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Chapter 1,732 Talent

The wizard civilization professional negotiation team said that they would seize the Black Yin civilization technology brought by the Gallente Federation, but during the actual contact process, they showed extreme restraint and abided by the rules.

A giant long table was placed at the negotiation location, with civilized participants from both sides sitting on both sides of the long table.

The Aiyoulandie civilization technology brought by Thane and others has been "carefully selected".

In short, these technologies will give people a very high-end and profound feeling at first glance.

But in fact, they are all pitfalls.

The Aiyoulandie civilization technology of the wizard civilization is all incomplete, and even two-thirds of the subsequent content is all wrong!

They are some false technologies specially developed by the magicians of the wizarding civilization after a period of deduction to fool the Gallente Federation.

But even with the science and technology used to fool the Gallente Federation, you can't do it too fake. ??.??.

For this reason, about one-third of this technical information is real, but it is not very important and is the basic technology of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Fake and real, real and fake, this is the way wizard civilization plays.

The reason why the top leaders of the wizarding civilization agreed to the technology exchange proposal put forward by the Gallente Federation was because they hoped that these wrong technologies and flawed research directions would distort the research ideas of Gallente Federation scientists.

By then, not to mention getting any new inspiration from the technology of Aiyoulandie civilization, I am afraid that even their own technological progress will be greatly affected.

The Gallente Federation should have more or less guessed the "evil intentions" of the wizard civilization.

However, prompted by various factors, they decided to trade with the wizard civilization.

Likewise, the wizarding civilization had better not have high expectations for the genetic warfare beast breeding technologies introduced by the Federation.

Just as the two sides are fighting in various war zones, there is also an invisible war going on in this bunker negotiation room.

Although Thain was the negotiator of the wizarding civilization personally appointed by Cuillis, and he was a magician who had a deep understanding of the technological legacy of the Aiyoulandie civilization, he kept an extremely low profile from beginning to end during the negotiation meeting.

Obviously, in the eyes of the senior management of both parties, they did not have high expectations for this technology exchange, but the members of both parties involved in the negotiations were back and forth during the negotiations.

It was as if what he had come up with was some amazing technique, while what the other party had come out with was just some junk.

It looked like I had suffered too much.

It makes people laugh.

Compared to the genetic warfare beast breeding technology, Thane in the negotiation room was more interested in Bond.

Thain is generally picky about people.

There are some strong wizards in the wizarding civilization. Thain has a good relationship with them on the surface, but in fact, he doesn't care about them.

There are also some strong wizards in the civilization who may be at a lower level of development, but they can receive additional attention from Thane.

The feeling given to Thane by the fifth-level federal agent Bond in front of him is very similar to his two friends in the wizarding world - Green and Angele.

Thain couldn't tell what they had in common, but Thain had a feeling that if a fifth-level creature like Bond was allowed to grow, he might bring more trouble to the wizarding world than other federal special gene warriors or military generals.


In addition to speaking out at the beginning and responding to the provocation of the powerful wizard civilization, Bond, like Thain, behaved extremely low-key during the subsequent negotiations.

The Wizarding Civilization does not yet know that Bond is the main force in exploring the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

Fumila did tell Thane that she and Bond had explored the ruins in the great world of Apocalypse, but Bond's exploration of the Black Yin Civilization's Dominator-class biological battleship happened after Fumila's rebellion.

Bond, who had always been relatively low-key and silent, seemed to have noticed Thain's attention on him.

Then he sneered back at Thane.

Thain couldn't help but sigh, "Interesting." He was wearing a formless mask. Since Bond could detect his secret peeping, it meant that this guy's sensing ability was sharper than expected.

"This is a civilization treasure-level technology mastered by the Ai Youlan Die civilization. Do you know what a civilization treasure is?!" In the negotiation room, the fifth-level magician Potsdam asked the federal personnel in front of him.

They are now negotiating a very critical part.

The information on civilization treasures is the most valuable information brought out by the wizarding civilization in this negotiation.

Concerning the treasure of the Aiyou Landie civilization, what the Wizarding World has provided specifically is a partial description of the "infinite energy device".

As for the two cultural treasures mastered by the Aiyoulandie civilization, the wizarding civilization believes that the Gallente Federation has also received some relevant descriptions, but it is definitely not as much as the wizarding world.

These technologies are incomplete and incomplete. What the wizard civilization has obtained is only a description of the functions of the two civilization treasures and some basic information.

As for the production principle and so on, I don't know anything about it.

Even the wizarding civilization has not received any useful information, what else can it give to the Gallente Federation?

The so-called civilization treasure information that the fifth-level magician Potsdam was arguing about at this time was actually just the simplest description of the "infinite energy device" by the wizard civilization.

If just by hearing the name, the Gallente Federation could create the treasure of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization, then there would be no need to fight this war.

It was obviously superficial information with little content, but the Potsdam magician seemed to regard it as a key element that could reverse the success or failure of a civilized war.

Not only is it required to obtain all the Black Yin civilization information held by the Gallente Federation, but the Federation legions are also required to immediately withdraw their troops from the ancient desert wasteland world, the sea planet, and the occupied Black Bat civilization star domain! Return the wizarding civilization territory!

In the words of the fifth-level magician Potsdam, these star fields occupied by the Gallente Federation are like the territory of wizard civilization and the sacred and inviolable inherent territory of the members of the Wizards Alliance.

When the fifth-level magician Potsdam spoke of these things righteously, Thain couldn't help but turn his head and glance at him.

There are so many talents in the wizarding civilization.

This Potsdam master is obviously an expert in the negotiation industry.

It is easier to understand that the Black Bat Civilization Star Domain is the territory of the Wizards Alliance, because the Black Bat Civilization has already joined the Wizards Alliance.

But it is a bit nonsense to call these two medium-sized star regions, the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet, the inherent territories of the Wizards Alliance.

Salem, the strongest man in the ancient desert world, and the most loyal and elite legions under his command were almost completely wiped out by the doomsday weapons of the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class ships more than two years ago.

There were not even a few scraps of Salem's bones left, and the world-class secret treasure, the Wasteland Armor, was also beaten into tatters.

Prior to this, the Ancient Desert Wasteland World had not signed a franchise contract with the Wizards Alliance.

How can we say that the ancient desert world star field is the inherent territory of the Wizards Alliance?

The Gallente Federation negotiating team also raised questions in due course.

As for the Planet of the Sea mentioned in the negotiations, the probably reason is that the wizarding civilization only recognizes Arthur as the King of the Planet of the Sea, and the current King of the Sea, Orm, is not legal.

The wizarding civilization not only wants to elect Arthur as the new King of the Sea, but also investigate Orm for killing his father and brother.

This chapter has been completed!
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