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Chapter 184 Hunting Time

In the trial space.

Thain looked at the two corpses of the Dark Shadow Holy Tower apprentices in front of him and was silent for a moment.

It turns out that magic apprentices may sometimes be easier to deal with than alien creatures.

The main reason is that these apprentices have not experienced too many battles of blood and fire. Faced with Thain's sudden appearance and his incomparable attitude, they did not even put up a decent resistance.

During this trip, after Thain entered the area of ​​the Dark Shadow Holy Tower Academy, he quickly encountered three Dark Shadow Holy Tower apprentices.

The apprentice badge of the Dark Shadow Holy Tower is black, and it is said that in this holy tower, there are mostly apprentices who practice the dark system and the necromantic system.

This is also related to the fact that the Holy Tower of Shadows is more attractive to formal magicians of these two series.

Three apprentices from the Shadow Tower of Darkness, one senior and two intermediate.

Faced with Thain's sudden appearance and attack, except for the senior apprentice who decisively inspired his badge to escape from the trial space after a brief resistance, the other two intermediate apprentices were unable to even use the means to escape.

Of course, this is also related to Thain's character.

Whether it's doing things or fighting, it's almost impossible for Thane to hold back.

This is a regional Holy Tower Academy war that loses a large number of apprentices every time. It is not a child's play.

Perhaps many apprentices were unable to adjust at first after entering the trial space.

But definitely not Thane.

The high-level magic item Invisibility Cloak is a very useful piece of equipment.

Although Thane is relatively confident in his own strength, he is not yet arrogant.

After entering the extremely unfamiliar area of ​​the Holy Tower of Dark Shadows, Thane used this magical equipment.

In this kind of battle between apprentices, especially in a sudden sneak attack, this piece of equipment is more useful than imagined.

The deaths of the two intermediate apprentices of the Holy Tower of Darkness did not bring any psychological burden to Thane.

This is a matter of killing and being killed. When Thain came to the territory of the Academy of Dark Shadows, he had already prepared for the worst.

The death of the two apprentices in front of them can only be blamed on their own lack of strength and bad luck.

After a brief moment of silence, Thain began to sort out his trophies.

Two of the three apprentices died and one escaped, earning Thain more than 500 points in total.

This all shows that killing people is the fastest way to plunder points.

In addition, Thane also found two space rings on the corpses of two apprentices from the Holy Tower of Dark Shadows.

In addition to some sundries and energy crystals in the ring, there are also several trial space specialty resources that caught Thain's attention.

"It seems that there should be several resource points nearby, but I don't know if they are guarded by apprentices from the Holy Tower of Dark Shadows."

"It's a pity that the senior apprentice should have more good things, but he was allowed to run away." Thain sighed after counting the loot.

After using fireball to dispose of the two apprentice corpses, Thane continued to move deeper into the Shadow of Darkness Tower area.

After entering the Dark Shadow Holy Tower area, Thain's ways and frequency of obtaining points are obviously much higher.

However, Thain did not take action against the largest number of low-level apprentices, and sometimes even mid-level apprentices would be spared by him.

Those targeted by Thain are basically senior apprentices and above.

It's not that Thane loves the weak, he's not that kind.

The main reason is that the low-level apprentices have low strength. The regional war has just started a month ago, and the total points they have are only a few.

After encountering and hunting down several low-level apprentices of the Shadow Tower of Darkness, Thane stopped attacking these ants.

After a lot of effort, he finally got a few points, or maybe a dozen points. What was Thain trying to do?

Thain's mental power and magic power are not endless, and those low-level apprentices who inspire medals can escape danger in time.

Instead of spending energy on them, Thane might as well find a way to trick a few more senior apprentices of the Holy Tower of Dark Shadows.

At this stage, one senior apprentice's points income is comparable to dozens or nearly a hundred low-level apprentices.

Thane is a magician, so he naturally understands this calculation.

As for those low-level apprentices... just think of raising pigs.

The rules for obtaining points in the trial space also provide these weak apprentices with a way to obtain points.

You only need to wait quietly for a year or two, and these mid-level and low-level apprentices who gain points by guarding resource points can be "killed".

And every time the regional Holy Tower Academy war reaches its most intense stage in the second year, I'm afraid this is also the reason.

Like a calm and patient hunter, Thane appears in various areas of the Shadow Tower.

Since the Dark Shadow Holy Tower is stronger than the Blue Origin Holy Tower, the number of senior and above apprentices is also greater than that of the Blue Origin Holy Tower.

Therefore, although Thain has temporarily let go of those mid-level and low-level apprentices, he still has many prey.

Outside the trial space.

Seeing the total value of Thain's points rising continuously, Johnny Magician's face became numb.

Thain didn't know that at this time, he had already made a name for himself in the official circle of magicians in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

And as Thain entered the Shadow of Darkness Holy Tower area, his total points increased even more.

In just one week, they went from ninth place in the overall standings to fifth place.

The top five in the overall standings, or rather the top ten, are all top elites from the major holy towers.

The reputations of these genius apprentices in other holy towers have even been heard by Johnny, the official magician of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

For example, Gade, who currently ranks first in the standings, is the top apprentice of the Earth Academy Holy Tower Academy in a century.

This time Gaide leads the apprentices of the Earth Academy Holy Tower to participate in this regional war, not only to allow the Earth Academy Holy Tower to continue to hold the top spot in terms of total points.

He personally made bold statements beforehand that he would wash away the shame of the last regional war and win the crown of first place in the overall apprentice standings.

(ps: In the last regional Holy Tower Academy War, although it was the apprentices from the Holy Tower of Earth Academy who won the first place in total points.

But in the ranking of individual apprentice points, it was Martinez, the peak apprentice of Lei Yao Shengta, who won the first place.)

It's not just Gad. At this time, the top ten names on the apprentice's personal points list are almost all names that are familiar to formal magicians.

After all, gold always shines, and genius always attracts attention.

Only Thain's name is more eye-catching and unfamiliar.

"I hope this little guy can continue to maintain this momentum of gaining points. He should be regarded as the biggest dark horse in this regional Holy Tower Academy war." In front of the points list, an official magician couldn't help but say.

The other magicians nodded in agreement.

Johnny took a deep breath and said secretly: "Come on, brat! If you can stay in the top ten, I will give the otherworldly Caiwen fairy that has been treasured in the laboratory for a long time to Midic."

"He gave us Jizhiyuan Holy Tower a big gift!"

This chapter has been completed!
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