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Chapter 1511: Guardian War in the Underworld (Additional update)

The war in the underworld star field was very chaotic.

At the beginning, the orc god Campas was on the frontal battlefield, following the wizard world army to attack the Gallente Federation Army.

But later on, the orc army came to the hinterland of the underworld star field inexplicably, and successfully joined forces with the blood river commander Nevin Erink...

Originally, the orc god Campas didn't want to go deep into this.

But once it's here, it's a bit difficult for it to leave.

There are mixed fleets from the Gallente Federation in all directions.

In fact, as the war progresses, the Gallente Federation Legion is even more chaotic!

However, the Federation Legion relied on the super computer processing power of their ships and mechas, as well as the highest-level command system followed by the military, to barely maintain fleet formations in various local battlefields.

It is not an easy task to completely crush and annihilate the civilized army of witches and wizards.

Even the Gallente Federation Legion has organized dozens of medium-sized or larger counterattacks in the past few hundred years.

Large-scale battles were also held several times.

Not only were the two federal master-level war fleets removed from the fleet, but also from the wizard civilization. I heard that there were also master-level creatures that were forced to leave the battlefield early due to serious injuries.

"This time the Gallente Federation Army seems to be fighting a last-ditch battle. I hope we can hold on." The orc god Campas looked at the three light spots gradually lighting up outside the sky and said in a deep voice.

The three points of light outside the underworld represent the three master-level combat powers of the Gallente Federation Legion.

Most of the Gallente Federation's dominant-level combat power represents imaginary numbers.

An entire fleet group, countless ships, drones, robots, self-propelled artillery, etc., gathered together, are equivalent to a master.

However, as a dominant creature in the star realm, Campas and others can still accurately analyze the individual that poses the greatest threat to them in the Gallente Federation fleet group.

For example, the densely packed federal fleet group in the starry sky in front of them included more than a dozen large ships, two giant fortresses, and a dark yellow mecha. It made the orc god Campas feel a chill on his forehead.

In response to Campas's slander and complaints, Blood River Commander Nevinrink just glanced at him and didn't even think of talking to him.

In terms of personal strength, the orc god Campas is not inferior to Nevinrinc.

When it comes to treasures, the two are almost the same.

Nerwin's Inkerzhen

I wonder why the orc god, who is always known for his bravery and strength in the Wizards' Alliance, is a bit "cowardly" in real situations?

Sure enough, the rumors were not credible.

Whatever you do, you still have to see it to believe it.

Ignoring Campas's words, the Blood River Commander gradually ascended to the highest point in the sky of the underworld.

Here, Nevinleink can be seen by almost all underworld creatures on this battlefield.

"Defend our homeland and protect the underworld!" Nevinerink just waved the underworld halberd in his hand, which caused the entire underworld army to boil.

Below, countless underworld creatures roared hysterically.

One after another, the ferocious winged beasts of the underworld also flapped their wings and flew in the sky of the underworld.

The Gallente Federation was obviously unable to withstand the continuous clearing of the wizarding Ming armies, so it could only forcefully invade the underworld and rely on its solid position in the underworld.

The thicker the surface, the more likely it will last longer.

Of course, the Gallente Federation's attack on the underworld regardless of the cost may also be to vent their anger and express their dissatisfaction with the betrayal of the underworld.

Up to now, the total number of dead and injured creatures in the underworld has reached 70% of the total number of creatures before the war of top civilizations began.

Blood flowed everywhere, and corpses were everywhere.

Including the underworld star domain, a large number of rule-complete planes and resource demi-planes were shattered.

The number of meteorite belts in the starry sky has increased a lot, but the predecessors of those meteorite belts are all plane worlds...

Creatures in the underworld are generally violent and cruel.

In the Wizarding Alliance, creatures from the underworld are recognized, second only to devils, and the evil creatures of the two races are more terrifying and difficult to deal with than the undead.

Now facing the Gallente Federation's retaliatory onslaught, these underworld creatures can still maintain extremely high fighting spirit and their spiritual beliefs have not collapsed. It is really exaggerated.

It seems that these underworld creatures are really not afraid of death?!

When a large number of creatures in the underworld were boiling, three rivers of the original laws of the plane were flowing directly below Nevinrink, all rushing toward his location.

These three lawful rivers correspond to those in the underworld: the river of blood, the river of bones, and the river of souls.

Among them, Blood River is obviously the most compatible with Nerwin Rink, and at the same time Nerwin Rink is also a rare top master who masters the law of blood.

Under the command of Spider Queen Rose, there is a fallen race that believes in her - the blood elves. The main power they control is also the power of blood.

Kael'thas, the king of the blood elves, also masters the rare law of blood.

But compared to Nevinrink, Kael'thas and him are undoubtedly as far apart as a firefly and a bright moon.

"Rumble!" The two rivers of law, the River of Bones and the River of Souls, rushed towards Nevinerink, instantly infusing him with extremely powerful source power to support him.

This is the help given to Nevinrink by the will of the underworld plane.

Several years ago, Newinrink was known as the "Beloved Son of the God of Hades", and until now, he is also the existence that the will of the underworld attaches most importance to.

The more majestic power of the blood river was not poured into Nevinerink's body. Instead, after leaping to the sky and touching the barrier of the underworld, it instantly dispersed in all directions.

The entire sky in the underworld seemed to be rendered in a layer of red.

The strengthening of this layer of blood river power not only makes the barrier of the underworld thicker.

Including the hundreds of millions of creatures in the underworld, there are faint bloodshot eyes appearing in the pupils at this time, and their fighting power is a bit stronger than usual.

"Tsk, although there is only one master in the underworld now, after all, many masters have been born in history, and there are also eight-level masters born."

"The strength of the original will of this plane is much stronger than that of our orc world." The orc god Campas said in wonder.

"Huh, Suweit!" As the blood river commander snorted coldly, a bloody long sword appeared in front of him.

This bloody long sword is not the weapon of the Blood River Commander. His weapon is the Underworld Blue Halberd.

The reason why I was able to accept the call of the Commander of the Blood River and come here across the limitations of space at this time is because of a mirror fragment on the chest of the Commander of the Blood River!

"It is indeed a fragment of a civilization treasure. When did he collect it? Do the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization know about it?" Campas, the god of orcs, thought with jealousy in his eyes.

This skill of Blood River Commander Nevinrink is called "Famous Sword Summoning".

Its function is to summon an epic sword that has signed a contract, cross the limitations of space, and briefly appear in the starry sky for Nevinrink to use.

This long sword named "Suweite" is obviously a world-class secret treasure level weapon!

It won't appear here for a long time, but it can only be used by the Blood River Commander a few times, which is exaggerated enough! ------------------

PS: Today’s last chapter should be around twelve o’clock QAQ~

This chapter has been completed!
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