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Chapter 1,239 The Peeping Eye of God

When Thane's forbidden curse of the Penetrating Eye penetrated the dimensional barrier of the White Sand World.

When the two subsequent fortress main gun beams also successfully hit the White Sand World.

This low-level plane, which had been peaceful and tranquil for tens of thousands of years, suddenly trembled violently.

This is the movement caused by the collision of the terrorist attack and the plane barrier. It can also be seen as the lamentation of the white sand world.

When the three beams of light all penetrated the barriers of this low-level plane, the ground of the white sand world trembled, countless mountain peaks slid, and sand dunes migrated. Even the small ocean in this world rippled with waves, like a place in the sky.

Just like facing a barrier.

It was also such a shocking blow that finally woke up Tourmaline who was sleeping in the space fortress.

Her body couldn't help but tremble, and the two ribbons around Bixi immediately wrapped her tightly.

When Tourmaline opened her eyes, she blinked several times, including looking at the stars outside the window for a long time.

Only then did she finally remember where she was and what she was here for.

After jumping off of Thain's big and soft bed, Bixi stretched out.

Next to Tourmaline's bed, there is a cup of concentrated energy juice placed thoughtfully.

Maybe because Bixi is still growing, she can eat very much, even dozens of times more than Lenna!

Fortunately, Tourmaline's food never requires Thain.

There are countless good things stored in her turtle shell and her private vault.

The cup of energy juice in front of me is made from a special orange-red vermilion fruit that Thain took out through tourmaline.

I've never seen this kind of Jugosain before, it doesn't look like a specialty of the Wizarding World.

The exaggerated energy contained in it left even Thain speechless.

Thain has been worried about his lack of money recently.

In fact, he has no shortage at all. If he opens his mouth to Bixi, he will definitely relieve most of his debt crisis.

Instead of setting your sights on the White Sand World like this time.

After drinking the concentrated energy juice in one gulp, Tourma's face turned red and she burped.

Glancing outside the window again, Bixi said in surprise, "Huh? Has the fight started yet?"

"I hope I'm not late!" Bixi called out, hurriedly wrapped the blue ribbon and ran out.

When Tourmaline just ran out of the space fortress, Thain had already fought several times with the fourth-level creatures in the White Sand World.

The terrifying forbidden curse beams and the fortress's main cannon used absolute violence to shred the self-confidence of the natives of the White Sand World.

The intensive firepower of the fortress, the concentrated attack of the magician phalanx, and the rapid impact of the knights and slave biological legions will even more impact the indigenous creatures of the White Sand World that rush out of the plane.

When the dimensional barriers were shattered, the indigenous creatures of the White Sand World finally realized that these strangers were not something they could easily resist.

Under the urging of the guardians and the painful screams of the sand worms, all the indigenous creatures of the white sand world that had been defeated began to scramble to escape back to their mother plane.

After all, it was his own mother plane. After the dimensional barrier of the White Sand World was broken through, it still had a certain protective ability to resist the invasion of the Wizard World Legion. This bought time for the retreating natives of the White Sand World.

Including the White-winged Bird King, who had been fighting with the fourth-level knight Belecka before, he actually broke away from Belecka's entanglement, withstood the magic bombardment of Thain and Lu Lianman, and fled back to the White Sand World in embarrassment.

The vitality and defense of the fourth-level creature are really good, but it can even run away like this.

This shows that when Thain was in Faerûn before, he took advantage of the Saint's Catastrophe to kill many gods, which was a cunning act.

Of course, the White Winged Bird King's ability to successfully escape back to its mother plane is also related to its extremely pure use of the power of the wind law.

If another bloated sand worm was blocked outside and started to penetrate that far, Thain would not be able to let it escape even with his eyes closed.

The withdrawal of the Sand Worm Queen and the White-Winged Bird King left no effective resistance outside the White Sand World.

The countless debris and corpses floating in the surrounding void seemed to tell the story of the tragic scene that had just happened here.

Swearing a little angrily at the White-winged Bird King who only wanted to run away, Thane moved his eyes closer to the gap in the dimensional barrier of the White Sand World.

At this time, Thain still maintained his flame demon true body form. The huge demon true body made the gap in the barrier of the white sand world in front of him seem a bit small.

This is actually the planar will of the Baisha world to bridge its own gap as quickly as possible.

This low-level plane has to be said to be quite standard.

No matter whether they quickly mobilized the power of their own plane from the beginning, including later responding to the covering strikes of the two space fortresses, they finally found that the powerful enemy was unstoppable, and immediately conserved their strength and retreated to their home plane.

All are remarkable.

But unfortunately, the absolute strength gap will only make the process a little more troublesome, but the result will not change.

Thain's Formless Mask is indeed a world-class secret treasure. When he opened the true form of the law, the Formless Mask also expanded, extending into an elemental mask.

A lifelike eye of elements appeared directly above the dimensional barrier of the white sand world.

The pupils of this elemental eye are green, the whites of the eyes are a palpitating gray-white, and there is a ring of fierce fire burning around them.

This Elemental Eye is a true reflection of Thane's true power.

Billions of indigenous creatures in the white sand world looked at the eye that appeared in the sky with great horror and disbelief.

Although it contains the hot fire element, there is an icy coldness in those eyes.

This is a look down at the ants, this is a peek from the eye of God!

"Although the white-winged bird king ran away, it took an arrow from Bereka and withstood several powerful spells from you and me. It should not be a worry now." Lu Lianman flew to Thain and said.

Thain raised his head from the gap in the plane barrier, nodded to his mentor, and said, "Command the legions to move out, and try to break into this plane at once!"

Under the orders of Lu Lianman and others, the slave creatures who were still devouring the corpses in the starry sky in front of them began to rush again, regardless of their unsatisfied appetites.

The three gaps in the plane barrier are areas where these slave creature cannon fodders focus their efforts.

Some slave creatures with the ability to fly and higher life levels will of course take the lead and rush the fastest.

There are also some slaves with poor strength who can only fight in the starry sky environment for a short period of time. In this regard, the two space fortresses that have finished infusing the main gun beams have extended two colorful avenues of hard elements to help these cannon fodder legions on them.

Run and charge.

This is another feature of the Wizarding World Space Fortress.

When Tourmaline came to Thain, more than 100,000 cannon fodder troops had successfully broken into the White Sand World.

It seems that the defeat just now has a profound impact on the White Sand World, and they have not yet been able to gather an effective resistance force again.

"Need help? Thain." Bixi asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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