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Chapter 1,710: Strong Support

Although the God of Corruption is not popular in the Wizards' Union, he also has his own backers and some connections.

And no matter what, this is a level six creature, and it is not considered weak wherever it goes.

Just the power of corrupting the plane itself is not a small force in the Wizards Alliance.

The process of Thain and others participating in the attack on the sixth-level apocalypse creature went smoothly.

Although this guy still has some residual strength left in him, but with the attack from the God of Corruption, Fumila and Thane, the sixth-level apocalypse creature cannot escape even if it wants to, and can only die slowly.

During this period, the powerful blow released by Thane's Phaseless Mask caused multiple injuries to the opponent.

For example, Thain used the single-target offensive forbidden spell Penetrating Eye magic released by Phaseless Mask, which poked multiple bloody holes in the opponent's body.

Fumila used her lightsaber to participate in the attack.

Even though Fumila only has one arm left now, the lightsaber in her hand still poses a considerable threat to her opponents.

Sometimes Fumila will also fire her shoulder cannon. This angel-shaped robot is full of weapons. It is worthy of being a "combat weapon" that Gallente Federation scientists have high expectations for.

It's a pity that she belongs to Thane now.

The honest God of Corruption did not act too actively when he participated in the attack on the sixth-level apocalypse creatures, but always played a supporting role.

Under the interference of the divine force field of the God of Corruption, Thain and Fumila's attacks can hit each other more easily.

Its unknown contribution gradually reduced the resistance and rejection of its aura and law characteristics that Thain originally had in his heart.

This is an alliance of alien gods worthy of deep friendship.

The premise is that you can adapt to the rotten and polluted smell it emits around you all the time, and you can also withstand the bad luck that the other party may bring to you...

As Thain and others' attack on the sixth-level apocalypse creatures intensifies, on the other side of the battlefield, if you observe carefully, you will find that the performance of Salem, the strongest person in the ancient desert wasteland, is no longer as sharp as it was at the beginning.

This being who was so aggressive before and wanted to eat alive the sixth-level Apocalypse creature has now been very low-key in the center of the ancient desert wasteland world army.

Around Salem, there are at least several fourth- and fifth-level creatures from the ancient desert wasteland world "escorting" him.

Just as Triris and the Federation's five-star general Macedonia judged, Salem had actually reached the end of his strength, and his condition was even worse than expected!

The injuries caused to Salem by Thain's super magic bomb were not serious.

But there are two factors that really caused Salem's condition to plummet and almost no longer have the ability to fight. One is the crazy fighting before, regardless of the cost, which caused Salem's injuries to an extremely exaggerated level; the other is the Gallente Federation.

When those control chips detached from Salem's body, they caused secondary damage to him.

Triris just mentioned that as long as Salem can survive this war and recover from his injuries, this guy will truly reach the peak of level six!

Beings of this level are also powerful individuals that attract special attention in the Wizards Alliance.

Because if they take one step further, they will become the masters!

The Alliance Overlord is definitely the one who stands at the top of all living beings. When dealing with the Overlord, the wizard civilization cannot be too arrogant.

When it comes to interactions of some interests, the wizard civilization will even discuss with these alliance masters.

In short, after reaching the realm of domination, one basically breaks away from the ranks of the exploited, and becomes the ruling and exploiting class together with the wizard civilization.

To put it bluntly, the Wizards Alliance is an organization established by wizard civilization to protect the interests of wizard civilization and to continuously harvest and divide the resources and wealth of the alliance plane.

But there are so many members of the Wizarding Alliance, and the planes and civilizations involved are counted in the hundreds of thousands. Naturally, there will be no shortage of wise men among the civilizations of these planes. Could it be that no one sees the "sinister intentions" behind the wizarding civilization?

Of course someone saw it!

Even more.

But unfortunately, the weak at the bottom of the alliance are not qualified to leave the Wizards Alliance.

The small group of strong men standing at the top of the pyramid were won over by the wizard civilization for their own benefit, and they jointly divided up the alliance's resources.

Those in the middle level of the alliance are also those alliance planes with the largest number.

They looked down at the miserable situation at the lowest level and took warning in their hearts, but when they looked up at the benefits enjoyed by those powerful planes, they couldn't help but pursue them with fascination.

Why does the wizarding civilization divide the members of the Wizarding Alliance into three, six or nine levels, and even more refined components? Naturally, the horse is allowed to eat grass, and the horse has to be given some sweetness.

All in all, the Wizarding Civilization has simply made a fool of themselves with their alliance rules.

Compared with the Gallente Federation's use of biochips and economic means to control vassal and slave planes, the wizarding civilization sometimes does not need to use soul contracts to control those alliance planes.

For Salem, the strongest man in the ancient desert wasteland, he doesn't need to do anything now. As long as he can survive, he has made money!

If you survive and join the Wizards Alliance, you will directly enter the upper-middle class of the alliance.

Is this a beautiful thing that many weak and alien creatures dare not even think about?

The sixth-level creature in the Apocalypse World who is being beaten by Thain and others is a real fool.

He was frightened by the way Salem wanted to eat him alive, but in fact Salem didn't have the ability to kill him completely.

He only saw the hideous and terrifying face of Salem chewing his own flesh and blood under the metal mask, but even though he was so close to Salem, he failed to notice that the arm under the armor of Salem's wasteland was actually trembling slightly.

Also, in that case, who the hell could notice such details.

Even Thain, who was wearing the Mask of No Form, was mainly staring at the shocking scene of Sailen tearing the flesh and blood of his opponent.

Except for opponents of the same weight as Triris and the five-star general Macedonia, it can be found that Salem should be strong.

Everyone else on the battlefield was shocked by the fierce momentum he unleashed.

This is a sixth-level peak existence with both roughness and fineness!

Still on the front line of the battlefield, he is walking a tightrope.

The world-class secret treasure, the Wasteland Armor, has actually reached its limit long ago.

Whether it was the impact caused by the internal explosion or the countless scratches on the outside, the durability of this world-class secret treasure was exhausted to the extreme.

A world-class secret treasure does not mean omnipotence, and the quality of the Wasteland Armor cannot be said to be very high. It is actually just a low-level world-class secret treasure.

At best, it can only be regarded as low-grade and high-grade.

In Salem's current state, it is impossible to say that a relatively powerful fifth-level creature could directly lift the powerful posture he was holding on to.

Salem was also aware of this, so he placed himself in the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion to avoid conflicts and battles as much as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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