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Chapter 1005 Hercules

After staying in San Pirantes for a week and experiencing the city's features, Thain continued to move west.

Speaking of which, the most dominant group of organisms that thrive in Faerûn are the humanoid creatures in this world.

The humans in Faerûn look very similar to the humans in the Wizarding World.

However, there are many differences in their inner essence and organ composition.

This is an extremely normal thing. Different planes and civilizations will naturally breed and evolve different types of individuals.

How could there be two identical creatures in the star realm?

Humans in the wizarding world have four tail vertebrae in the shape of an inverted triangle below the spine.

Humans in Faerun do not have this, instead they have two trapezoidal hip bones.

In addition, there are great differences between the creatures in the two worlds in areas such as blood type, hair color, cell core, etc.

In Thain's opinion, the overall evolutionary level of creatures in Faerûn is not as good as that of the Wizarding World.

For example, in the wizarding world as a top-level civilization, first-level knights and magicians can already enjoy a thousand years of life, second-level can enjoy three thousand years, and third-level can enjoy ten thousand years.

However, in the continent of Faerun, the theoretical life limit of most extraordinary powerful people is only three hundred years.

The maximum lifespan of a legendary strongman is one thousand years, and the maximum lifespan of an epic strongman can only reach about three thousand years.

The huge gap in average life span indicates that the number of low-level combat forces in Faerûn is obviously not at the same level as that in the Wizarding World.

Of course, Faerûn is not without long-lived species.

For example, the dragon clan in Faerûn has an average lifespan far exceeding that of humans in this world.

Including other races, the lifespan limit is also very different from that of humans in this world.

Some are longer, some are shorter.

After passing through the St. Aust Empire, the area that Thane arrived next was mostly the territory of the Justice League and Wings of Nature in Faerûn.

Due to the neutral nature of Wings of Nature, some of the gods in this camp are mixed with the Dark Alliance, while others are closer to the Justice League.

Generally speaking, I still prefer the Justice League to have more neutral gods.

At least the gods and major temples of the Justice League act in a measured manner and are not as extreme as the Dark Alliance.

Also in the faith pastoral area of ​​the Justice League, situations like the half-undead girl Erlo and the monster boy are almost impossible to appear.

When choosing a target to start with, Thain thought about it for more than ten years and finally decided to start on the territory of Wings of Nature.

This is because the gods of the Wings of Nature camp have a more relaxed style of acting, there are many of them, and their nature is very complex.

A giant canyon called "Fekmos" then entered Thain's field of vision.

First of all, this canyon has a very special geographical location. It is located at the junction of the Dark Alliance and the Justice League's pastoral areas.

But it was divided into the Natural Alliance territory north of the canyon.

Secondly, the dangerous geographical environment of this canyon means that there are not many indigenous creatures living in the canyon - mainly a group of gray-brained apes with low intelligence.

The god these gray-brained apes believe in is a special totem called Hercules.

The title "Hercules" may sound very powerful, but in fact, it is a minor role in Faerûn.

It does not have the qualifications to build a temple in the Faerûn continent, including the followers of this Hercules, and it is mainly composed of gray people who inhabit the major canyons of the Faerûn continent.

Brain apes are the main ones.

Rather than calling it Hercules, it would be more appropriate to call it the "grey-brained ape god".

In addition to the Hercules in Fekmos Canyon, Thain has also selected two other targets in the past ten years.

They are all the kind of weak gods who are not qualified to build temples on the mainland and only have a certain influence in a certain area. They are also the castrated gods in Thain's mouth.

However, the priority of the other two indigenous gods is not higher than Hercules.

Because of the special geographical location of Fekmoth Canyon, Thain and the Spider Queen can quickly escape after they succeed, avoiding being quickly noticed by other gods and temple forces in this world.

Whether he sneaks directly into the territory of the Dark Alliance or continues to hang out in the Justice League, he can hide his whereabouts very well.

Thain prefers to follow the fierce rapids of Fekmos Canyon and head directly north to reach the Natural Alliance camp.

A few months later, Thain arrived at the outskirts of Fekmos Canyon and was even more satisfied with his choice.

The actual topography of this grand canyon is more dangerous and weird than the information collected by Thain in advance.

The height difference in the canyon reaches nearly two thousand meters at its most exaggerated point.

This is only the outer part of the canyon. I believe the situation deep in the canyon is even more dangerous.

This kind of dangerous terrain means that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack in terms of war between bottom creatures.

But for games between level four and above strong players, sometimes this terrain really looks like a large cage.

Moreover, the deep rock cliffs on both sides of the canyon will also be able to block to a large extent the battle fluctuations of level 4 and above experts. As long as Spider Queen Rose strikes quickly enough, it is possible to forcefully attack the other gods in this world before they can react.

Kill this Hercules.

In an alien plane, secretly kill a local fourth-level god?

Even if it is a castrated version, it is definitely not a record that ordinary people can imagine.

Although Thain was excited, he couldn't help but asked the Spider Queen with some worry: "Are you really ready for the magical spider silk?"

"When the situation goes wrong, you must quickly pull me back to the wizarding world." Thain said.

"Don't worry, although your plane nodes have not been marked with two hundred points, if you have the corpse of a local god as a guide, you can roughly lock the specific time and space coordinates of this world."

"When the situation goes wrong, I will quickly pull you back." The Spider Queen comforted Thane.

In any world, level four creatures are extremely powerful individuals on this plane, and the power of their own laws has been deeply integrated with the existence of the plane.

This kind of creature can also be used as a reference for time and space landmarks.

However, only creatures of level four or above can do it, not low-level creatures.

And this behavior of using the body of a fourth-level creature as a reference for time and space landmarks also has many restrictions.

First of all, this fourth-level creature cannot be the kind of wandering god in the star realm who leaves the mother plane for a long time, because the long wandering life will gradually wear away the original power of the plane in its body.

There are many other restrictions.

But the biggest limitation is that there are only a few civilizations that have mastered this technology of capturing time and space landmarks.

Only the wizarding world, as a top civilization, can develop such incredible time and space landmark capturing technology.

In modern times, many alien planes that have been invaded and conquered by wizard civilizations are native fourth-level and above creatures in those planes. They inadvertently exposed their life information or the power of their original laws, and thus suffered great misfortune.

Although Thain and Yuri are only in the realm of ordinary third-level creatures, their master and servant team up are enough to be worthy of a demigod.

Since they are castrated versions of alien gods, Thain and Yuri will definitely be able to help in this battle.

Therefore, they were also divided into this battle sequence.

"Spider Queen, do you think that Hercules will appear?" Thain couldn't help but ask while arranging some special magic circles on the periphery of Fekmos Canyon for the Spider Queen to point out.

The spider queen seems to be 70% sure of attracting Hercules to show up.


Today is still the fourth update, Xiaodou will continue to work hard tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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