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Chapter 1,202 Blank Check

"What do you want from me again?!" At first, the Spider Queen asked impatiently.

But before Thain could answer, the Spider Queen sensed something and instantly condensed a golden light in front of Thain, and then the Spider Queen's divine clone appeared in front of Thain.

Being able to gather clones so easily is because you are in the wizarding world, and there is a temple around you.

If it were another alien plane, even if the Spider Queen used the silver spider ring to gather the divine power, it would still be a very expensive task.

After appearing in front of Thane again, the Spider Queen grabbed Thain's hand.

After closing her eyes for a few seconds, the Spider Queen asked in surprise, "Have you been promoted to level four?"

The Spider Queen was able to discover that Thain had been promoted to level four. Of course, it was not because she had seen through the mask of the Formless Mask, but because the silver spider ring on Thain's hand was at work.

The Silver Spider Ring is not an ordinary wearable ring, it is more like a living little spider lying on Thain's finger.

And during the initial sacrifice, the sharp spider beak bit Thain and obtained part of Thain's blood.

Through the real-time communication and memory functions of the Silver Spider Ring, the Spider Queen can even roughly know what Thane has been through over the years.

As for the scene in the secret territory of Knight Continent, the Spider Queen was naturally unable to detect it. A special power cut off the connection between the Silver Spider Ring and the Spider Queen at that time.

Including Thain's experience of entering the Formless Secret Realm, there are also gaps in the memory of the Silver Spider Ring.

The fact that Thain was promoted to the fourth level has already shocked the Spider Queen. What makes her even more weird is that at this time, she is standing in front of Thain, but she can't sense the aura that Thain should have as a fourth-level creature.

The Spider Queen is such a smart and strong person, of course she discovered the clues about the mask that Thane wore at a glance.

The spider queen, who had always been unscrupulous, was not polite and grabbed Thain's mask directly, wanting to take it off and have a look.

The Spider Queen suffered the same treatment as Lu Lianman for her reckless approach.

A special purple electric light instantly hit the Spider Queen's hand.

Since Thane has been promoted to level four, more functions of the Phaseless Mask are open to him, and the power of the electric light at this time is even greater than the last time!

The Spider Queen's snow-white magical arm was instantly scorched black by the beating.

Today, it cannot be said the same as back then. Thain is no longer the little character who can be manipulated by the Spider Queen.

Unless the Spider Queen's true form arrives, a divine clone alone will be unable to defeat Thain, who is wearing the formless mask.

After all, no matter how powerful the Spider Queen's divine clone is, it is just an ordinary fourth-level combat power.

Even if the Mask of No Form is taken off, the Spider Queen cannot do anything to Thain from such a distance.

Seeing the Spider Queen deflated, Thane said innocently, "I didn't do this on my own initiative. This mask automatically protected the owner."

As a mid-level world-class secret treasure, the Formless Mask's internal energy is not endless.

The purple lightning that severely damaged one of the Spider Queen's arms just now consumed a lot of the energy of the Maskless Mask.

During normal battles, the powerful magic released by Thane through the Formless Mask mostly uses his own magic power.

It is worth mentioning that during the battle, in most cases, the Maskless Mask only guides and amplifies the magic released by Thane, and does not consume much of its own energy.

Moreover, the energy of these masks can be absorbed through external crystal stones, or they can be replenished by absorbing the power of elements in the surrounding environment.

It has been so long since Thane obtained the Formless Mask, but he has yet to make a special trip to replenish its energy.

Just the self-restoring function of the mask is enough.

This is also related to the fact that Thain has not experienced an arduous war of attrition.

The reason why the Spider Queen's reckless actions caused a violent backlash from the Phaseless Mask was also related to the fact that the Mask judged that the Spider Queen was a powerful sixth-level creature.

Being electrocuted by the Phaseless Mask with all its strength, the Spider Queen's clone looked quite traumatized.

However, the Spider Queen did not pay attention to the injuries on her arms. Instead, she folded her arms and sighed with interest, "You guy, it seems that you have experienced a lot of things after leaving the Black Realm!"

Of course Thane has experienced a lot, but he doesn't want to tell the Spider Queen about these things in detail.

For example, the Spider Queen has been staring at Thane's mask at this time, but Thain is not willing to take the initiative to introduce the situation of the Maskless Mask.

The Spider Queen and Dew Lianman were women of completely different natures in Thane's eyes.

Without being too polite to the Spider Queen, Thane directly mentioned his confusion in recent years.

"What are you doing in the Ebalut Empire?!"

"If you want to go to the Western Islands, won't you be closer to your little lover?" said the Spider Queen, licking her scarlet tongue.

Rather than saying that he is a little closer to Lina, it is better to say that he is a little closer to the Spider Queen.

And it is conceivable that if Thane builds a holy tower in the Western Islands, the Spider Queen will definitely come to visit.

"Or it would be good for you to go to the Daweil area. The faith I spread there has developed very well over the years."

"And it's adjacent to the Belem Empire, and to the south is the relatively free south coast. If you build a holy tower there, I can also help you." The Spider Queen continued.

The Spider Queen's words seemed much more sincere.

Of course, don't think of the Spider Queen as a good old person who helps others casually. She must be trying to get some rewards from Thain by helping him.

Speaking of which, the Spider Queen has been struggling in the wizarding world and wizarding alliance for so long, but she has yet to find a spokesperson among knights and magicians above level four.

Thain happens to be her confidant who has been trained by her since the third level, and she also knows all about Thain.

The better Thane develops, the higher his status will be, which will also be beneficial to the Spider Queen.

This can be considered a win-win situation.

As Thane advanced to level four, he finally reached a level that was relatively equal to that of the Spider Queen.

Thain did not make an immediate decision just because of the Spider Queen's inducement.

After calling out the Spider Queen, Thain just wanted to analyze the pros and cons. It would be up to Thain to make his own judgment on what to do.

Building a holy tower cannot be a reckless thing. If there is a slight mistake, Thain may regret it for the rest of his life.

There are some level 4 or above magicians who have traveled throughout the wizarding world and conducted hundreds or even thousands of years of inspection before finally deciding on the site for the holy tower.

Including Thain's mentor Lu Lianman, he also traveled to many places before deciding to establish a foundation in the Land of Green Source.

What kind of person Thain is, the Spider Queen has been getting along with him for these years, and she has a good understanding of it.

Faced with Thain's lack of energy and salt, the Spider Queen could only roll her eyes.

"By the way, didn't you say that you wanted to give me a demigod dark elf queen?"

"Can it be cashed out now?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

It's not that Thain is greedy for women, but he is very interested in dark elves, a variant of the elves, let alone a demigod-level elf queen.

Thain's research desire is boiling.

"After you build the Holy Tower, I will send it to you, and there will be more than one queen. I will directly send you a team of dark elf maids."

"Besides, if you behave well, such as lending me that mask, I will also give you a 'big gift'." Spider Queen Rose said with a sweet smile.

This is a typical empty promise, and Thane has learned this lesson from the Spider Queen more than once.

In response, Thane rolled his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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