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Chapter 1837 Evacuation

"Did Gromzi move out? What a bastard!" In the huge palace of the Hades Empire, the current Hades Emperor couldn't help but cursed angrily when he heard the news that the monster emperor Gromuz had sent out without permission.

It may be that the split conflict among the five dominant monster kings in the body has become more and more obvious, and Gromz has been disobeying orders more and more in recent years.

In fact, there are not many creatures in the entire Hades Empire who dare to challenge the authority of Hades Emperor.

You must know that even the high-ranking pharaoh kings in the Pharaoh Temple openly maintain their obedience to the contemporary Hades most of the time.

Even many pharaohs themselves had royal blood, such as the first pharaoh.

"Send the Imperial Legion immediately to support that idiot!"

"I can guarantee that it is definitely no match for Diersga!" Emperor Hades roared to his subjects.

The successive Ming Emperors of the Ming He Empire were not good emperors with good intentions. Instead, all of them focused on killing.

After receiving the order from Hades Emperor, the frontline legions of the Hades Empire quickly approached the dominant battlefield where Dierska and the Monster Emperor were located.

But unfortunately, because the power levels of both warring parties are too high, even an ordinary seventh-level master is unwilling to be involved in a power collision of that level.

Therefore, the large-scale actions of the lower-level legions can only restrict the actions of the lower-level legions in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

If you want to intervene and dominate the battlefield, you need to be strong enough.

Temple of the Pharaoh.

After hearing that the king of monsters, Gromuz, was dispatched, the second pharaoh, Tsathoggua Mokulong, fell into a long silence.

He was actually not worried about what would happen to Gromuz. Diersga might be able to defeat Gromuz, but he would definitely not be able to kill him easily.

Even the Second Pharaoh is not too worried about the frequent actions of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light in recent times.

The reason why for more than 100,000 years, the civilization of the country of Guangwei has not been destroyed with the power of the whole country is because the Minghe Empire cannot do it.

, because they are unwilling to bear the losses required to destroy the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

The best way to dispose of a frog is to boil it in warm water.

If the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is forced into a desperate situation, the ability of the opponent's strongest Dierska will be enough to forcefully drag down the second or third pharaoh king, or interrupt the advancement of the first pharaoh king.

This is unacceptable to the Hades Empire.

What's more, light creatures inherently restrain darkness and death creatures.

Wouldn't it be better to wait until the First Pharaoh is promoted successfully and then use a devastating method to bulldoze the civilizations in the surrounding star fields?

What the second pharaoh was silently sighing at this time was actually another thing...

The path of destiny is indeed difficult to touch.

The Second Pharaoh felt that he had just touched a little bit of the thread of destiny, and then it quickly slipped away.

"After launching a retaliatory counterattack against the wizarding civilization, why did the heaviness in my heart not lessen, but instead intensify?"

"Is it a wrong decision to let Nyatipu and Avgomon attack..." The second pharaoh stood outside the golden gate of the Pharaoh's temple, looking at the stars in the universe, hoping to get a hint.

However, in the second Pharaoh's vision, the seemingly bright and boundless starry sky was filled with confusion and chaos.

This made the second pharaoh's skin and body more dry and decayed, and at the same time, it also made his mood a little heavier.

The Holy Book of Hades held in the hands of the second Pharaoh now emitted a dazzling white light.

When the white light penetrated the starry sky in front of him and reached the end of the unknown distance, the second pharaoh said in a deep voice, "If the planned plan is completed, then withdraw."

"The civilization of the Kingdom of Light has taken some action, and we prioritize targeting

Our enemies are still these giants of light."

After the second pharaoh finished speaking, the white beam that penetrated to the end of the starry sky reacted immediately.

As a cultural treasure, the Holy Book of Mingha has more of its functions reflected in the functional field.

For example, in addition to enhancing the prophecy ability of the second pharaoh, it can also provide a remote coordinate pulling function for the pharaohs who are far away in the warring star field of wizard civilization.

The first to respond to the call from the Second Pharaoh were the three masters of the Hades Empire who attacked the Shadow King, the master of the Wizards Alliance.

Within the stipulated time, they completed the set goal and have now begun to respond to the transmission.

However, in addition to this battle group, accidents occurred in the other three assassination battlefields led by the Minghe Empire.

The extremely long spatial distance will inevitably bring about a lag in the time domain.

This point has already been verified by Master Einstein of the Wizarding Civilization.

Even with the blessing of the Holy Book of Hades, it would take at least ten years for the pharaohs to withdraw from the realm of the wizard and civilization to the mainland of the Hades Empire.

During this period of time, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light was enough to make a lot of noise.

And their "tacit cooperation" with the wizard civilization this time will also lay the foundation for future cooperation between the two parties.

The battlefield where Rogge and others are located. After nearly thirty years of fierce fighting.

Both the Pharaoh King and General Pluto are nearing the end of their outbreak period.

Including the two dominant monster kings, one of them was seriously injured at this time.

This king of monsters was mainly injured by Roland and the white jade skeleton.

General Ming He, who possesses late-level seventh-level strength, is no match for Roland, the peak level-7 knight.

While suppressing the opponent, he still has extra power to fight against a monster king

To strike, this is the ability of the current number one knight of the Beren Empire!

In addition, the white jade skeleton possesses unexpectedly tyrannical strength, which is something that the attackers of the Hades Empire did not expect.

When the mysterious pull of the Holy Book of Hades arrived, the Pharaoh, who had already determined that the mission had failed, knew that it was time for them to evacuate.

The Hades Empire does not want to immediately launch a cross-star expedition with the wizard civilization, which is not in line with their interests.

After failing to succeed in one attack, he quickly retreated. This was a decision made at the beginning of the expedition.

What makes the seventh-level pharaoh a little hard to accept is that even if he exerts his peak combat power during the explosive period, he can't do anything to defeat the wizard-civilized fat man in front of him.

If both parties were just strong men of the same level, this wouldn't happen.

But obviously Fat Rogg has found an eternal way to advance to the eighth level. This is the main reason why the seventh-level peak Pharaoh returned without success.

Sometimes the gap between the seventh-level peak and the seventh-level peak is quite large.

At least this Pharaoh, whose personal combat power has reached the limit of the same level, has not yet touched any signs of a higher realm.

On the other hand, Rogge has been able to accomplish some blows that were originally difficult for him at this stage by leveraging the magic lever.

"Damn it!" The elite and violent undead spell once again caused an impact on the seventh pharaoh's cheek.

The seventh-level peak pharaoh who claimed before the war that he wanted to peel off Rogge's skin was undoubtedly like a clown now.

As for Rogge, in the process of constant fighting and freeing magic, he became more comfortable with the rules and leveraging of higher-level magic levers.

"Tomorrow my college classmate will get married, and today I will take the high-speed train to Xi'an.

If the number of updates today and tomorrow is less than three chapters, it will be counted as due.

Xiaodou has already boarded the train and will code another chapter on the train later~"

This chapter has been completed!
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