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Chapter 2237 The first round of coverage strikes

There is no rush to transform the Phantom Chariot into an intelligent robot.

The first thing that Thane does now is to use the power of the Rubik's Cube to restore the injuries and replenish energy to the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron as much as possible.

Regarding the "gift" sent by Optimus Prime and others, Thane thought about it and did not refuse.

Although the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron have awakened to wisdom, in many areas they still follow the same set of ideological rules they accepted when they were in the Gallente Federation.

For intelligent robots, acting as Thain's car is not an unacceptable thing for them.

Not to mention infringing on their self-esteem.

Because when these intelligent robots were originally designed, one of their uses was to serve as a means of transportation such as an interstellar tank.

Speaking of which, in the past ten years or so, in the wizarding world.

Thain's son Narcissus often rode the Hot Wheels around the entire Land of Ashes.

Although the Hot Wheels in the form of a motorcycle is not as domineering in appearance as the golden chariot Bumblebee, it still has a different feeling when riding it.

And it was precisely because of this extremely new thing that Narcisiu even went on a special drive to the Land of Green Source, and hooked up with two female magicians from the Holy Tower of Blue Source...

Nodding to the bumblebee in front of him, Thane controlled the power of the Rubik's Cube and immersed a ray of blue-purple light of law into the opponent's body.

Being nurtured by the power of the Rubik's Cube, the bumblebee obviously benefited a lot.

This is the first benefit of following Thane.

Thane now has quite a few transportation tools, including the elemental black phoenix that comes with the Ember Staff and the bumblebee in front of him.

From a certain perspective, the Union Fortress Group can also be regarded as one of Thain's "transportation tools".

He had also taken a ride on Yuri's Flame before.

In addition to reminiscing about old times, the war in the Wild Star Territory will also be on the agenda.

Because this war was mainly initiated by Thain, nearly two-thirds of the hard-fought planes in the star field were classified as battlefields conquered by his forces.

The other third belongs to Trilis.

Triris was not polite to Thane in this regard.

Anyway, if the pressure on Thane's side is too great and it is difficult to support it, Trilis will naturally send troops to support it.

"Master, when will all the war magic weapons that the wizard civilization supports us be in place?" Thain asked.

"In half a year at the latest, everything should be in place. Other supplies of energy crystals and other materials will be delivered one after another on a yearly basis." Cuilis replied.

"Well, we will launch an attack in half a year!" Thain said.

After that, Thane said to the Decepticons and others in front of him, "All the intelligent robots that have been seriously injured, you will also send them to me during this period. I will use the Rubik's Cube to help you heal your people."

"Thank you, Master Thain." The Decepticons and others thanked him.

half year later.

The extremely violent tide of elemental magic cannons covered more than three-quarters of the entire battlefield in the Wild Star Territory.

Except for the dozen or so planes close to the border of the Beast Star Territory, because the distance is too far, they are not covered by the long-range magic cannon of the wizard civilization.

The battlefields in other planes are reduced to a sea of ​​elements!

When it comes to the Wild Star Territory, wizard civilization is no longer needed!

Anyway, this medium-sized star field has been completely reduced to ruins in thousands of years of war.


Therefore, even if this star field becomes more dilapidated, the wizarding civilization will not feel bad.

This time, the wizard civilization supported Thain, Trilis and others with a lot of magic cannonballs!

There are more elemental cannons than Thane imagined!

The reason why we received such a massive supply of resources was not because the person responsible for the logistics work on the battlefield of the wizard civilization was Klopp, the dominant knight who was extremely optimistic about Thane.

Rather, the Wild Star Territory is a stubborn disease on the civilized battlefield, and it has also received "key care" from the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization.

Intense and saturated elemental strikes continued on all warring planes in the Wild Star Territory for three months.

During these three months, the army of wizard civilization has not moved at all.

Just these rounds of elemental magic artillery fire helped them clean up the metal stumps on the battlefield and the federal legions hiding in the bunker.

Because these elemental magic cannons are mostly "penetration type" special models of war magic cannons.

Therefore, all the plane battlefields that were plowed by the elemental magic cannons were devastated in the end.

There were even two plane battlefields where the rule environment had reached its limit, and directly entered the collapse mode under this level of elemental attack.

There is a plane that is cracked in the middle.

From then on, it will turn into two and a half planes, floating in the starry sky.

Or it may continue to collapse and fragment, gradually turning into countless broken meteorites, metal ruins and other interstellar garbage.

This is where the many broken meteorite belts and metal ruins floating in the starry sky that currently exist in the Wild Star Territory originally came from.

"Can any living thing survive such a level of magical artillery fire?"

The frontline of the wizard civilization army, located in the Union Fortress

Meili, the fourth-level magician in the group, couldn't help but ask.

Such an elemental saturation attack shocked even a fourth-level magician like her.

Her eyes were also fixed on the frontline battlefield at this time.

At least from the wizard civilization's detection magic exploration, there is no sign of life activity on the surface of the battlefields covered by the wizard civilization's long-range penetrating magic cannon groups.

Even the underground is completely silent.

However, it is difficult for the detection magic of wizard civilization to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Those federal legions and beast star domain creatures hiding near the center of the plane are so far away that it is difficult to use detection magic to deal with them.

Considering that in the past few months, two planes have entered collapse and disintegration mode.

It is conceivable that even if those federal legions are hiding deep in the core of the plane, the situation may not be too good.

However, in this regard, Thain, who was wearing the mask of no form, was not too optimistic. When faced with Meili's question, Thain muttered, "It's hard to say."

"Master Aksu and the successive sixth-level magicians responsible for the war in the Wild Star Territory are not mediocre people."

"If we can capture the opponent by just covering this medium-sized star field with a group of magic cannons, this star field will not be recaptured by our wizard civilization for thousands of years."

"I heard that before Master Aksu and others left, they attacked this star field several times over a period of more than ten years regardless of the cost, but in the end they still gained very little."

"We must not take it lightly." Thain said solemnly.

"Yeah." Meili nodded.

The dense beam of elemental magic cannon is like a grand meteor shower.

It's just the first prelude to the upcoming battle in the Wild Star Territory.

This chapter has been completed!
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