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Chapter 102 Simple Experiment

It was the bandit leader who controlled the fighting spirit.

In fact, from the appearance point of view, he is no different from the other bandits at all, he just looks stronger.

But when faced with the attack of Thane's fireball technique, he was the first to react, and at a speed that exceeded the limit of ordinary people, he avoided the trajectory of Thain's fireball technique.

As a senior apprentice, Thane is not like formal magicians in that he can directly cover an area with his mental power.

But of course, Thain could see the changes that happened at such a close distance.

In this bandit leader, Thane felt a trace of power similar to those of the surface knights during the battle to destroy the city of Mensobra.

Of course, the gap between the two is like clouds and mud.

The bandit leader in front of him is estimated to have a fighting ability comparable to that of an entry-level apprentice.

Originally, I just wanted to drive them away, but I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain.

Thain has also been curious about the power of fighting spirit possessed by the surface knights for a long time.

It's just that there are no specimens and related books and information, so this time it was delivered to my door.

Under the threat of Thain's fireball technique, the remaining bandits had already fled in panic.

Only the bandit leader was blocked by Thain's fire wall technique.

Although the scorching flames were not completely close, they burned the bandit leader's hair and eyebrows quite a bit.

Suddenly, he looked even more sloppy and miserable than Thane.

After the fire wall spell dissipated, and looking at this middle-aged man who had lost his fighting spirit and had a panic expression on his face, Thane suddenly remembered several weak underground creatures that he had dissected in his class at the Academy of Black Magic.

"What's your name and where are you from?"

"And where did you learn the power of fighting spirit?" Thain asked in a cold tone.

At this time, Thain was actually as gentle as possible, but the dark magic apprentice temperament that penetrated his bones made this strong middle-aged man tremble.

Facing Thain's inquiry, the man stuttered and answered everything he knew.

It's just that it may be because of a low level of education, or it may be that he is frightened and his words are confused.

Thain had difficulty listening, so much so that his expression could not help but turn cold again.

This made the bandit leader even more pale.

...The underground world follows the law of the jungle, and the situation on the surface is not much different.

The only difference from the underground is that knights and magicians with extraordinary powers are strictly prohibited here from killing ordinary people at every turn.

It is also not allowed to conduct inhumane research on the native creatures of the wizarding world.

However, these robbers and scum among ordinary humans are not within the protection scope of the Holy Tower and the Knights' Hall.

Even every year, the Holy Tower Academy or related magicians and knights organizations will let potential magic apprentices or knight attendants within them perform some tasks to eliminate demonic beasts and bandits that cause trouble.

From the mouth of the bandit leader named Leaf, Thane learned that the opponent's fighting spirit was learned from the guards of Seville City.

Lief used to be a member of Sevier's escort, but he was caught stealing items from the city lord's palace.

Then he escaped from Seville City and formed a bandit with a group of villains.

Regarding the beginning of learning Dou Qi, Lief mentioned that he was the guard captain at that time, and left some Dou Qi seeds in his body, and also taught him a set of breathing techniques.

Lifu didn't know what the fighting spirit seeds were, but he remembered the breathing method very clearly.

This is also the reason why Leaf can grow so strong and become the leader of a group of bandits.

The rough breathing technique he received from Leaf reminded Thane of the breathing technique he had mastered in his childhood memories.

It's just that compared to Thain's breathing method, the breathing method taught by the Sevier City Guards is obviously rougher and simpler.

However, the empty breathing method is not enough. It must be supplemented by the seeds of Dou Qi. After a long period of warming and cultivation, only Dou Qi can be truly condensed and used.

Although Lief has fighting spirit in his body, he is obviously far behind.

Only when the fighting spirit is released can one truly be called a strong person.

By describing the situation of the Seville City Guards described by Leaf, Thane judged that the strength of the knight who had just mastered the outward display of fighting spirit should match that of a low-level apprentice who mastered offensive magic.

As for the guard captain in Sevier City, his strength should match that of an intermediate apprentice.

I just don’t know if there are any stronger knights in Sevier City.

"Select children of ten to twelve years old and give them fighting spirit seeds?"

"It seems that the reason why the family I belonged to didn't pass on the fighting spirit seeds to me was because they only taught me the breathing method. It should be because I was under my age."

"So, why was I kidnapped by human traffickers and even sold to the Underdark?"

"With the sophistication of that breathing technique, the strength of the Grant family should exceed that of Sevier City." Thain couldn't help but ponder.

Grant, Thain's surname.

It was also the judgment of this information that cast a shadow over Thain's heart.

Looking up at the bandit leader Lief, Thain was in a bad mood at this time, so much so that the look in his eyes made people feel cold.

The bandit leader Leaf was squatting like a quail at the root of a tree beside the road.

Taking a deep breath, Thane waved to Leaf and said, "Come here, you will do an experiment with me."

"Don't worry, it won't hurt very much."

It was also while Thain was talking that a simple open-air test bed appeared in the dense forest.

Leaf didn't know how the strange, white, one-person-long experimental table appeared.

Looking at Thane's penetrating eyes, Lief wanted to run away.

But a huge owl, half as tall as a man, appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"Gugu, this guy doesn't seem to want to cooperate with you in your experiment. Let me help you." Owl Qi flapped its wings, and a slender chain of wind appeared everywhere on the body of the bandit leader Leaf.

This is an elemental chain that even an intermediate apprentice can easily confine, facing the sudden appearance of an owl and Thane, who is approaching with a silver scalpel.

Lief couldn't help but let out a scream.

However, the screams were quickly silenced.

Only a large number of birds of various colors flew out from the treetops in the forest, indicating that something seemed to be happening in this not-so-dense forest.

"Huh, the body structure is no different from ordinary humans."

"There was a trace of strange energy in his abdomen, but the moment I cut open his abdomen, the energy quickly dissipated. Is that Dou Qi?"

After finishing a simple partial anatomy experiment, Thain used the water balloon technique to clean his hands and experimental equipment while speaking in a normal tone.

The bandit leader Leaf was not dead, and Thain even used underground blue moss to anesthetize him a little.

The only difference from half a day ago was that there were several more stitched wounds on Leaf's body.

Including his fighting spirit, it seemed that he had left him forever.

This chapter has been completed!
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