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Chapter 1881 Restoring Strength

The ones who were finally sent to the world of Rambo to carry out Thane's orders were a third-level star thief who seemed to be kinder, and several angel-type intelligent robots.

Thain's calmness, erudition, wisdom, but also a bit of inner cruelty and dark temperament made the God of Dusk Saliva, a prisoner, look very complicated.

Without taking action against the blue wave world, it is natural that Thain is unwilling to challenge the authority around this star field rashly.

By observing and analyzing the star map enshrined by the God of Dusk Saliva earlier, Thain has concluded that multiple planes in the surrounding star fields, including the Blue Wave World, the Flowing Water Plane, and the Water Pattern World, all belong to Wanquan.

A vassal of the world group's forces.

Although they are not within the Wanquan World Group, they should still be protected by the Wanquan World Group.

They are all complete planes with water attribute rules, which is a relatively obvious sign.

Only a fool like Albi, whose mind is full of shit, would be bold enough to arbitrarily occupy a plane he thinks he can bully after gaining a certain level of strength.

The field of vision determines the height. There is no way, Alabi is a creature of that class.

Unlike Thain, a strong man who came out of the wizarding civilization, he has his own relatively mature understanding of many aspects of the development of the star realm and planes.

Alabi doesn't need to be so smart or awesome, he just needs to be a good henchman.

A guy who is too smart, Thain doesn't really want to use him.

After sending someone to the world of Blue Wave to investigate the situation, Thane casually chatted with the God of Dusk about the situation in the surrounding star fields.

The God of Dusk Saliva is quite honest. After this guy became a prisoner, he did not show any behavior that caused Thain to misunderstand.

Thane only put a pair of magic shackles on him, without breaking his spine or dissecting his godhead.

Most of the time, Thain is very reasonable...

The God of Dusk Saliva had previously given Thane a copy of the information about the surrounding star fields and the

and all the information he knows.

But the God of Dusk Saliva is a level four creature that has lived for tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to collect all the information in his long life and hand it over to Thane.

Sometimes, the God of Dusk Saliva can still tell some scattered information that Thain is more interested in.

For example, the God of Dusk Saliva mentioned that there were also wars in the Wanquan World Group.

"Oh? Are those spring owners taking the initiative to expand?" Thain asked.

"There are also fountain owners who advocate expansion. For example, the Master Fountain of Hatred that I know is a being who has launched three expansionary wars."

"However, the vast majority of spring owners have a gentle temperament and are opposed to war and violence."

"Many of the wars that occur in the Ten Thousand Springs World Group are struggles between the family members of different spring masters. Sometimes they also involve the fountain masters tearing their faces."

"But that's the least likely situation. Most of the spring owners have close relationships." said the God of Dusk Saliva.

In fact, this guy revealed so many secrets about the Water Pattern World and the Ten Thousand Springs World Group to Thain that there was no turning back.

A lot of news does not have much value in itself.

Rather, this approach of the God of Dusk Saliva is tantamount to "betrayal".

In the face of life threats, loyalty is often a quality that cannot stand the test.

Not long after, the people sent by Thane to Rambo World came back.

With the formal interstellar caravan certificate provided by the God of Dusk Saliva, Thain's people not only did not face difficulties, but actually brought back a lot of goods that Thain was interested in.

There seems to be no news around the Wanquan World Star Region.

What kind of decent technological civilization can be developed?

Including Thain and others, most of the spaceships they saw along the way were rough and simple in workmanship.

In Thane's view, it is far inferior to the Blue Star civilization's technology back then, let alone compared to the Gallente Federation.

The plan to repair and rebuild the Flame has to be pushed back.

However, some low-end technology and mechanical products that have been purchased can allow the Flame to stand up again, and Yuri no longer has to play the role of an experimental assistant.

After leaving the blue wave world, Thain and his team continued to follow the star map route and headed towards the target coordinates.

This time, because they are getting closer to the radiation area of ​​the Wanquan World Group's forces, the Ash Star Thieves group has also subsided much compared to the previous period.

About fifteen more years passed.

Thain and others finally arrived at the plane of flowing water mentioned by the God of Dusk.

This is a low-level world with very rich water vapor resources. The starry sky coordinates are roughly located in a relatively remote area between the Water Pattern World and the Ten Thousand Springs World Group.

Outside this low-level plane, Thane received the ransom promised by the God of Dusk Salivation as promised.

Lisha Crystal is a very special mixed resource of water and sand. It is generally only produced in the water plane. Many space fortresses and holy towers of the wizard civilization use it as the main material.

Purple flame azure is also a good metal material and may be used in many of Thain's alchemy experiments.

After looking at the half broken plane heart, Thane threw it to Tourmaline.

Bixi played with it for a moment, but didn't show much interest.

Just when Albi was extremely excited and thought that this precious heart of the plane would be rewarded to him again by the Lord Xi God, Tour Xi gave it to Fumila.

This broken plane heart is of no use to Thane or Tourmaline. The group of angels under Fumila may be able to obtain a lot of energy from it.

Alabi is still naive. Treasures like the Heart of the Plane are not something he can take a look at at this stage.

When Fumila noticed that Alabi's envious eyes were always looking at her, she turned around and saw that Alabi immediately returned to his original humble and flattering appearance.

Not mentioning the little actions of Alabi and others, Thain asked the God of Dusk in front of him: "I plan to go to the Ten Thousand Springs World Group to do something. Do you want to go with me?"

After hearing this, the God of Mu Saliva felt slightly nervous.

He glanced at Fumila behind Thain, then looked at Thain who was breathing inexplicably, and finally glanced at the flowing water plane below him, and finally nodded.

This fourth-level creature with low strength is very worried that if he refuses, Thain and others in front of him will bring disaster to him and the plane of flowing water.

The asymmetry in power makes the word "fair" seem ridiculous between them.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the God of Dusk Saliva feels that after some time, the aura strength of Fumila, Thain, and Tourmaline has been greatly improved.

He was no match for Thain and others before, and even more so now!

Seeing that the God of Dusk Saliva was so understanding, Thain's face also showed a gentle smile.

The senses of the God of Dusk Saliva are not an illusion.

Thain and others have indeed improved a lot in strength compared to before!

But a more accurate statement is that their bodies have gradually returned to their peak condition.

The quality of the gold, silver and tourmaline elixirs in Thane's hands is not false.

Fumila also gradually regained its sixth level combat power under the continuous maintenance of the Rubik's Cube and frequent maintenance by Thain.

This chapter has been completed!
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