhunti are the top few among these beasts, and they are the ones standing at the top of the food chain.

Stepping on a white cloud, Gu Xiechen was followed by hundreds of Three Linked Cities, with countless immortal monks standing on them, making the most powerful noise. The Three Linked Cities were huge in size, with hundreds of them connecting the sky and the ground, firmly occupying one area.

Sanqing, Jie Yin Zhunti, Amitabha, Victory Buddha, Guanshiyin and others led countless immortals. The Buddha stood in the vast golden glow and firmly occupied one side. There were eight saints on their side, and more

There are countless Daluo Golden Immortals, and their momentum is also frightening.

On the other side, there are densely packed innate beings born and raised in all kinds of strange ways. Some of these innate beings are as strong as the middle-level Daluo Golden Immortal, and as weak as ordinary heavenly immortals. Calculated, their side is the weakest. But they

However, the number of them is the largest, and it is so densely packed that no one knows how many innate beings have come here, and there are countless people coming behind.

Three months after the sudden change in the First Line Star Abyss, there was a commotion among the group of innate beings. They saw violent auras rising straight into the sky. There were six faintly pyramid-shaped auras hanging above their heads, and strange lights wrapped around their bodies.

The creature separated from the crowd and walked out slowly.

These six strange creatures are not humanoid. They look like tigers, leopards, dragons, phoenixes, and rocs. The last one has no entity at all. It is just a whirlwind rolling in the void. But on them

The aura he exudes is truly that of a saint.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly sneered: "It turns out it's you few remnants. Didn't you die back then?"

The strange creature that looked like a roc, with shining feathers all over its body, emitted a faint purple light, and looked like it was carved from amethyst. He shouted sternly: "I have a lot of luck, I used my clone to deceive you, and I luckily escaped with my life."

.Today, we are here to take revenge.”

The strange creature that looked like a tiger, but had three heads and six tails, and was as black as ink roared: "We are coming to snatch the axis of heaven and earth today, and kill you all by the way. Well, I endured it for three full days.

I haven’t had a bite of flesh and blood for a hundred years, and I’m going to eat you!”

Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and others shook their heads and laughed, completely not taking these six indigenous saints seriously.

Gu Xiechen also shook his head secretly. Although the cultivation of these six innate saints was comparable to that of the new saints such as Amitabha, their magical powers and spells were very crude, and their temperaments were reckless and straightforward. How could they be Yuanshi Tianzun's opponents?

If Gu Xiechen were them, he would definitely hide behind countless innate beings, and wait until Yuanshi Tianzun and others, as well as Hongjun, were both injured before he came out and determined the world. These innate saints seem to have too simple minds.

"It's all caused by underdevelopment." Gu Xiechen shook his head and sighed.

Time passes day by day, and the changes in the First Line Star Abyss continue. According to its current compression speed, compressing inward ten thousand miles every day, it will take about a year or so before the First Line Star Abyss will truly evolve into the axis of heaven and earth.

At this time, with the First Line Star Abyss as the core, the stars in the entire universe were rotating at an almost crazy speed. The immortals near the First Line Star Abyss looked at the surrounding void with their naked eyes, and all the stars turned into thin streams of light that streaked rapidly.

Through the void, it is impossible to see the appearance of these stars.

Even if Gu Xiechen looked at these stars with his chaotic eyes, he could only barely see the general shape of these stars.

With such a huge change in the world, those stars naturally derived a strange power, which protected all life forms on the stars and maintained the distance and position between the stars. Everything was in order, fast and not chaotic.

As the starry abyss gradually compresses, the huge pyramid with a radius of trillions of miles in the void becomes more and more distinct.

Looking from below, the pyramid is divided into three levels. On the first level, which is the top of the tower, there is only a purple cloud. When everyone touches the cloud with their spiritual thoughts, they understand that as long as they control this cloud, they can

Completely master the Heavenly Tower and become the supreme master of the universe.

In the second level, which is the waist of the pyramid, there are three golden clouds swirling around on the four sides of the pyramid. The message from these clouds is also very clear. The owner of these twelve clouds will get Hongjun's power in the original universe.

Position, able to use the way of heaven and control the movement of heaven and earth.

The third level, which is the bottom of the pyramid, has one hundred and eight white clouds slowly hovering around the four-sided tower. These one hundred and eight clouds represent the number of saints that this universe can accommodate. One hundred and eight saints,

Everyone is under the way of heaven and can freely use the power of heaven and earth to guard and protect one side.

This pyramid is simple and heavy, with countless light points shining on the dark golden tower. Each light point corresponds to a star in the void, which contains all the data of these stars - including the birth, old age, illness and death of all living creatures on the stars.

, all react in this light spot.

With a tower in hand, the heaven and earth are under control. The saints around all looked intoxicated, staring at this step, this axis of heaven and earth.

