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Chapter 1,245 Agree

"The sand worms in this world are rich in energy. The mucus they secrete can be used as the raw material for many medicines?" Thain looked at the crystal ball in front of him and asked in surprise.

To analyze what resources a world contains and what wealth can be developed and utilized, there will be specialized talents in the wizard civilization army to do this.

There are tens of thousands of resources available for development and utilization in the White Sand World, but the two largest ones are the development of energy crystal veins and the value contained in these sand worms.

The mucus secreted by low-level sand worms may not necessarily be of high value.

But there are not enough sand worms to hold them down!

How many sand worms are there in the entire white sand world?

I'm afraid even the Queen of Sand Worm doesn't know the exact number, so it's calculated in billions.

These sand worms generally feed on sand and minerals. Through the "photosynthesis" of certain organs in the body and light, they can secrete a translucent sweet mucus in their tails.

The mucus of low-level sand worms only has the function of feeding the stomach. More than 80% of the creatures in the white sand world feed on it.

The orcs, centaurs and other cannon fodder brought by Thane munched on these foods during this period.

It is worth mentioning that sand worms themselves are not very tasty. There are many sand particles remaining in their bodies, and even the most omnivorous Minotaurs do not like to eat them.

But the mucus they secrete...is really fragrant.

After drying, these mucus will turn into a product similar to hard candy, which is convenient for storage. Many slave creatures have hidden a lot of it.

Some half-bears from the orc world said excitedly that the mucus was as delicious as propolis candy.

This is true for low-level sandworms, so the mucus secreted by high-level sandworms is naturally more valuable.

The most powerful sand worm captured by the expeditionary legion so far has reached the level of semi-god power.

It was the sand worm that stayed behind just after breaking through the plane barrier.

After being severely wounded by Thane with a casual blow, he was quickly captured by the Wizarding World Legion.

After testing, the value of the mucus secreted by this demigod-level sand worm is greater than the value of the materials obtained after its skin and bones were removed.

More importantly, this stuff is a renewable resource.

As long as you continue to feed it, it will continue to produce these highly medicinal mucus.

Moreover, according to experimental observations by some magicians at the Combat Command, if the eating habits of sand worms are changed and they are fed with specific ores, the characteristics of the mucus they secrete will also be subtly changed.

Not only that, changing the light time and light intensity can also artificially induce the adjustment of the mucus secreted by sand worms.

This is also a science, and some curious magicians have already begun to study it.

Looking at a series of data reports sent by the combat headquarters, Thain couldn't help but sigh, "In fact, if the world joins the Wizards Alliance, in the long run, the benefits will indeed be maximized."

The rich mineral resources in Baisha World can be regarded as a sustainably developed resource if gentle mining methods are adopted.

As long as the plane origin of this world is not harmed, the resources that have been developed can be replenished through the power of plane rules and ecological reproduction.

Including the value of these sand worms, they are also sustainable wealth.

But unfortunately, Thain doesn't have that much time.

This is also a pity for the Baisha world.

I don’t know if it’s Thain’s crow’s mouth that works, or it’s the luck of the white sand world.

After taking a tour of the frontline battlefield, Thain returned to the main base of the fortress. As soon as he took off his mask and sat on the stool in the laboratory to warm up, his mentor Lu Lianman came to him and brought him

Here comes the "bad news".

It can’t be said to be bad news, it can only be said to be beyond Thain’s expectations.

"The Wizards Alliance has approved Baisha World's application to join the alliance."

"The alliance seems to care about this world."

"Specialists will arrive at Baisha World soon to discuss the matter of Baisha World joining the Wizards Alliance." Lu Lianman shrugged and said.

"What about our war profits? How to deal with them?" Thain rolled his eyes and couldn't help but ask.

"Under normal circumstances, the Wizards Alliance should give us some compensation."

"After all, the Alliance also knows that we want to plunder the wealth of this world, and accepting the White Sand World to join the Wizards Alliance will greatly affect our war profits." Lu Lianman put her finger into her lip, bit it lightly, and thought.

This was Lu Lianman's first time encountering this kind of thing. She had only heard of similar situations but had never experienced them before.

"Where's Knight Belecka, what did she say?" Thain asked.

This plane war concerns the interests of three level four experts in the wizarding world.

Even if it is the Wizards Alliance, it cannot forcibly affect the vested interests of the fourth-level knights and magicians.

"Bereka said she would accept the order from the Wizards Alliance. Don't worry, the Alliance will definitely not let you suffer." Lu Lianman couldn't help but chuckled when she saw Thain's depressed look.

"Well, I hope you won't disappoint us." Thain sighed.

The special envoys sent by the Wizards Alliance arrived in the White Sand World faster than expected.

Recently, due to the possibility of accepting "peace talks", the advancement rate of the Wizarding World's frontline legions has dropped significantly.

The indigenous creatures of the White Sand World were also happy to breathe a sigh of relief and did not make any counterattacks.

This time, the person who came to the White Sand World to negotiate and win over this low-level plane to join the Wizards Alliance turned out to be an acquaintance of Thane - the fourth-level knight Mane.

Before Knight Mane arrived, he seemed not to have expected that Thain was here.

Although he knew that among the holy towers participating in the conquest of the White Sand World this time, there was a Holy Tower of Ashes, he did not expect that this was the Holy Tower built by Thane.

"I really didn't expect it to be you. Although I guessed that your growth rate would be very fast, I didn't expect that you would already have built the Holy Tower in just such a short time!" Knight Mane sighed.

"Everyone is growing up, right?"

"Knight Mane, you have become a lot stronger over the years." Thain said with a smile.

Through the data analysis of Wuxiang Mask, Thain learned that the Mane knight in front of him had reached the peak level of level four and was about to enter level five.

I don't know if the other party has a special skill or if he has some special props on him, but the aura shown by the knight on horseback is not revealing.

Shaking his head, Mane didn't say much to Thain in this regard. He directly mentioned the main affairs of his visit to the White Sand World.

In fact, Cavalier Manet's visit to the White Sand World was sent by his grandfather behind him.

What the White Sand World represents is not just a low-level plane.

It probably represents a breakthrough for this medium-sized star field!

While Thane focused on the gains and losses in one aspect of the White Sand World, the group of people in the wizarding world who stood at a higher level saw the gains and losses in one or even several star fields around them.

"Don't worry, with our relationship, you won't suffer any loss." Before the negotiation, Knight Mane patted Thain and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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