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Chapter 166 Lion Spider Beast

With the addition of two mercenary groups and soldiers from the Principality of Gigson, the total number of troops under Thain's command has exceeded 500.

This is the first time that Thain has led such a large team.

In addition to the knight attendants and ordinary young men, there are also two intermediate magic apprentices in the team. They are magicians serving in the army of the Duke of Gigson.

After the number of people and the size of the team increased sharply, the number and frequency of attacks on Thain and others also began to decrease significantly as they headed deeper into the underground mines.

Thain guessed that those underground creatures with unknown intentions should also know that small fights will have little impact on them.

Now it is very likely that people will start to gather together to prepare for the final battle with Thain and the others.

Thain was happy to see this situation, and he was eager to catch all these pesky Underdians in one go.

Perhaps because he had lived in the city of Mensobra for many years, Thane generally had no favorable impression of cunning and greedy demihuman creatures.

Although among the demihumans, there are also innocent people who are lonely, old and weak.

We advanced in the underground mines for about two and a half days.

A huge, square-like flat underground space appeared in front of Thain and others.

"This is definitely not an area dug by our Gigson Principality miners. It should be the work of these insidious demi-humans!"

"Damn it, there don't seem to be so many underground creatures in the Salt Burn Basin. Where did they come from?" Count Kru said in annoyance.

In front of everyone's sight, the corners of this open, flat underground space were filled with various biological debris and broken bones.

Some of these residues and bone fragments obviously come from underground monsters, but most of them come from ordinary underground creatures like demihumans.

The appearance of numerous remains and broken bones of biological corpses made everyone who entered this underground space shudder.

However, the three mercenary captains, including Thain and Red Scale, were relatively calm, and the elite soldiers of the Gigson Principality did not cause much commotion.

"Ouch!" A painful and angry howl of a monster came from the center of this underground space.

Thain and others gathered their minds and continued to advance towards the center.

During this period, the large-scale military magic equipment of the Gigson Principality was pushed to the forefront of the team.

Several magic-breaking crossbows and black artillery are the most important weapons against the mission target, the quasi-level monster.

When Thane and others arrived at the center of this empty underground space, what appeared in their field of vision was a strange monster that was half lion and half spider.

The upper body of this monster is a lion, but the lower body is replaced by a huge spider belly.

The overall body size is eight or nine meters, which is much larger than the saltwater giant crocodile that Thain came into contact with back then.

This strange-looking monster was obviously in a state of extreme pain.

At the connection between its lion body and spider belly, there is an obvious red blood line, exuding a faint fishy smell.

From time to time, some fishy blood gushed out from the waist and abdomen of the lion spider beast as it rolled and roared.

Several pairs of sharp and huge spider claws carved deep dents into the ground.

"What the hell is this?" the leader of the Red Scales couldn't help but curse.

The other two mercenary captains were also confused at this time.

They have been traveling around for many years and have seen basically all the large monsters in the surrounding kingdoms and principalities, but they have never seen such a special thing.

Even Thain was a little confused when he looked at the World of Warcraft in front of him. According to the basic World of Warcraft creature illustration he learned in the Holy Tower.

The half-lion, half-spider monster in front of us, just looking at its upper body, does indeed look like the black-maned demonic lion that commonly lives underground.

But what’s going on with the spider belly on its lower body?

Before the doubts of Thain and others were solved, a rapid and sharp whistle came from all directions.

"Crack!" A large number of black bats came from all directions in this empty cave.

These black bats are all demonized creatures or above. Although they are small in size, if they are not careful, they can suck a powerful knight attendant into a mummy in the blink of an eye.

These black bats should be magical beasts domesticated by the underground demi-humans, just like when Thain sold the green-jawed feather eggs to the demi-human tribe at a high price.

The appearance of the black bat caused the leader of the Red Scales and others to form a defensive formation in time while shouting and cursing.

Thain didn't pay attention to these low-level monsters. When a medium-sized detection magic was cast, hundreds of white light spots appeared in the surrounding darkness.

Each of these white light spots represents a demi-human creature hiding in the darkness.

A short and rapid chanting of spells sounded, and in just the blink of an eye, a dozen huge fireballs appeared next to Thain.

The appearance of the fire element obviously slowed down the charging black bats.

The leader of the Red Scales and several other senior knight attendants also hurriedly ordered his men to fire rockets or wave their spears to resist the attack.

In the chaotic exchange of darkness and flames, the short underground demi-humans lurked over from all directions.

Thain's fireball spell became the first wave of fireworks that sounded the death knell for these demi-humans.

Immediately afterwards, under Thain's prompting, the members of the mercenary group and the soldiers of the Gigson Principality also directed their attacks at these despicable demi-humans.

"Boom!" The sound of gunfire echoed in this underground space.

I saw that the two black artillery pieces had been loaded and successfully activated.

A large area of ​​demihuman creatures and black bats was cleared away, demonstrating the power of magic and elements, and also showing from the side who is the master of the wizarding world.

Compared to knights with fighting spirit and magicians who master various complicated methods.

The demihumans seem to have no special abilities except for their excellent fertility and adaptability to various harsh environments.

Raising monsters can be regarded as a special skill, but these black bats in front of me are really not enough.

Facing the large number of demihuman casualties, another burst of rapid whistles came.

In the chaos, Thain slowed down his spellcasting progress slightly, and used his excellent mental power and detection power to find the source of the whistle.

Finally, Thane found a demi-human holding a short cyan staff on the oblique stone block behind the lion spider beast.

This demihuman is obviously somewhat different from other demihumans.

The biggest difference is that Thane felt the fluctuation of a certain elemental power in it.

The scorching rays of intermediate light element magic gradually gathered in front of Thain.

In the darkness, a dazzling beam of light flashed across, and then the whistles in the underground space suddenly stopped.

One-third of the entire body was pierced by Thane's magic.

But what is shocking is that despite being so seriously injured, the demi-human is not dead yet.

Instead, it struggled and crawled towards the violent lion spider beast.

And was eventually swallowed by the lion spider beast.

This chapter has been completed!
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