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Chapter 10 Mentor's Commendation

"The fragrance of freedom!" Although he was escorted to the dungeon for only half a day, Thain couldn't help but sigh when he saw the dim yellow fluorite light over the Magic Academy again.

This dungeon is an unusual place. Very few apprentices can come out after entering it.

Including it is said that some official black magicians have been tried here. As to whether it is true or not, Thain cannot know.

After leaving the dungeon, Thain limped and Lina supported each other and walked towards their home.

Dean Dadalon did not come out to see them off, and the old witch also disappeared afterwards. Before leaving the dungeon, her mouth moved slightly, as if she had given Lina something.

"Not only can we not eat the black shark scale fish, but it seems that our moving plan will also have to be postponed." Thain said to Lina with a wry smile.

At this time, Lina's injuries were not much worse than Thain's. Facing Thain's wry smile, Lina lowered her head and returned to her cold appearance.

There was silence for a long time, and it was not until they were about to return to their dormitory that Lina opened her mouth and said to Thain: "My uncle's name is Ferena, and she said that she wants to accept me as a disciple and inherit the dark element magic of our lineage.


"Actually, after my mentor's death, Uncle Ferena paid attention to me, but it wasn't until I was promoted to a senior apprentice that she made it clear that she was willing to accept me as a disciple."

"In terms of strength and in-depth study of dark element magic, Uncle Ferena seems to be stronger than my mentor back then." Lina explained.

Lina's explanation made Thain worry about it for a long time, and finally let it go.

Although he and Lina each have some secrets and spaces that they have not opened to each other, as people who share a bed, fight side by side, and have experienced life and death, he still hopes that both parties can be honest with each other.

Lina's explanation brought a heartfelt smile to Thane's face.

There is a powerful official black magician who is willing to accept Lina as a disciple, which is obviously a good thing for Lina.

It was Lina's explanation that made the relationship between the two of them go further than before.

Sean has always been the more proactive person, but he never expected that Lina would confess something to him one day.

"Perhaps I can take some time to tell Lina about my surname and childhood background." Thain thought to himself.

Moving from the dormitory building is currently not possible.

But after the three days were up, Thain had to rush to Master Mosido's laboratory to report.

Unlike three days ago, Thain only suffered an abdominal injury and showed slight signs of poisoning.

At this time, Thain's injuries were obviously more serious.

Even when he knocked on the door of Master Mosido's laboratory, his left arm was wrapped in a thick bandage.

Looking at Thane, who was even more injured in front of him, Master Mosheduo couldn't help but wrinkled his yellow eyes and asked, "What's going on?"

Returning to Master Mosido's laboratory, Thain actually didn't have much confidence in his heart.

The generally cruel and unruly character of black magicians made Thane worry more than once whether Master Mosheduo would kick him out directly after seeing what he looked like.

After all, the Academy of Black Magic does not support idle people. With Thain's current state, it is obvious that he cannot help Master Moses with any magic experiments.

But Thain finally came here with all the courage, and Master Mosheduo was his biggest backer to gain a foothold in the Black Magic Academy.

As for her girlfriend Lina, all Lina relies on is her new mentor Ferena.

In the circle of apprentices, Lina may still be able to protect Thane.

But if a formal black magician is involved, only Master Moses in front of him can help him settle it.

Thain has never forgotten the expression on the face of Vice-President Master Dadalon when he heard the name of Master Mosheduo.

Perhaps Master Mosheduo is not as strong as Master Dadalong, and his authority is far less high than that of the deputy dean, but he definitely has areas that can make even deputy dean Dadalong pay attention.

Thain was released from the dungeon entirely for the sake of Master Mosido.

Facing Master Mosheduo's seemingly sinister face, Thain followed the master into the laboratory and told him everything that had happened in the past few days.

From the battle with the low-level apprentice Ilk, to the conflict with Scarface Jock and others in the black street the next day, and then to being imprisoned in the dungeon, he attracted the scolding of the deputy dean, Master Dardalon.

Thain knows every detail and dare not hide anything.

After all, he relied on the name of Master Mosheduo to be safe and sound until now.

Including his biggest weapon in the two battles, it was also the high-level magic equipment given by Master Mosheduo himself - the acid cane.

After listening to Thain's narration, a moment later, Master Mosheduo suddenly let out a burst of wanton laughter.

"Yes, yes, you are much better than your two unlucky senior brothers."

"They were weak and were killed by outsiders. How about you, you killed the same level first, and then jumped to kill an intermediate apprentice?"

"Although you mainly rely on the strong acid cane I gave you, your courage and emergency fighting ability are really good!" Master Mosheduo praised.

Faced with the 'catastrophe' caused by Thane, Master Mosido not only did not scold him, but instead praised him?

Sure enough, the temperament of a black magician cannot be inferred based on common sense!

It was Master Mosheduo's praise that made Thain know that although he was Master Mosheduo's fifth disciple, he actually only had one senior brother and one senior sister.

As for the other two senior brothers, they were unlucky enough to have died.

There are only three of them among the disciples of Master Mosheduo.

"Okay, since you are too injured now to join me in the experiment, then you can study the two magic notebooks I gave you for a while."

"It's also time to change your meditation method. This is the initial meditation method of our lineage." Master Mosheduo waved his hand, and two parchments full of notes and a small crystal ball appeared in Thain.


Two thick parchments, namely: "Introduction to Alchemy" and "Basic Knowledge of the Fire Element".

This is the knowledge taught by Master Mosheduo in the public classroom of the Academy of Black Magic. However, it is different from the rigid and rigid classroom knowledge. The two parchments in front of you are covered with magic notes written by Master Mosheduo himself.

These notes are the real essence of the two parchments and will help Thane gain access to relevant knowledge faster.

As for the crystal ball, which is slightly smaller than the palm of your hand, it is a gadget that Master Mosheduo refined at random, and it contains a precious meditation method.

After handing the three items to Thain, Master Mosheduo shook his head and walked towards a room deep in the laboratory. He wanted to continue his experiments.

On the other hand, Thane, at the instruction of Master Mosheduo, went to a certain side room in the laboratory, where he would start his own knowledge learning and magic inheritance.

This chapter has been completed!
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