Only Gu Xiechen was still awake. He looked around cautiously. Why hasn't Hongjun appeared yet?

Time continues to pass, and it is seen that the first line of star abyss has been compressed to only a thickness of thousands of miles, and it will be completely formed in another day. The surrounding void has been completely covered by the bright green light of the first line of star abyss. The hot heaven and earth energy soaks all the surrounding creatures.

, washing their bodies over and over again, making their magical powers more clever and their magic power more powerful.

Gu Xiechen began to count with his fingers. Minute by minute, minute by second, a line of starry abyss was rapidly condensing inward.

One day passed quickly, and a line of starry abyss suddenly erupted with an extremely powerful light, which made all the saints unable to face it. A green light of unknown length traversed the void, and huge spiritual pressure continued to pour out from the light.


It is not accurate to say that it is light. This light does exist in the naked eye, but there is no concept of thickness in the conventional sense. It just exists there, emitting a ray of light for people to see clearly, but it itself has no thickness or size.


Suddenly, the axis of heaven and earth transformed by a line of star abyss moved. It moved like a spiritual snake, and quickly stabbed towards the Heavenly Dao Tower that was gradually condensing and forming above. No one could see clearly what was going on. The axis of heaven and earth

The axis has been integrated into the Heavenly Tower, and a line of green marks has appeared at the core of the countless Heavenly Dao Wheels in the Heavenly Tower. All the lifeless Heavenly Dao Wheels suddenly came to life, rotating rapidly around this line of green marks.

The boundless mysteries of heaven and earth spread from the tower and slowly filled the entire universe.

The Tianta's gradually solidified body begins to turn into nothingness. If no one collects it, it will return to the torrent of Heavenly Dao and gradually mature. After all the damage it has suffered is completely restored, it will turn into a concrete rule of Heavenly Dao and control the entire world.

The workings of the universe.

Now is the time when the Heavenly Tower is at its weakest. It has been greatly damaged and the power of Heavenly Dao is incomplete. It still relies on outsiders such as Gu Xiechen to supplement its own strength and make up for its own losses. Don't talk about saints, even if it is a great

Luo Jinxian was able to imprint his soul into it at this time.

If the Yuan Shen and the Heavenly Tower merge, the universe will be immortal, and the Yuan Shen will never fall. Once the Yuan Shen understands all the mysteries in the Heavenly Tower, he will immediately grow into the sole ruler of this heaven, earth, and universe.

Sanqing, Jieyin, Zhunti, Amitabha, Guanyin, etc. all turned into streams of light and flew towards the Tianta.

The six native-born saints also turned into strong winds, streams of light, floods, and flames and flew forward.

The Heavenly Tower appears, and the surrounding void is controlled by a strange restriction. No matter how saintly you are, you can only fly away from the light honestly when you get here, which is just a little faster than ordinary immortals. And ordinary immortals can only fly faster.

In this restriction, the speed of the immortals is as slow as a snail, and it is impossible to compete with these saints.

Only some unwilling Daluo Jinxian used all their energy to send their spiritual thoughts towards the Tianta.

If by luck, your soul can successfully merge with the Tianta, maybe this will be your chance.

For a moment, there was chaos all around, and countless divine thoughts flew towards the Tianta.

Gu Xiechen also moved. Just as he was about to fly towards the Tianta, a spiritual light came from the diagonal thorn. Dou Zhanzhan Buddha rushed to Gu Xiechen with her golden hoop. The monkey looked at it happily.

Gu Xiechen laughed and said: "Where is my clone? I want to find him to decide the outcome."

Looking at the monkey who was eager to show off his power, Gu Xiechen said honestly: "In order to perfect my true body, Pangu, he exhausted all his energy and energy and gave all his mana to me. If you want to compete with him, you have to wait for him.

Just restore all your strength."

The monkey pondered for a moment, shook his head and sighed: "So that's it? Then, when his skill recovers, he can come to see Lao Sun again."

After saying a few words, the monkey turned around and walked away. He picked up his stick and shouted, "Who dares to snatch something from Master Sun? Take a stick from me!"

Gu Xiechen's eyes flashed, he quietly arrived behind the monkey, and hit the monkey on the back of the head with a heavy punch. Pangu's real body had infinite power, and this heavy punch caused the three flavors of real fire to spurt out from the monkey's seven orifices.

He was knocked unconscious on the spot. There were countless restrictions placed on the monkey, and Gu Xiechen threw him into his consciousness sea space.

It would be a pity if this monkey died like this. The sap knocked him over and let him fight with the monkey all day long. The two identical monkeys kept making trouble, which added a little bit to the world.


After laughing a few times, Gu Xiechen broke through the air and reached the vicinity of the Sky Tower, grabbing the purple cloud at the highest point of the Sky Tower.

