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Chapter 1984 The Insect Swarm Arrives

Densely packed space wormholes appear in various areas of the Godborn Star Territory.

They range from outside the Star Territory to within the Star Territory.

The confrontation between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation in this star field broke the original peace of the God Star Territory, and at the same time made the space power of the God Star Territory extremely fragile.

In particular, the boundary seal stone has been hit and destroyed many times in succession, making it difficult for the Divine Star Territory to withstand the forcible space arrival from powerful people from distant lands.

The Wanhua Tianzun World Legion did not teleport directly to the God-born star field at first because they were not familiar with this star field and did not have a suitable teleportation node.

But at this time, the newly arrived forces have obviously aimed at the starry sky coordinates of the Goddess Star Territory!

The pitch-black wormhole is depressing and terrifying.

In the darkness with no end in sight, arcs of blue-purple and dark red light sometimes flash across, alluring and mysterious.

The sound of "rustling" gradually came from the black hole, and the sound became louder and louder.

It seemed like all kinds of beasts were galloping, and it seemed like some terrifying tide was about to hit.

A huge black shadow appeared next, accompanied by roars one after another.

When the creatures approaching these black holes want to see what they are.

An extremely large and terrifying thunder beast was the first to squeeze out of the wormhole.

With two sharp fangs and several side bone blades, when this thunder beast arrived, it demonstrated its rage and desire to kill to all living beings around it.

This is a real war machine!

The dragons in the wizarding world are also majestic and strong, but the dragons give people a completely different feeling from this thunder beast.

Scarlet eyes, staring straight ahead.

After arriving at this starry sky battlefield, the thunder beast king rushed towards the nearest Wanhua Tianzun World Legion.

It wasn't just the Thunder Beast. The moment it rushed out of the wormhole, what flew out above its head were swarms of flying dragons as dense as dark clouds.

The appearance of these flying dragons is very strange, and they clearly have the word "dragon" in them.

But they don't seem to have much bloodline pressure from dragon creatures. Their huge bodies feel very long and narrow, and they have an inverted triangle-shaped bone mouthpart at the end of their tail.

Dark yellow energy balls with projectile properties were emitted from the bone vessels of these flying dragons.

In the area close to the wormhole, there are many giant ships and wooden boats that Wanhua Tianzun World cannot avoid.

When the flying dragons swept over overwhelmingly, the end of these world legions of the All-changing Heavenly Lord came immediately.

Needless to say, this is not the full strength of the troops that emerged from the wormhole.

There are bone-winged flying insects with suicidal nature and flying dragon kings with higher evolutionary levels. These various types of soldiers are dizzying.

At the foot of the Ultralisk's charging path, there are densely packed velociraptors, hydralisks, baneling insects and other complex units that are almost endless as far as the eye can see.

"Zerg?!" A voice of fear came from unknown corners of Wanhua Tianzun's world.

The world of Wanhua Tianzun is a large plane that claims to have the prototype of a top civilization. It obviously has two brushes, at least it has come into contact with many civilizations in the star world.

There are many insect plane worlds in the star realm. These insect swarms sweeping out from the wormholes do meet the standards of the insect race!

The only difference is that the size of these Zerg is a bit too big, and the degree of evolution of some of them is beyond the scope of general understanding.

For example, those thunder beasts that often reach hundreds or thousands of meters in size. Which creature with normal thinking would regard each other as a bug?!

There are also those flying dragon kings that have evolved to the top of the pyramid. At the same level, those Zerg flying dragon kings are probably more difficult to deal with than the more established dragon creatures!

The Zerg who were the first to rush out of the wormhole were all those with a relatively high level of life, generally around level two or three.

In the endless sea of ​​​​worms, there are many strong worms above level 4, which also show the extremely tyrannical nature of the worms.

However, what is truly terrifying and frightening about the Zerg is their terrifying numbers and exaggerated war potential.

In addition to these higher-level insect swarm creatures, after the space wormhole was opened, there were also huge female insects that poured out one after another.

The feeling of these mother worms is somewhat similar to the biological battleships of the Black Yin civilization that Thain explored before.

In fact, their role is indeed to serve as a means of transportation in the endless sea of ​​insects.

A large number of female insects flew towards the nearest plane.

When these female bugs approached the battlefields of their respective planes, as the cavity walls under their bodies opened, a large number of lower-level bugs rushed out from them.

Seen from a distance, it seems as if one black tide after another is sweeping across the entire plane battlefield.

All insects are swarming!

The entire starry sky has a depressing and suffocating atmosphere!

Against the doomsday backdrop of the Zerg coming to the world, dozens of extremely large Zerg void motherships slowly sailed out of the wormhole.

As an important part of the Wizards Alliance in the past, the Starry Zerg Tribe inevitably encountered another opportunity when they left the Wizarding Civilization and went to distant alien star fields to explore and find precious tidal crystal ores.

These Zerg Void Motherships are the new products they show to the wizard civilization.

In addition, the Zerg combat arms are far more abundant than in the past, which also indicates that this ethnic group with great potential has never stopped its evolution and development.

However, these void mothership groups are not the entire strength of the Zerg, they seem to be just the vanguard.

When all the Zerg void motherships sailed out of the wormhole, there was a moment of oppressive silence. Then, an extremely huge, exaggerated, and terrifying death behemoth slowly "squeezed" out of the space wormhole!

>The pitch-black shadow of death directly enveloped the entire battlefield of the Divine Star Territory.

All individuals who were still in a fighting state, including those master-level creatures with keen senses, could not help but look at the source of the power of death in horror.

"Eighth-level creature?!" Master Muge couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It is not an ordinary eighth-level creature. The vibration of rules at this level... can only be suppressed by beings at the level of Venerable Weiwu. If it is Venerable Haiyun, I'm afraid it can't be done." Venerable Tianyang said solemnly.

The world of Wanhua Tianzun currently has two eighth-level venerables, namely Venerable Weiwu who has just entered the peak level of the eighth level and Venerable Haiyun who is in the early to mid-level of the eighth level.

Although they are both level eight, the gap between the two is still quite large.

This terrifying death giant was unable to squeeze out of the space wormhole for a while because of its size.

A large number of umbilical cords of flesh and blood are distributed around the body of this terrifying death giant, and dense swarms of insects can also be seen pouring out of the umbilical cord of this terrifying creature.

But the shock that this terrifying death giant brought to the masters of this star field was far more than that!

I originally thought that the appearance of an unknown level eight creature would be enough.

But the late seventh-level Tianyang Venerable, who soon felt the fluctuations of the special law and came to his senses, couldn't help but change his face and said hurriedly: "No, not just one master has come, but several!"

"There is another person whose aura is more powerful than this death monster!" Lord Tianyang exclaimed.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the body of the terrifying death giant, a blade warrior with obvious dominance-level power shock knelt down on one knee, appeared in front of a throne, and respectfully said to someone on the throne.

: "My Lady Queen, we have arrived in the Goddess Star Territory."

The being on the throne has fair skin and a perfect figure.

With sharp scarlet nails, he lightly tapped the armrest of the throne and replied: "Yes, I understand."

This chapter has been completed!
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