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Chapter 1,212 Holy Tower of Ashes (Additional update)

It was obviously a vicious entrapment and the death of a Level 4 creature full of conspiracy theories.

But in the end, after several confrontations and discussions between Thane and the fourth-level centaur god, it was twisted into an "oversight" and "misunderstanding."

It's not that the world is too dark, it's just that reality is what it is.

Didn't Hephis actually die due to the indifference of his colleagues and the crazy counterattack of alien creatures? ??

It died in its own hands.

Because of his arrogance and lack of restraint in his sudden wealth, this guy's death was really not worthy of anyone's pity at all.

The centaur god who came to deal with the fall of Hepheus and the Mayan tribe's rights protection issue was named Hekam.

This is a male centaur god with pure white hair.

Whether it is its strength or temperament, it is more than a little stronger than the fallen Hepheus.

Thane is very optimistic about this centaur god.

Because the other party was keenly aware that Thain and Lu Lianman did not want to fully grasp the existing problems and doubts about the fall of Hepheus.

Because of this, the centaur god should also know what Thain and Lu Lianman want.

A complete rift would do no good to either party.

As for the regrouping of the Maya tribe and the ownership of the remnants of Hephes... these issues are of course the responsibility of those idiots who are not doing things cleanly.

Huckam had no idea of ​​sharing the burden for them.

Before the fourth-level centaur god left, he was suddenly stopped by Thain.

"My Holy Tower of Ashes is about to be established. When I launch a war of conquest, I will probably lack enough low-level foreign aid troops."

"I wonder if you are interested in participating in the war led by me?" Thain asked.

The fourth-level centaur god was stunned for a moment, then a clear smile appeared on his face and he replied, "Of course, this is my honor!"

After the fourth-level centaur god left, Thain said to Maya and Luna, "This centaur god is much more reliable than Hepheus."

"In the future, when you reorganize your tribe and purchase slave legions in the Centaur world, you can look for this Centaur God." Thain said.

"I have heard of the name of the God of Snow Treading a long time ago." Maya replied.

"Oh? Is its god's name 'Taxue'?" Thain said casually.

Things have to be done one by one.

After dealing with the Mayan tribe's problem, Level 4 Inspector Test also brought back the review reply from the Wizards Alliance to Thane.

It may be that the War of Civilization is approaching, or it may be that the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference is about to be held, and the entire Wizards Alliance is operating more efficiently than it was thousands of years ago.

The Wizards' Alliance approved Thane's application to build a holy tower in the Darvill area.

Also approved was a 12 million basic loan for Thane to build the Holy Tower of Ashes!

Twelve million magic coins!

What an astonishing figure this is!

With such a large amount of money in hand, Thain can boldly create his own holy tower in the Darville area.

And the Daweil area is an old name that has been passed down since ancient times.

In the new era, there must be a new atmosphere.

As the Holy Tower of Ashes is gradually established in this area, the name here will also be changed to "Land of Ashes" by Thane.

More than 60% of the Darville area is made up of black land rich in heavy metals. It is called the "Land of Ashes", which is worthy of its name.

While Test brought Thane tens of millions of magic currency loans, he also brought him the most professional holy tower construction team in the wizarding world.

After all, Thane is just a fire elemental master, who also studies the light element and a few other elemental mysteries.

His achievements in the earth element field are not great, and he has no experience in building holy towers.

Not to mention building a holy tower, even a magic tower... Thain has never built it himself. In every plane war, he just uses ready-made ones.

On the other hand, among the Jade Burning Fire Masters, Sylph, who is closer to Thane, is an excellent magic tower builder.

All Thain needs to do now is to inform the professional holy tower construction team of the Wizards Alliance about his need to build a holy tower.

This is how the loan of more than 10 million magic coins was spent.

From labor costs to the various resources and materials needed for the construction of the holy tower.

Especially when it comes to the communication and utilization of laws and plane nodes, many of them are highly sophisticated tasks that ordinary people simply cannot do.

Don't worry about Thain being tricked by others. At least in the construction of the Holy Tower, I haven't heard of any trouble in the history of the Wizarding World.

The professional team that came to build the Ashes Holy Tower totaled nearly a thousand people.

Among them are magicians, knights, and even a few demi-humans.

The person in charge of leading the team was a fifth-level magician wearing a gray robe.

This is a fifth-level earth element master who also practices some fire elements.

After the meeting, through Lu Lianman's guidance and reminder, Thain learned that this fifth-level great magician was also friends with Trilis, Thain's master.

This time, I came to the Davil area to help Thain build the Holy Tower of Ashes. Maybe Trilis' face was behind it.

Building a holy tower does not mean leaving all the burdens to professionals. After all, this holy tower will be used by Thain himself in the future, including the entire holy tower construction team, which will also be implemented based on Thain's opinions.


Thain only exchanged a few polite words with the fifth-level magician named Wenger, and then directly put forward his request for the construction of his Holy Tower of Ashes.

"The Holy Tower of Ashes is divided into upper and lower parts!"

"The upper part is the part built on the surface, which is used to develop and install the various buildings in the holy tower."

"The following is the part built underground. I need you, Master, to help me find a way to absorb the power of the fire laws, light laws and dark laws located at the bottom of the earth's veins!" Thain said to Wenger.

Wenger and his team went deep into the ground where Thain had just chosen to build the holy tower and took a general look.

It has to be said that this disciple of Cuilis is really quite knowledgeable, and he was able to find such a weird and rare primitive plane node.

What is an "original plane node"?

It is a naturally formed plane node that has never been disturbed by external forces.

The node where the Saen Master Cuilisi's Holy Tower of Jade Fire is located is a top-notch plane node with various conditions and environment.

But such a node only grows to that level after a long period of cultivation and guidance.

From the perspective of the discerning fifth-level Holy Tower builder Wenger, the Ashes Holy Tower plane node chosen by Thain can only be ranked in the low to mid-range in all aspects.

However, because of its good initial properties and promising future, this node is a plane node with great potential for development.

"Building the upper and lower parts of the foundation stone of the Holy Tower at the same time? That would cost a lot of material resources..."

"The twelve million magic coins you got from the Wizards Alliance loan may not be enough." The fifth-level magician Wenger touched the white beard on his chin and said to Thain.

"Money is not an issue!" Thain said with a wave of his hand.

When it is time to spend money, you must not save it. Thain still knows this truth.

It is estimated that Master Wenger also heard some comments about her disciple from Cuilis.

Wenger nodded clearly, and then said, "Instead of building the upper and lower parts of the holy tower, it is better to simply build the upper, middle and lower parts of the holy tower!"

"I see that in the place you chose, the Earth's Flame Law can be dug deeper."

"You happen to be a fire elemental master. It will be good for your future development to continue to expand!"

"It's just..." Master Wenger chuckled and said, "The magic coins you may have paid for this are more."

"There are still 10 more chapters to be added, and Xiaodou has seen the light of day that the remaining chapters will soon be paid off.

Also, the live broadcast of code words will start again today~ Just search for "Author I love Xiaodou""

This chapter has been completed!
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