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Chapter 1612 Neutral Chamber of Commerce

Master Chakra can obtain such a huge increase in strength on the battlefield by relying on the elemental increase of the Holy Tower Legion, mainly because his Dark Wind Holy Tower has a total of more than 20,000 official magicians.

This elemental increase is directly linked to the number and quality of the Holy Tower magicians.

Although Thain's Ashes Holy Tower has developed rapidly in recent years, the casualties and consumption caused by frequent wars are not small, and cannot be compared with those old holy towers that have been established for tens of thousands of years.

The increase in elemental power provided by thousands of formal magicians did not obviously help Thane.

Because Thain is already a fifth-level magician, the total amount of elements is there.

The magic power he can inspire by pulling the lever alone is probably more than all the official and above-level magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes combined!

If Thane is still at the fourth level, the Holy Tower of Ash Legion, which is currently developing at a prosperous level, should be able to provide him with considerable blessings.

But for magicians with level five strength, perhaps only when the total number of combat magicians under their command exceeds 10,000 can there be a significant increase.

The Holy Tower of Ashes still has a long way to go in the future.

When the war started again, Thane was in the middle and rear of the overall wizard civilization army.

In the battles in recent years, Thane did not rush to the front line of the battlefield like in the past. Instead, he acted as a normal wizard and civilized magician, providing long-range support in the middle and rear of the battlefield.

The same applies to level 4 battles. The Knights of the Wizarding World and the alien gods of the Wizarding Alliance are in front. The level 4 spellcasters who have mastered more powerful elemental power and more weird magic methods are mostly fighting in a safe area.


This kind of fighting method cannot be said to be cowardly, it can only be said to be conducted in a way that is most suitable for the power system of wizard civilization.

In the past countless years, the wizarding civilization has conquered different worlds one after another.

Although there are many creatures above level 4 on the Planet of the Sea, it is far from enough to compete with the wizard civilization and wizard alliance for their foundation.

In recent years, Thain and others have applied for resources and legion combat power from the rear in a steady stream.

On the other hand, the Planet of the Sea, as a medium-sized world civilization, has been drained and exhausted in just over ten years.

Can they compete with wizard civilization for heritage?

Not to mention, actually fighting on the battlefield

At that time, the casualty ratio of the sea planet was far higher than that of the wizard civilization army with saturated magic power and large war platforms such as space fortresses.

Tens of thousands of densely packed magic towers stood on the front line of the battle between the two sides.

Some of these magic towers are located in various demiplanes and broken planes, and more often than not, they stand on many meteorites in the surrounding starry sky battlefield.

In order to build a relatively comprehensive protection network, a few years ago, Thane and other powerful wizards in the wizarding world dispatched nearly twenty space fortresses, destroying more than a dozen demi-planes and broken planes in the surrounding starry sky.

This resulted in a massive amount of starry sky meteorites.

The Gallente Federation is good at positional warfare, and the wizarding civilization is not bad either.

When these tens of thousands of magic towers stimulate the power of the elements and use themselves as nodes to build a magic light shield covering most of the sky battlefield, the resulting

The shocking and vast scenes are beyond the imagination of ordinary low-level plane creatures.

For example, Hippolyta, a fifth-level creature who had just joined the Wizards' Alliance, was amazed by the methods of wizard civilization and those war platforms with diameters of thousands or tens of thousands of meters.

Thain said with relief: "After joining the Wizards Alliance, in order to protect your safety, the wizard civilization will spontaneously build magic towers and other fortifications inside and outside your plane for free."

"As for the space fortress, the latest policy of the Wizards Alliance is to put pre-second-generation space fortresses with excellent performance on sale to the entire alliance."

"You have caught up with a good era."

"You know, before the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference, the most advanced space fortresses exported from our wizarding world had to be three generations old, and their numbers were still extremely rare." Thane said to Hippolyta.

Of course, Thane also had some things he didn't say to Hippolyta.

For example, the reason why the Wizarding Civilization does not sell the latest two-generation space fortress to members of the Wizarding Alliance is to ensure technological leadership.

Moreover, when alliance creatures order space fortresses from the Wizarding World, the overall price is three to five times the purchase price of local knights and magicians in the Wizarding World.

The subsequent maintenance and repair costs, as well as the cost of hiring magicians from the wizarding world to drive the space fortress, are also not low!

Some special models of space fortresses, Capechi and Steel City, even dare to sell for more than ten times.

The circulation of huge amounts of magic coins and the monopoly of resources are the core driving force for the continuous development and growth of wizard civilization.

Hippolyta has only been a member of the Wizards' Alliance for a relatively short time, and has not yet seen the darker and crueler side of the alliance's rules.

I have to say that the luck of the wonderful plane is really good, at least it has surpassed more than 80% of the alliance planes.

With the help of this battlefield resource and the legion's transfer plane, it has already reaped a lot of benefits for itself.

After the war, even if there is no financial subsidy from the Wizards Alliance, Hippolyta should have no problem spending money to buy a space fortress with better performance.

The battle that took place in the starry sky lasted for nearly a year and a half this time.

This time, in addition to the legions of the Planet of the Sea, there are also several legions of the Great World of Apocalypse and two Gallente Federation war fleets participating in the battle.

The Gallente Federation may also realize that the Planet of the Sea is becoming increasingly unable to withstand it, and they also have their own demands in this star field battlefield, otherwise

There is no need to continue to increase troops here.

The intervention of the Gallente Federation and the Apocalypse World Army made this intermittent battle in a local war zone not reveal obvious advantages and disadvantages.

Both sides have sacrificed the lives of millions of low-level cannon fodder, and some creatures above level four may have died, but it will not have a big impact on the overall course of the war.

According to the rules of the frontline war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization, when the level 4 or above creatures fighting between the two sides exceed three digits, and the war situation becomes increasingly uncontrollable and larger-scale, there will often be a Dominator-level existence.

Come down and intervene.

However, Thain and others did not wait for the arrival of the master-level combat power from both sides. Instead, they first waited for the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce who came to do business in this star field.

The Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce seems to be a neutral interstellar organization that does not seem to have a clear position.

It is incredible that they are not only engaged in the business of wizard civilization, but also dealing with the Gallente Federation.

But judging from the results, Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is relatively close to the wizard civilization.

Their personnel and fleet groups stayed around the wizard civilization's positions for a little longer, and only stayed at the Gallente Federation for a short period of time.

What surprised many creatures was that neither the Wizarding Civilization nor the Gallente Federation openly made things difficult for the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

The Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, which arrived in this star field battlefield, mainly sells to both warring parties rare treasures from distant alien star fields, as well as level four and above strong men for hire.

This chapter has been completed!
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