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Chapter 1591 Gadar (additional update)

Thain is now in the central area.

Because in a civilized battlefield, you don’t just start with level 4 or above creatures rushing in and having a “ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, rang,” fight.

Moreover, there are many powerful warriors on both sides of the battlefield in this star field. On the Wizarding Civilization side alone, there are close to 30 warriors at level 4 and above.

There are also many Sea Planet legions on the opposite side. If Thain rushes forward alone, his effect will be very limited.

Moreover, more importantly, Thain is relatively life-saving. In this level of melee, even if Thain has a world-class secret treasure in hand, it will not be easy to use.

By accident, he was surrounded by several level 5 strong men from the enemy, and Thain had to shed his skin.

It didn't take long for Thain to be promoted to level five.

He has always won by relying on equipment and numbers.

There are some knights in the wizarding world who like to break through themselves and find enemies of the same level or slightly stronger than themselves to fight in single combat. In the desperate situation of life and death, they can understand the secret of fighting.


Sorry, Thain has absolutely no interest in doing this!

With that time, Thain is in the laboratory, wouldn't it be good to do two more experiments?

Besides, magicians don't need to push their limits in war.

It is true that the war environment will also stimulate the potential of magicians to break through and advance, but compared to combat, knowledge is the most important factor that affects whether magicians are strong or not.

"Karazo, Lord of the Dead, you two move closer to the Sea Legion. There are powerful life forms flying there." In the Ashes Fortress, Thain said to the two fifth-level creatures on the front line.

The Ember Fortress's ability to detect surrounding battlefields and the auxiliary blessing provided by the Maskless Mask allow Thane to capture first-hand anomalies on the battlefield more easily and intuitively.

After notifying the two fifth-level creatures, Thane got in touch with the giant mermaid Shirahoshi.

There are two turquoise crystal gemstones hanging from Bai Xing's earrings. This is a treasure of good quality and also has communication capabilities.

Faced with Thain's reminder, Bai Xing, who had been in a calm and calm state, did not show anything strange.

She didn't even make any moves to prepare for battle, she just looked into the depths of the starry battlefield in front of her with a pair of calm eyes.

The overall situation on the starry sky battlefield in front of us is extremely beneficial to the wizard civilization.

The Sea Legion performed very well, and other Wizards Alliance legions that followed also performed well.

Presented well.

Judging only from the fighting status of the underlying legions, the wizard civilization has made a good start.

The demigod-level Huyan warrior Gadar is the second son of the fourth-level peak Huyan strongman Bisuo.

As a descendant of the Huyan clan who is second only to the most powerful Huyan king, Gadar does not receive the preferential treatment that a son of a god from another plane would receive.

From the beginning of Gadar's record, the Huya clan has been wandering in the star realm.

Some elders in the tribe mentioned the glorious historical achievements of the Huyan civilization.

But those histories, to Gadar, are just stories.

As the "Son of God", Gadar has been placed high expectations by the elders of his clan since his childhood.

This is because the descendants of creatures above level four generally possess extremely strong innate strength and ability to comprehend laws.

From a young age, Gadar has held a steel sword in his hand and received training in a simple Huyan warship.

The Huyan strongman Bisuo seemed to have never given any preferential treatment to his descendants. Gadar was trained with ordinary Huyan warriors at that time.

From boyhood, to youth, and now to middle age.

Gadar, who is over 4,000 years old, can no longer be called a "young man" among the Huya people.

The low-quality steel sword of his youth was now replaced by a lightsaber that shimmered with dazzling energy and the power of obscure laws.

This lightsaber was one of the few gifts given to him by Gadar's father, and it contained a trace of the divine power of a fourth-level creature.

Gadar didn't know much about the choices made by the elders of the clan. He had always been a dull character who only followed orders.

From the time he rebelled on the planet Feramo to later joining the Wizards Alliance, Gadar has always shouldered the responsibility of a dedicated Huyan warrior.

Occasionally, Gadar would hear from his father about the high-level decisions and arrangements of the Huya people.

But Gadar only listened and rarely expressed any opinions.

In fact, Gadar's character is very similar to his father.

It was Picasso's behavioral concepts that influenced Gadar's life.

In the early years, there were some remarks among the Huya people about division.

It seems that other Huya tribes were dissatisfied with the wrong decisions of the royal family, which caused them to lose their mother plane and even the entire civilization fell apart.

During that period, Picasso, who was the strongest, received the most support.

Many small Huya tribes chose to attach themselves to Bisuo, because the development situation of the Bisuo tribe was indeed relatively good.

At that time, Picasso also publicly questioned and even contradicted the Huyan King in person.

He also made some radical and excessive remarks in public, leading many people to believe that Bisso was the one most likely to lead people away from the Huya clan.

But only the king of the Huya people and a few of the oldest elders in the tribe knew that Bisuo was actually the most loyal.

He would openly question the wrong decisions of the King of the Huyans, because he felt that it was wrong. In order for the Huyans to develop better, he would give public advice.

But Bisuo will never split the Huya people, because only the Huya people who gather together can regain their former glory.

When the King of the Huyans was in the Black Tide Plane, he accepted Thain's instigation to rebel and decided to join the Wizards Alliance.

There is no extra channel to promptly notify Bisuo who is on the battlefield on the planet Feramo, because that may lead to exposure.

However, when the final change came, Bisso made a decisive decision to support the King of Huya.

His decisiveness at that time is still incomprehensible to some powerful Huya people.

The King of the Huyans knew Bisso relatively well, but he had not discussed these matters with Bisso in person.

The two seem to have maintained this tacit understanding.

Gadar also understood his father, so during the battlefield on the planet Feramo, Gadar smashed two giant mechas with level three combat power behind his back, and destroyed countless other federal combat units.

It was also that life-and-death battle that allowed Gadar to successfully become a demigod after the war.

At this time, he was in a starry battlefield in a strange plane. Gadar was holding a lightsaber and his eyes were fixed on a giant metal shark spinning and flying directly in front of him.

This giant metal shark passed through the front of the Sea Legion's front from the flank, and its general flight direction was towards Gadar.

The surface of the metallic body is covered with dense scratches and blocky gaps, which indicates that this metal shark has suffered a lot when it rushed here.

The calmness in his eyes was gradually replaced by determination, and Gadar rushed forward.------------------------

PS: Kavin, it’s still the fourth update today~

This chapter has been completed!
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