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Chapter 1,356 The Captured Knight

The Dodge family is mainly engaged in the transportation industry. Although they also deal with the federal military, they do not do much.

After all, it is not a well-established military-industrial enterprise. The Dodge family's business is actually more "civilian", which may be why it only ranks 97th in the federation.

Thain's suggestion made Jeremy raise his eyebrows. Although it was beyond his expectation, Jeremy did not directly refute it, but asked Thain why he wanted to get involved in military industry development.

"My father told me that within a few hundred years or a few thousand years, there will be big changes around our civilization."

"This is a catastrophe, or it may be an opportunity. It depends on whether we can seize it." Thain said to Jerami.

"Are you talking about... wizard civilization?" Jeremy asked with a frown.

"Not bad!" Thain nodded.

The tense relationship between the Gallente Federation and the wizarding civilization is no secret within the entire federation, and even some well-informed ordinary people know it.

However, the current overall social atmosphere at the bottom of the Federation does not pay much attention to this matter. .??.

This may have something to do with the guidance of public opinion from the top of the federation, or it may be just the way this civilized society is.

Ordinary people feel that they are far away from the war.

More than 90% of the human race in the Federation do not know that war is imminent.

Not only the Gallente Federation, but also the wizarding civilization.

Those who truly know that a civilized war is about to begin are those knights and magicians of level four or above.

As for the first and second level creatures, these things are really not what they should worry about.

When the time comes, just obey the orders, go where you need to go, and charge when you need to charge.

There is no need to think too much, and the underlying creatures are not allowed to think too much.

Jeremy must know more than ordinary people due to family factors.

Moreover, Jeremy is also a young man who is good at thinking and has a lively mind.

The average life span of ordinary federal people is between 500 and 800 years, but people like Jeramy can definitely live for more than 3,000 years.

In such a long career, Jeremy definitely wants to do something great.

As far as Jeremy knows, it should only have happened in the last thousand years or so that his Dodge family took the initiative to befriend the Icarus Zaibatsu.

Not only that, in the past few hundred years, the Dodge family has indeed reached closer cooperation with those famous federal military-industrial companies.

The family did not say much to young people like Jeremy, but it did not prevent Jeremy from making self-judgment and analysis.

Thain's words really touched Jeremy's heart.

Since Thain was now in control of the conversation, Jeremy couldn't help but ask, "Do you have any specific ideas?"

"Originally, they didn't exist, but over the years they gradually appeared. That's them." Thain pointed at the angel-shaped robot Linda behind him and said.

The field of robot manufacturing now involves all aspects of federal social life.

Part of the reason why the fertility rate of the Gallente Federation is not high is that the bottom creatures of the Federation even have their own robot spouses.

Highly intelligent, these robot spouses are just like real ones.

Of course, these so-called robot spouses are very different from the Decepticons and other intelligent robots that Thane needs to negotiate with.

The former still stays in the established program settings and is a "dead thing" or "tool".

The latter can already be called real "life".

For example, Linda, the angel-shaped robot behind Thain, is just an intelligent tool. Thain will act a little impatient in front of Jerami, but he is not serious enough to do anything to a robot.

In Thain's eyes, this so-called robot is no different from an undead skeleton. They are both artificial products.

Only the appearance of the other party can arouse Thain's interest, because the other party was designed and developed with reference to the angel race.

"Robot production will indeed play a huge role in war, but have you decided which type of robots to invest in?"

"Household robots are easy to solve, and we can directly cooperate with many factories on the market."

"But if it needs to meet what you mentioned..." Jeremy said.

Thain responded: "Of course it must be a military-type robot! And the production scale and grade cannot be too low."

"You don't need to worry about sales. Even if it's difficult to sell in the Gallente Federation, I still have enough channels in the Shi'ak Empire."

"The problem now is that it is difficult for me to contact the manufacturers and manufacturing factories of military-type robots, but I have also collected a lot of information during this time."

"That's all, I think we can take a closer look!" Thain excitedly threw Jeremy a star map, which had many annotations made by Thain.

Thain's excitement at this time and the star map he took out showed that he was not aimless, but had indeed done a lot of preliminary work.

Jeremy also took the star map thrown by Thain at this time and took a good look at it.

Thain's star map marked more than a hundred military manufacturers that needed to be inspected, which even Jerami was a little stunned.

Some of them are relatively peripheral and are accessible to Jeremy due to his personal connections.

But there are some higher-level people that even Jeremy can't touch.

With the total assets of him and Thain, it would be pretty good to get some peripheral orders for military robots.

Although they haven't completely made up their mind to follow Thain's plan, Jeremy thinks that they can try it first. Anyway, it is still in the investigation stage and it is not the time to put all the money on it.

"Inspect these military manufacturing plants? I'll go back and do some research."

"Tsk, there are actually more than a dozen mechanical planets." Jeremy sighed as he held Thain's star map.

"What's a mechanical planet? Who knows, in the future, you and I will also be able to have a mechanical planet that belongs to us and be used to produce our 'products'." Thain said seductively.

After listening to Thain's introduction, Jeremy couldn't help but fall into some kind of fantasy about the future.

It's just that he didn't realize that among the many inspection locations marked by Thane on the star map, there was a star field very close to the federal military control zone including the planet Cybertron.

Thain had just roped in and tried to use Jeremy's connections to get closer to the final goal of his lurking mission.

Far away in another federal heavy prison in a more distant star field, a strong fourth-level knight was tied to a white high platform in the deepest part of the prison.

The fourth-level knight appeared lying flat on the high platform, surrounded by dense metal locks, completely locking his power.

The knight frowned and seemed to be in a coma. Several sharp syringes appeared directly above him.

"The wizarding civilization is really going too far. This is the third level four creature we have caught sneaking into our federation in the past hundred years!"

"Do we really want to start the 'Doomsday Plan' in advance?" A voice appeared in this heavy-duty prison.

Considering that two Orobas-class Titan fleets with Dominator-level combat capabilities appeared in the star field cruising around this heavy interstellar prison, it is enough to show that those who appeared in this interstellar prison at this time are definitely on the side of federal power.

The person or people at the top.

"The first two captured fourth-level magicians are already dead. We must learn from this fourth-level knight what the purpose of the wizard civilization sending him is."

"Besides him, are there any other creatures above Level 4 that have infiltrated and lurked in our federal territory?" Another voice then sounded.

"We in the Gallente Federation have arrested a lot of low-level infiltrators over the years, and I believe that the wizarding civilization has also arrested a lot of agents that we have infiltrated."

"Only creatures of level four or above have greater value."

"Wizard civilization has declared war on us at the just-concluded Wizards Alliance Conference. I think it is not impossible to launch the 'Doomsday Plan' in advance." Another voice sounded.

"But this requires a vote, and at least half of the people must agree."

"Okay, let's not argue about these things for now. Send this fourth-level knight to the Apollo Solar Experiment Base and hand it over to the scientific researchers there for decryption."

"Don't get any useful information this time like the previous two times." The last voice said.

This chapter has been completed!
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