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Chapter 1,184 Storytelling (Additional update)

"Junior sister, are you sure that the instructor notified us to gather three months ago?" In the hall on the top floor of the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire, the belatedly arrived fifth-level magician Gargaru couldn't help but turned sideways and asked his junior sister Penas.

At this time, more than three months have passed since Thane and others arrived at the Holy Tower of Green Fire.

But the strange thing is that the sixth-level magician Cuilis, who is the leader of this division conference, has not shown up for more than three months.

Not only Cuilis, but Lu Lianman, the junior sister of Jiagaru and others, also did not appear here.

More than two months ago, Penas asked Lu Lianman where they were now and when they would show up.

Lu Lianman's answer was "Soon."

But two months have passed, and there is no sign of Lu Lianman and others, leaving Jiagaru a little confused.

"Hey~ It seems like three months ago?"

"Is it possible that we remembered the wrong year and the instructor asked us to come next year?" Penas, who wore many metal rings and had many strange tattoos on her skin, rolled her eyes and said.

A fourth- or fifth-level magician can remember the wrong time?

The conversation between Gargaru and Penas was more like excusing their mentor.

You can't blame Trilis for forgetting her group of disciples. It's really the questions that Thain has raised in the past few months that are too tricky.

There were some things that even Trilis had to think about for a long time before she could give him an accurate reply.

The process of teaching disciples does not mean that one party takes without limit and the other party gives without limit.

In fact, in the process of teaching her disciples, Cuilisi will also have new insights and experimental inspirations.

Lu Lianman lamented that her disciples were difficult to teach, but she didn't know that she had given Cuilis such a headache back then.

As a sixth-level fire magician, he taught a fourth-level plant magician.

This achievement of Cuilis not only demonstrates her solid foundation in the field of elemental knowledge, but also contains the hard work she put in teaching Lu Lianman.

But it has to be said that the appearance of Lu Lianman has made Cuilis's path of truth more complete.

It was in the process of teaching Lu Lianman that Cuilisi's secret of the Law of Fire was later derived from the secret of the Law of Poison.

Lu Lianman also has mastery of the poison law.

Therefore, don't think that plant magicians will lack combat effectiveness.

With Thane constantly asking for advice and Lu Lianman assisting her, Cuilis gradually fell into an immersive state of truth exploration.

Even the place where they communicated was changed. Cuilis just snapped her fingers and brought Thain and the two of them to her private laboratory.

It has to be said that the luxury of a sixth-level magician's laboratory far exceeds the imagination of lower creatures.

Thain originally thought that his mentor Lu Lianman's laboratory was luxurious enough, but he didn't expect that his master Cuilis's laboratory would be a level higher than this.

In the laboratory of Master Cuilisi, there are seventeen biological specimens of level four and above.

Some of these biological specimens are even live specimens.

Just throw one away and it will sell for a sky-high price in the Wizards League.

What Thain gained in Faerûn is nothing compared to his master.

Also after seeing how wealthy his master was, Thain expressed great respect for his mentor Lu Lianman's deeds of going to the Land of Greenland and building a holy tower with bare hands.

And one can imagine that if Lu Lianman stayed with Cuilis, her initial start of the holy tower would not be so difficult.

Let alone owe a large amount of magic currency loan like now.

But Lu Lianman’s spirit is something that Thain should learn from.

Only when the young eagle learns to fly can it truly grow up.

As Thane gradually became clearer about the construction of his true form of law, he also had a rough plan in his mind for the construction of his future holy tower.

In the hall on the top floor of the Holy Tower, Gargaru and Penas were chatting with each other. At this time, many magicians in the hall were mainly focused on the flaming sword Elide.

The Flame Sword Elide is the disciple of Andres, the fifth disciple of Trilis, and Thain is considered his equal.

In the top hall of the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire, there are several third-level magicians of the same generation as Andres.

Compared to Gargaru and Penas, their status in the sect is higher, and they became famous very early.

The Flame Sword Elide is more like the "peer" of the magicians present, and he is also the "idol" of most members of the contemporary Jade Fire Master Sect!

Promote to the fourth level, build a holy tower, and dominate the war in one dimension.

This is such an unattainable word, but this senior fellow student has actually done it.

Currently, there are only two semi-god-level magicians in the entire Jade Burning Fire Master Sect that are expected to reach the fourth level. They are from the sect of the fallen master uncle, and the sect of the third master Bogagaru.

The former is too old, and the latter has too little background.

At this stage, the probability of success for both of them in reaching Level 4 is low.

I don’t know who the next fourth-level magician from the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect will be in the future.

"The future is in your hands."

"I believe that one day you will be able to achieve what I have achieved today, and you may even do better than me." The Flame Sword Elide smiled at the junior brothers and sisters in front of him.

It has to be said that the Flame Sword Elide has an extremely handsome face. Compared with the rough appearance of his master Bogagaru, this young fourth-level magician is more in line with the aesthetics of the wizarding world.

After he said these words, countless junior sisters from the Jade Fire Master sect secretly expressed their love for him, with little stars in their eyes.

There are even several little guys with fists in their hands, determined to reach the same height as their senior brothers in the future.

When Thane appeared in the hall, the Flame Sword Elide was telling his junior brothers and sisters about his experience in the plane war not long ago.

The battle with level four creatures is undoubtedly the most attractive to these little guys who are generally only level one or level two.

It can be seen from the fact that Elide has the title "Flaming Sword" that he is not a traditional queen-type mage.

In fact, the Jade Fire Master Sect taught by Trilis only has a few magicians with normal fighting styles.

Thain's mentor Lu Lianman is relatively normal, but most of the members of the sect have successfully inherited the body-refining lineage pioneered by their master.

After Thain appeared, Cuillis and Lulianman also arrived quickly.

Cuillis also became more and more immersed as he talked. If it weren't for Thain's formless mask, he could hardly suppress him and he had already passively stepped into the law-transformed body. Cuillis didn't even realize that three months had passed.


I have to say that this senior brother of Thain really has some talent for telling stories.

In other words, it could be said that it was not long after Elide was promoted to the fourth level and he was the youngest genius in the current generation of his sect, so he had a bit of a desire to express himself.

When talking about his battle with level four creatures, there was obviously some exaggeration.

Thane fought more than one level four creature in Faerûn.

He knows very well that ordinary energy strikes and elemental mysteries are not very effective when fighting against life forms at this level.

Only the qualitative change energy involving laws can break the defense of life forms of this level.

Therefore, Thain couldn't help but laugh out loud when hearing some of the exaggerated parts.

This chapter has been completed!
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