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Chapter 1,765 Neptune Ceremony (Additional update)

Hengshui World.

This is a water attribute plane where the main color tone is black.

The endless vast swamp is the most common picture in the world of Hengshui.

Since there is only a broken plane of fire light around, the Hengshui world feels dark, and the atmosphere of the plane is extremely cold.

Creatures that are accustomed to the climate of the wizarding world with four distinct seasons are obviously not adapted to the cold environment of the Hengshui world.

But for the vast majority of marine life, this is a breeding ground for their lives.

The world of Hengshui can be ranked among the top five in the Star Region of the Sea in terms of size and resource abundance.

It is also the last portal for Thane and others to reach the sea planet. .??.

The pitch-black curtain of the sea slowly opened in front of Thane and other wizards’ civilized army.

Facing the well-organized army of wizard civilization, the creatures in the Hengshui world did not show any resistance.

The previous King of the Sea, Orm, has escaped and even abandoned his home plane. Orm has become the laughing stock of many creatures in the surrounding star field.

The current nominal controller of the Sea Star Territory, and the successor to the throne of Sea King, is Arthur who stands in front of Thane and the army of wizard civilization.

Not to mention how much voice Arthur still has under the influence and control of wizard civilization, but his appearance is undoubtedly a dawn for countless marine creatures on the sea planet.

Before Orm left the Sea Star Territory, he harmed the creatures in the Sea Star Territory.

In addition to tacitly allowing the Gallente Federation fleet to use violent methods to mine the star core of the Star of the Sea, Orm also forcibly took away a large amount of resource wealth in the Star of the Sea.

Although a large part of this resource wealth has been recovered.

But these recovered resources and wealth belong to the wizard civilization army that collected them, and have nothing to do with the creatures of the sea planet.

And what these marine creatures, most of whom are kind-hearted in nature, don’t know yet is that there is a price for the wizard civilization to come all the way to “rescue” them.

For quite some time in the future, the output of the Sea Star Territory will be handed over to the Wizards Alliance.

In addition, Arthur once promised to Bai Xing and other wizards, the Hai Clan, half of the resource output for the next five thousand years.

What awaits the trillions of creatures in the Sea Star Region will be a period of darkness and depression for quite a long time.

Who made them stand in the wrong team in the first place?

Arthur is not easy to be the King of the Sea.

There is pressure from the wizarding civilization above, and there are the earnest expectations of the people at the bottom below. It is so uncomfortable for him to be caught in the middle.

And the situation between Arthur and the Planet of the Sea is definitely not unique in the Wizards' Union.

This is the case with the Black Bat civilization that has just joined the Wizarding Alliance, as well as too many alliance planes controlled by the Wizarding Civilization.

Do you think they have a way to reverse this situation?

Yes! Wizard civilization has given them the answer!

——Defeating the Gallente Federation and obtaining huge war wealth on the frontal battlefield is an important reason why most creatures from the alliance plane have their heads in their belts and are willing to fight with the wizard civilization.

The method of supporting war through war is not something that ordinary plane civilizations can do.

The Black Bat civilization cannot do this. More than two-thirds of their home star field has been destroyed, and their war potential has been greatly reduced.

One advantage of the Sea Star Territory is that although Orm left a mess for Arthur, it is an ironclad fact that this medium-sized star territory did not suffer too much from the disaster of war.

Although the creatures above level 4 have died a lot in recent years, some were killed by the wizard civilization, others were eliminated by the Gallente Federation, and a small number continued to follow Orm.

But the bottom-level military resources and war potential that this medium-sized star field can mobilize are several times that of the Black Bat civilization!

Marine organisms are inherently more numerous than terrestrial organisms.

Thain's advice to Arthur is to communicate more with Bruce, Karazor, Blue Star Creatures, Gal Gadot and others to make up for each other's shortcomings.

Didn’t Barry, the fourth-level creature from the Glitter World, have a good relationship with all of them? During the war, they also formed a deep friendship.

Find a way to bring down the electro-optical world!

Even if there is no way for the Electro-optical world to join the Wizards Alliance, with the help of Barry and others, it is still a good start to establish trade cooperation between the Electro-optical world and the world behind Arthur and others.

The world of lightning in Cuilisi's words is a large plane.

Being friendly with a lightning creature like Barry would do no harm to the wizarding civilization.

As for Arthur wanting to use Thain to obtain a reduction in the resources and wealth collected by the Wizards Alliance from their Sea Star Territory, Thain's reply to him was, don't even mention it!

Thane has no right to make this decision, and neither does his master Trillis.

The war between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation, to put it bluntly, is about the heritage of civilization.

What is "civilization heritage"? These are resources collected from many alliance planes such as the Sea Star Territory.

Without enough resources, how can the wizard civilization maintain its massive legions and endless space fortresses?

And from the perspective of a friend, Thain also advised Arthur not to mention the resource reversal to the wizarding world sea tribe.

"The Sea Tribe is not as easy to talk to as I am." Thane said to Arthur.

After passing through the world of Hengshui, the medium-sized planet of the sea will gradually be revealed in front of Thain and others.

According to the progress of Thain's command and the Sea Legion under White Star's command, they both arrived at the Planet of the Sea at almost the same time.

As for the remnants of Orm's army, Thane has no interest in pursuing them, and White Star seems to be making no big moves for the time being.

The Sea Star Territory itself has a certain border with the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group, so it is not easy to stop the other party.

Thain has no intention of joining the battle in the near future. He has been in the battle for too long and wants to stop and rest for a while.

Based on Thain's length of participation in the war and past achievements, he can definitely apply for a long vacation from the wizarding civilization.

Thain's recent main research direction is the Rubik's Cube and the secret of Ashes Fire.

Including Natalya's crystal coffin, Thain also took it back from the wizarding world. Just waiting to see the King of Ghost Crows again, he can try to awaken Natalya. Because of this, Thain has recently begun to deliberately dabble in some spiritual research.

After arriving at the Planet of the Sea, in addition to fully occupying this medium-sized plane and coordinating all aspects of resource data, a massive Neptune enthronement ceremony was also staged in the center of the Planet of the Sea.

Arthur originally wanted to keep a low profile, and he was not willing to squander the limited resources of the Planet of the Sea.

But this ceremony was still very grand because there were so many powerful wizards and civilizations present!

Just those active sea king species of level four and above have brought a lot of vitality to the sea planet.

Not to mention the powerful people from the wizarding world who are at level 4 and above from the sea clan, the alien gods from the alliance, and the powerful people from the wizarding world who gave Arthur face like Thane who came to watch the ceremony.

Thain came to cheer Arthur up during his busy schedule. Originally, he wanted to leave after delivering the gifts, but unexpectedly he was stopped by Tourmaline.

"Sain!" A voice of surprise came from high in the sky.

When Thain turned his head to look, he saw two behemoths, one large and one small, appearing at the end of Thain's field of vision.

Tourmaline, which was already extremely large in the eyes of lower creatures, was still that small at this time.

She lay on the big back.

That extremely huge giant dragon turtle should still be outside the sea planet. Its deep pressure even caused the dimensional barriers of the sea planet to stir up, and the sea level even swept up huge waves.

"Master?!" More than one powerful wizard and civilized person took a breath.

Thain also stared blankly at the two dragon turtles, one big and one small.

Tourmaline, which was sitting on her father's back, seemed to be waving hello to Sean.

The giant dragon turtle, which looked like a giant, also looked at him at this time.

"20 more chapters need to be added~"

This chapter has been completed!
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