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Chapter 1,366 Uninvited (Additional update)

The planet Cybertron.

This is a mechanical planet that is entirely blue.

The reason why the entire planet is blue when viewed from the starry sky is not because Cybertron has special terrain such as oceans, but simply because Cybertron is decorated with a large number of light blue lighthouses inside and outside, and has specialized machinery factories.

, in a state of endless operation all year round.

This is an artificial planet full of metal and mechanical textures, and the atmosphere of Cybertron is not suitable for ordinary flesh-and-blood creatures to survive in it.

However, this is the hometown of intelligent robots such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

Almost all robots that have awakened from their own intelligence have some special feelings for this mechanical planet.

After reaching a contract and cooperation with the Decepticons and others, Thane, whose relationship has further deepened, learned from the other party that although the planet Cybertron and its surrounding areas have produced hundreds of millions of ordinary robot legions, what are they truly like the Decepticons?

Like Tianhu and others, the total number of robots that have awakened to their own intelligence does not exceed one million.

A population of one million... is probably more than the number of individuals in these intelligent robots in a micro-plane.

And as of now, the Decepticons and other intelligent robots are not very clear about how these robots awakened to their own intelligence.

Although I subconsciously feel that it is inextricably linked to the bhr678 space station.

But the Decepticons and others also found no direct evidence.

Including Michael Bay, the chief scientist of the space station who is regarded as a "father" by the Decepticons and others, it is estimated that he has not fully understood the reason.

The reason why the Decepticons and others were suppressed from awakening to their own wisdom was partly because of the idea of ​​protecting them, and partly because the federal scientist probably wanted to make every effort to overcome the scientific barriers.

Once the mystery is completely solved, Michael Bay will surely become a top scientist in the scientific community of the Gallente Federation, comparable to Samirato, Iroh, Sipnas and others.

Standing at the pinnacle of academic circles.

Scientists also have desires and the so-called vanity fair.

Samirato is the founder of the modern "Matrix Particle Cannon Theory" of the Federation. His academic achievements directly contributed to the overall increase in the main gun power of all medium-sized and above Gallente Federation ships by 271.

Don’t underestimate this 271. This is an increase in main gun power that is applicable to almost all types of ships. To achieve this achievement in the Gallente Federation, it is often necessary to make breakthroughs in the field of basic science.

The transformation of basic fields is often more difficult than that of cutting-edge subjects!

In fact, Samirato has indeed become a leading figure in the scientific community of the contemporary Gallente Federation because of his theoretical research. Many Dominator-class ships and stellar fortresses are cast with his design concepts.

In the Gallente Federation, Samirato is a national treasure.

Ilo's reputation is a little lower than Samirato's, and he became famous later. He is a federal scientist who has only become famous in the past ten thousand years.

Yiluo's main research results are in the field of mecha manufacturing.

Especially after absorbing the technology of the Rose Dynasty civilization, because he was still unable to apply the mecha technology of the Rose Dynasty civilization to himself, it was Yiluo who first proposed the "brain domain interconnection theory" and evolved this theory into practical technology.

Adding another powerful combat unit and military industry system to the Gallente Federation.

Previously, the data obtained by the Gallente Federation's quantum computer showed that the highest victory rate against the wizard civilization was 48.

At that time, Iroh's mecha technology matured, and large-scale armies began to be deployed, and the Dominator-class mechas were produced.

The reputation of the scientist Sipnus in the Gallente Federation is not as high as the first two, but he has been quite famous in recent years.

Especially after he accepted the invitation to join the Icarus chaebol and became the chief scientist of the chaebol, he gained a lot of achievements with his academic achievements such as "Nano Biological Reproduction Technology", "Angel Blueprint Cloning Technology", "Humanoid Combat Weapon Theory" and so on.

His reputation and income far exceed those of Michael Bay who was struggling on the planet Cybertron.

What adds to the sense of fate and irony is that Samirato, Ilo, Sippnas, and Michael were once classmates.

They all served as assistants in Pavlov's laboratory and participated in the decryption of materials and experimental notes left by the "god-level scientist" Pavlov.

Pavlov was able to be revered as a "god-level scientist" in a scientific and technological civilization like the Gallente Federation. As the founder of the Gallente Federation's scientific and technological strength, Pavlov has been deified.

Even Samirato, who currently has the highest academic achievement, is still a long way from the height that Pavlov reached back then.

Four former classmates are currently involved in completely different fields!

But after hundreds or thousands of years, they will meet again.

Michael Bay, who has always been low-key and gives people a sense of stability, faced all the brilliant achievements of his former classmates and had the idea in his heart that he was not inferior to others.

The technological secrets discovered in the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron are an opportunity for Michael to prove himself.

Cybertron, a mechanical planet with extremely prosperous development, gave Thane a great shock and novel experience.

Although the Decepticons stated that there are less than one million intelligent robots born from their own intelligence, but because of their innate independent initiative, these intelligent robots that are born with wisdom and self-judgment have the ability to control other ordinary robots more conveniently.


For example, it is not uncommon on the planet Cybertron for low-level intelligent robots to control higher-level robots.

Therefore, the overall strength of the planet Cybertron cannot be measured by common sense.

At least the world of Ghost Crow that Thane once visited should be far inferior to the planet Cybertron.

The personal strength of the Decepticons alone is much greater than that of the Ghost Crow King, who has a bullying personality and fears the strong.

After arriving on the planet Cybertron, led by the Decepticons, Thane met one advanced intelligent robot after another.

To be recommended by the Decepticons, the strength of these high-powered intelligent robots is above level four!

After the meeting, Thain certainly did not forget to use the light of law in his hands to unlock the deep code shackles of these intelligent robots.

An interesting detail is that the Decepticons secretly took Thane to the planet Cybertron. In addition to avoiding the Federation's monitoring heads here, they also avoided some intelligent robot groups headed by Optimus Prime.

For those low-level intelligent robots below Level 4, there is no need for the Decepticons to take Thain to meet one by one. After arriving at the core control room of the planet Cybertron deep in the center of the earth, the low-level intelligent robots

You will naturally usher in your own "freedom".

During this process, Thain came into contact with a total of 71 level 4 or above intelligent robots. This also gave Thain a rough assessment of the overall strength of the planet Cybertron.

This is only the forces surrounding the Decepticon group. If Optimus Prime is included, the overall strength of the planet Cybertron is even more eye-catching.

However, when they were about to reach the core control room deep in the earth, a group of uninvited guests still appeared in front of Thane and others.

As the leader of another group of intelligent robots on this mechanical planet, the level-6 robot Optimus Prime comes uninvited!

It also brought terrible news to Thane and the Decepticons.

"Why is there a federal fleet approaching our planet Cybertron? Decepticon, what exactly have you done?!" Optimus Prime asked angrily in front of the core control room.

"Thank you all for your monthly votes, 500 votes~Thank you, Xiaodou!"

This chapter has been completed!
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