A black sword light flashed, and Hongjun, who had become as lean as a bamboo pole, suddenly came out with a sword.

Gu Xiechen hurriedly withdrew his hand, and the knife flashed close to his fingertips. The knife was sharp and left several deep visible bone marks on Gu Xiechen's fingers. Gu Xiechen was horrified and hurriedly stepped back.

After two steps, he looked at Hongjun blankly.

Hongjun, who looked the same as before but was unacceptably thin, nodded to Gu Xiechen with his teeth bared.

Just him and no one else.

Gu Xiechen frowned and shouted: "Haotian, where is the Queen Mother?"

Hongjun looked at Gu Xiechen and laughed: "They? Eat! All the essence, blood and soul have become a part of me."

Touching the murderous sword with his fingers, Hongjun smiled strangely and said: "All the immortals in Tianfu have integrated into this sword within this thousand years. Their essence, blood and soul have nourished my baby to be stronger than before. Today.

, you are fortunate to be its nourishment."

Looking down at the purple clouds on the tower, Hongjun said to himself: "With the complexity of the rules of heaven in the tower, even if I want to completely master it, it will take at least ten thousand years. Well,

Even if it is just preliminary refining, it will take three years of hard work. It’s too late!”

Shaking his head, Hongjun spurted a stream of blood essence from his mouth and poured it on the tower, integrating a ray of soul into the tower.

After a few strange laughs, Hongjun dropped the gradually fading Tianta and flew towards the six native saints.

Looking at those saints, Hongjun suddenly raised his hands and said: "Hey, you guys, long time no see?"

The six saints were stunned and hurriedly returned the greeting: "It's been a long time!"

The tiger-like saint sneered: "You are Hongjun, we are here to kill you this time!"

Just as Hongjun and these saints were asking and answering questions, six black shadows suddenly rushed out from behind the six saints, six shadows that looked exactly like Hongjun. They held murderous knives and chopped cleanly.

The heads of six saints were taken down.

The blood spurted out. The blood of saints contains infinite energy. A drop of blood can turn into a sea of ​​blood thousands of miles away. When six saints fell, the sky was filled with blood. But the sea of ​​blood had just rolled over in less than a snap of a finger. Hongjun's hand

The murderous knife spurted out a large amount of blood, sucking up all the blood. The corpses and souls of the saints were also completely absorbed by the murderous knife, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Gu Xiechen's heart twitched, and he suddenly discovered that within a radius of 100,000 miles of the Tianta, the invisible and strange restrictions not only made the saints extremely slow, but also greatly compressed their ability to sense spiritual thoughts.

Near the Heavenly Tower, the strength of the saints was similar to that of ordinary immortals. Facing Hongjun who was holding a murderous sword, they had no power to resist at all.

Hongjun's fierce sword exuded boundless evil energy, and the invisible restrictions around him were dispersed by the evil energy, so Hongjun was not affected at all.

With a cold snort, Gu Xiechen spit out a stream of essence and blood, integrated a ray of soul from himself and Fuya Ming and others into the tower, and then quickly retreated. Sanqing and others who had rushed nearby also

Realizing that something was wrong, they hurriedly sprayed out a burst of energy to merge with the Tianta, and then quickly fled backwards.

Seeing Gu Xiechen and others fleeing, Hongjun snorted coldly, raised his long sword and chased after them.

The first person to bear the brunt was Gu Xiechen, who gave Hongjun the greatest sense of threat.

The black sword light flashed, and nine black shadows that were identical to him rushed out from behind Hongjun. There were ten Hongjun sword lights in total, slashing at Gu Xiechen.

I transformed the three pure beings in one breath, Hongjun swallowed up Haotian and the Queen Mother, and actually differentiated into nine primordial soul clones.

Each Yuanshen clone has 30% of Hongjun's current strength, which is almost equivalent to the entire strength of Sanqing and others.

Gu Xiechen, who was retreating rapidly, suddenly stabilized his figure, condensed a huge Pangu Kaitian Divine Thunder between his hands, and hit Hongjun face to face.

Then countless immortals in Sanlian City shouted in unison, and a huge formation emerged out of thin air.

The boundless power of heaven and earth was drawn by the practices of the immortals in Sanlian City, and injected into Gu Xiechen's body from the distance.

With a lightning strike, Gu Xiechen's body suddenly swelled to a height of ten feet, with veins all over his body popping out, and he punched Hongjun.

The Kaitian Divine Thunder bore the impact and hit Hongjun, blowing him up and flying thousands of miles away.

Gu Xiechen's punch hit one of Hongjun's soul clones.

Nine cold rays of light flashed through, and nine fierce knives slashed at Gu Xiechen's fist.

This chapter has been completed!
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