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Chapter 14 Spiritual Power and Magic Power

Mental strength: 29.7



Elemental Affinity: Fire, Light, Dark...

Several shimmers of different colors emerged from the surface of the crystal ball, and at the same time, a brief message appeared in Thain's mind.

This isn't the first time Thain has used the academy's public crystal ball, so Thain knows where his focus is.

"The mental power has increased by 3.7, the magic power has increased by 2.6, and even the physical fitness has increased by 1.2?" Thain thought to himself.

More than half a month ago, before setting off for the territory of the saltwater giant crocodile, Thain came to the library to test his mental strength and magic power.

The data at that time were: mental strength 26, magic power 25.5, and physical fitness 7.6.

For Thain, a low-level apprentice, this data is really good. No wonder he dares to take huge risks to find trouble with the saltwater giant crocodile.

The minimum standard for intermediate apprentices in the Magic Academy is a mental power of 30. Now Thain's mental power is stuck at 29.7, which means that he is only one step away from being an intermediate apprentice.

As for the magic attribute, it is often linked to the spiritual power value of magicians, and is a basic energy stored in the magician's body.

For example, when Thane releases magic, he uses his mental power to mobilize the magic in his body, thereby releasing a magic completely.

Based on Thain's knowledge and observations at the Black Magic Academy in the Underdark over the years, he found that those high-ranking formal black magicians did not seem to attach much importance to the value of magic power, but instead cared more about spiritual power.

The promotion of magic apprentices at various levels generally depends directly on the spiritual power value.

Of course, that's not to say that magic isn't important.

At least with Thane's current knowledge and vision, he believes that magic and spiritual power are equally important.

For example, if Thane releases an ordinary secondary fireball, the mental power and magic power consumed by him are both 10.

But if he wants to release an enhanced version of the secondary fireball, the one he used to kill the giant saltwater crocodile before, he will need 10 points of mental power and 15 points of magic power.

More magic expenditure indicates that the final burst of the same magic will be more powerful.

Of course, the two secondary fireball techniques are also slightly different.

The former is standard knowledge that Thain exchanged from the public library by spending college points.

The latter is the result of Thain's own slight research and improvement through studying the knowledge related to the fire element and getting tips while assisting Lina in the experiment.

The study of magic cannot be completed overnight.

Thain's secondary fireball technique cannot be called a brand-new magic at all.

From the perspective of other formal magicians, Thain's achievement is just a slight change in the spell construction model, so that the secondary fireball spell can carry more magic power, so it is more powerful, and it is an inferior magic weapon.


But even with this lowly gadget, Thain spent at least nearly three years working on it, which also made him successfully become the best among the low-level apprentices.

As for the last physical fitness item in the crystal ball test results, it is something that most people will not pay attention to.

According to the magicians who taught basic knowledge of elements in public classes, a constitution of 5 to 7 points is the average constitution of a mature human man.

Thain is 16 years old this year and has not yet reached adulthood, but his physical fitness has already reached 8.8, which is higher than the average. This may be related to the shallow breathing method he has mastered since childhood.

10 points of physique is an important critical point that distinguishes them from ordinary humans. The physiques of the tauren with astonishing physiques in Mensobra City generally exceed 10 points, which is enough to compete with low-level monsters.

The scarred-faced Jock who had been killed by Thane was actually a muscular guy who excelled in close combat.

Thain guessed that his physique might have exceeded 15 points, or even 20 points.

Coupled with the ability to enchant with fire elements, it is no wonder that Lina has always been secretly regarded as a competitor.

Unfortunately, brute force is vulnerable to magic.

Thane's strong acid cane easily melted Jock's tough muscles into bloody mud.

For the same reason, you can also refer to the tauren warriors responsible for defense outside the city of Mensobra.

Those tauren warriors generally have great physiques and strength, but are they still trembling under the light of magic?

Including the tauren captain that Thain saw, who could compete with high-level monsters, I'm afraid it might not be able to withstand the corrosive acid of a strong acid cane.

After all, brute force is the way to go, and wisdom is the way to go.

"Sister Fei'er once said that danger and desperate situations can indeed stimulate the growth of mental power, and after the mental power increases, the magic power will naturally increase."

"It took me nearly ten years to slowly increase my mental power from 11 points to 26 points."

"This time, in less than a month, my mental strength has obviously improved by 3 points. In addition to the teachings of my mentor and Senior Sister Fei'er, those few battles should also be the key." Thain mused.

No wonder the famous apprentices of the Black Magic Academy all have a strong and impressive record.

Thane's evil reputation was built on the corpses of Irk and Scarface Jock, which may be visible to ordinary mid-level and low-level apprentices.

But for those senior apprentices who stand at the top of the real pyramid of the Black Magic Academy, it is nothing.

Many of the best among these senior apprentices have impressive records of killing high-level monsters with their own hands.

Of course, after entering the advanced apprenticeship field, they are completely separated from the ordinary intermediate and lower apprentices in the magic academy.

Not only are apprentices of this level rarely seen in public classes, but even in daily life, they are invisible.

It really reminds me of the current situation of Lina, senior sister Faile and senior brother Zorro.

It is not difficult for Thain to guess that those senior apprentices are either busy with experimental research, or they may go out to perform some dangerous academy trials.

Most of the knowledge taught in the public classes of the Black Magic Academy is basic knowledge that is not popular, and naturally will not attract the attention of these advanced and above apprentices.

In particular, almost every high-level apprentice has his or her own official magician mentor. If you are interested in any aspect of knowledge, you can just go to their mentor directly. There is no need to attend public classes to lose your status.

Nowadays, entry-level apprentices and low-level apprentices play the main role in the public classes of the Black Magic Academy.

The number of intermediate apprentices only accounts for about 20%.

The reason why this happens is that, on the one hand, the number of intermediate apprentices is smaller than that of entry-level apprentices and low-level apprentices.

On the other hand, the vast majority of intermediate apprentices no longer need to learn knowledge in public classes, because they have already learned most of the basic knowledge.

Raise your mental power as quickly as possible, obtain new spell models by earning college points, or complete certain tasks issued by official magicians in order to get the other party to accept you as a disciple. This is the daily routine of most intermediate apprentices.


If Thane had not been accepted as a disciple by Master Mosido, this might have been his daily life for the rest of his life.

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