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Chapter 2095 Stubborn Girl

Sometimes, things in the world are so wonderful.

Thain, the fifth-level peak magician who had never accepted a disciple, finally wanted to accept a chief disciple, but something unexpected happened.

On this day, Thain returned to the Holy Tower Laboratory and was told by Meili that she had failed to recruit people.

"Why, the Sunlight Holy Tower refuses to let people go?" Thain asked with a frown.

He had indeed never had contact with the Sun Yao Holy Tower before. If the tower owner or dean of the Sun Yao Holy Tower did not give Thain the face, he would not be able to force him to do anything.

"No, Dean Milady of the Sun Tower is easy to talk to. He has agreed to transfer Catherine's Holy Tower contract to our Ashes Holy Tower."

"Even Master Milady and the Sun Tower he represents are willing to give us this face. They don't require us from the Ashes Tower to pay any extra price." Meili replied.

"Then why..." Thain wondered.

"Because that little girl doesn't want to come to the Holy Tower of Ashes." Meili said with a bitter smile.

"What?" Thain asked in surprise.

Catherine was born into an ordinary farmer's family in the Belen Empire.

Because she came from the common class, Catherine didn't even have her own surname.

(In the wizarding world, only the aristocracy is eligible to have their own surname.)

Catherine's childhood was very happy, and she was better than Thain in this regard.

At least Catherine still remembers many things from her childhood. She also remembers that she had a pair of parents who loved her and an older brother as tall as a mountain.

But Catherine was unfortunate. When she was twelve years old, bandits suddenly arrived, ransacked Catherine's village, and killed Catherine's parents and relatives.

Including her brother, an 18-year-old boy who had just passed the Belen Empire's military assessment and was about to be drafted into the army, he was also chopped into several pieces by vicious bandits in that disaster.

Catherine, who was small and thin at the time, was blocked by her parents with their bodies, so she was able to gain a short period of critical survival time, and she persisted until surrounding cities sent cavalry escorts to come to the rescue.

This world is not as good as outside

It's as beautiful as one can imagine.

Countless wars and vicious events occur every year at the bottom of the wizarding world.

Perhaps behind some wars, there is indeed the operation of the "Kingdom War Plan" consciously promoted by the major knights' halls in the wizarding world.

But in this kingdom war plan, at least conscription is not mandatory.

Only those low-level humans who are dissatisfied with the status quo and eager to change their destiny through the struggle of life and death will resolutely participate in it.

As for other incidents, such as mountain bandits attacking people, bandits looting caravans, or violent monsters harassing nearby villages, etc., it can only be said to be bad luck.

Including Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes, among the trial tasks assigned to those apprentices, there are often tasks such as cleaning up bandit groups, killing monsters, and even assisting official magicians in encircling and suppressing black magicians.

Because they have also dabbled in the underground world, Thane's Ashes Tower has a wider range of mission options than the apprentices of other towers.

And judging from the facts, the surrounding cities of the Belen Empire sent troops very quickly, otherwise Catherine would not be able to survive.

Compared to other orphans with tragic life experiences, one thing that Catherine was lucky about was that she was born in a relatively good time, and her deceased brother just happened to pass the military recruitment examination of the Belen Empire.

Affected by the civilized war, the Beren Empire needed to further explore its war potential. Three thousand years ago, it followed the example of the Ebalut Empire and launched a craze for all people to learn magic.

But to be honest, the Beren Empire is a knight empire. It has developed a more advanced knight selection mechanism than other forces, which is already very powerful.

But in the field of magicians, I also wanted to follow the example of the Ebalut Empire, so as expected, I took too big a step, which was ridiculous.

The nationwide magic craze that belonged to the Beren Empire was actually basically over a thousand years after the system was launched.

Because the Belen Empire really doesn’t have that much money, and it’s difficult to balance input and output.


Hundreds of millions of magic coins are spent on it every year, and there is still no sign of success. The finance minister of the Belen Empire almost got into a fight with the military department in the Empire State Building in front of the emperor.

In the end, after many reforms, the Beren Empire's national magic plan finally turned into a strange rule that after a military soldier is killed in battle, he can choose a relative to study at the Empire's public magic academy.

The military headquarters, which has been asking for more magician legions, took the initiative to find out, and they did bring back a large amount of war resources as they were on the frontline battlefield. This made the finance minister look a little better.

It was under such circumstances that Catherine entered the Imperial Public Magic Academy in a daze.

Because her parents and relatives died tragically in front of her, Catherine, who was only 12 years old at the time, worked harder than other apprentices in the academy and cherished this hard-won opportunity.

Compared with those members of magic families, they began to be exposed to meditation and superficial magic knowledge at a young age.

Catherine, who had only entered school at the age of twelve and could not even read a few words, was undoubtedly at the bottom of the class.

But such a low-ranking apprentice, in just five years, achieved extremely excellent results in the Imperial Public Magic Academy.

In the end, she was noticed by a magician who taught at the Sun Yao Holy Tower, and he wrote a letter of recommendation specifically for her. Only then did Catherine successfully enter the Sun Yao Holy Tower to study at the age of eighteen.

The Beren Empire and the Sunlight Holy Tower were kind to Catherine, including the second-level old magician who wrote a letter of recommendation to Catherine, and was the most important elder in her growth path.

Without the help of the second-level old magician, Catherine would not have had the strength of a high-level magic apprentice at the age of thirty-six.

"I do not go."

"I still have a contract with the public magic academy in Lantstra City. Even after I am promoted to the first level, I have to return to the academy to teach for ten years before I can repay the care the academy gave me back then."

"Isn't it the principle of equivalent transactions that we magicians follow that you taught me back then?" Catherine, who had ended the regional Holy Tower Academy war, was sorting out

Looking at the library bookshelf in front of him, he said to an old lady at the other end of the bookshelf.

This is an old lady with all gray hair. Although she has a second level of life, judging from her weak soul fire, her remaining lifespan is probably less than a hundred years.

However, at this time, the old lady did not look "weak" at all. She was quite excited at this time, and said with a bit of hatred, "Oh, my silly girl, what do you know?"

"This time I heard that he is the dean of Ashes Holy Tower Academy, and he personally wants you!"

"Do you know who the dean is? He is a fourth-level magician with a distinguished status!" The old lady barely managed to grab Catherine's magic robe and speak.

At this time, Catherine also put down the magic book in her hand.

She bit her lip lightly, and finally shook her head and said, "Then I won't leave either."

"My contract with the Sun Yao Holy Tower is that after being promoted to the first level, I will become a registered magician of the Sun Yao Holy Tower for at least a hundred years."

"Including the Belen Empire Military Headquarters, they also need me to serve for one hundred and thirty years."

"Besides, what will you do if I leave?" Catherine lowered her head and said.

"I have my disciples and family to take care of me, but I still need you?"

"Also, you have won the top 100 in the regional Holy Tower Academy war this time. According to the rules of the Holy Tower Academy, the number of years you are limited to should be reduced by half!"

"Even with your excellent performance this time, you should lose more! The dean and the others are not blind." The old lady said.

When Catherine heard this, she still maintained her stubborn look, "No, it was a magic contract signed by me, and it also has my signature on it."

"What I have promised to do, I should do it no matter what."

"Isn't it because of this that you fell in love with me in the first place?" Catherine raised her head and asked.

Faced with this stubborn girl's answer, the second-level old magician could only sigh.

"Brothers, it's eight o'clock for the next chapter~"

This chapter has been completed!
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