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Chapter 2250: Storm Nebula Splits

The all-out war to regain the Wild Star Territory has begun as promised.

This time, the wizard civilization's offensive momentum is stronger, with more legions and stronger power!

At the beginning of the war, in order to ensure a smooth start and avoid falling into the same painful and anxious situation as before.

Even level six powerhouses like Thain and Trilis took action personally one after another.

Thain even drove the combined fortress group and led a group of strong men around him to visit the frontline battlefield in person.

In addition to supervising the battle, the forbidden curse "Mechanical Natural Disaster" magic has once again descended on these Gallente Federation legions.

Yellow sand plane.

Unexpectedly, Thain would one day come back to this low-level world that had left a deep impression on him.

Back then, Thain and others were besieged by the wild orangutan army in this plane.

But today, they changed to besieging others.

At this time, it was the Gallente Federation fleet that was trapped in this dimensional battlefield, being besieged by a legion far stronger than myself and others.

Under the boundless yellow sand, covered and buried are a large number of Gallente Federation metal barriers.

In order to defend this low-level battlefield, the Federation almost hollowed out the world.

The violent sand storm that was more violent than in the past appeared raging in this low-level world, marking how huge the environmental rules of this plane had been.

After Thane arrived in this dimensional battlefield, he was not the protagonist of this dimensional battlefield.

Thane just came to cast a forbidden spell and left.

The ones truly responsible for conquering and winning this star battlefield are the Immortal Witch Clan Legion.

Taoist Banshan, who once had a feud with Thain, but has settled the differences, is now in this dimensional battlefield.

"I'm going to fuck you!" A roar like thunder appeared in the world of yellow sand.

An ancient giant who could be said to stand tall on the sky and the earth carried a mountain with a diameter of 10,000 meters on his shoulders and slammed it straight ahead.

Using these kinds of attacks with heavenly phenomena and earth is exactly the specialty of Banshan Taoist.

Thain had seen the power of the opponent's giant mountain before.

Huge mountains fell from the sky, and when they hit the ground of the yellow sand world, affected by the special laws of gravity, the entire earth seemed to be cracked open.

This mountain-moving Taoist is a bit quick-witted. The special quicksand environment of the yellow sand world is actually not suitable for him to use brutal force to attack.

Not to mention, most of the Gallente Federation Legion is still hiding underground.

The giant mountain smashed by the mountain-moving Taoist in front of him seemed to contain some kind of concussive force in the law of power.


Even if there is yellow sand as a moderate barrier, it can still cause a lot of damage to the Gallente Federation Legion deep underground.

Thain has seen this kind of concussive power in Tourmaline before.

However, Tourmaline did not deliberately use such power techniques, but it seemed more like her instinct.

Speaking of tourmaline, Thain couldn't help but think of the Purple Dragon God's partner, the fourth-level female deep-sea giant dragon.

This guy is really a talent. After the Purple Dragon God accepted the order and left, this giant deep-sea dragon did not immediately leave the front battlefield of the Wild Star Territory. Instead, relying on his own dragon creature bloodline, he somehow got close to Tourmaline.


With this giant deep sea dragon mediating on the frontal battlefield, Thain naturally has to pay more attention to the Purple Dragon God and his army of purple dragon beasts.

He also knew through the guidance of his master, Cuilis, that these purple dragon beasts were quite ostracized in the Wizards' Alliance.

Because it did not infringe on Thain's interests, Thain did not exclude the Purple Dragon God.

Later, Thain also learned from Bi Xi that this "Deep Sea Giant Dragon Sister" with whom she had already had a long friendship was actually the daughter of the Deep Sea Giant Dragon King.

"I heard that the giant dragon plane in the deep sea, like Namek, is a member of the Wizards Alliance with great potential to reach the level of a large plane?" Thain once asked in a communication conversation with his master Cuilis, and got

Master's confirmation.

"Now that it has established contact with the giant dragon plane of the deep sea, how did it get squeezed out by the powerful wizard civilization?" Thain couldn't help but shook his head. He had no interest in delving into the more in-depth details.

However, the Blue Purple Star is indeed an alliance plane with great potential. At least it is stronger than the current Kryptonians, Huyans and other civilized ethnic groups.

If it comes time to need Thain, he doesn't mind giving him a hand.

The majesty of the forbidden curse soon appeared in the sky of the yellow sand plane.

When Thain sang the forbidden spell in this low-level battlefield, even the mountain mover who was carrying a huge mountain couldn't help but stop what he was doing and look at Thain.

The grand scene of the machine coming to the world later made Taoist Banshan, who was used to seeing many "big scenes", tremble all over.

Especially when the endless legions of mechanical puppets, under Thane's orders, kept attacking the Gallente Federation positions.

Even Taoist Banshan, who had an extremely powerful physique, could not help but mutter something in a low voice.

After the forbidden curse was released, a Rubik's Cube body was left behind, which continued to attack the Gallente Federation Army, while Thane set off to leave.

Open this plane and prepare to go to the next battlefield.

Before leaving, Thain also said hello to Taoist Banshan, "Then this dimensional battlefield will be left to you."

At this time, Duan Po was traveling with Thane, and his sister Duan Ning was with him.

Looking at the people in front of him, Taoist Banshan suddenly felt a chill on his neck and hurriedly agreed, "Oh, okay!"

Until Thain and others left, the mountain mover, who was still carrying a huge mountain on his shoulders, couldn't help but twist his muscles and muttered, "What a ghost."

"In terms of realm, I am in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. Why do these guys give me the impression that each one is more exaggerated than the other."

"Isn't that little girl in the realm of immortals? Why is she so terrifying?" Taoist Banshan touched his neck and muttered to himself. .??.

What he didn't know was that when he learned that his brother had been besieged by Jiuji Demon Lord and others, Taoist Banshan was among them.

Duan Ning's first reaction was to use the golden dragon to cut this guy!

Fortunately, Duan Ning and Duan Po brother and sister are also well-known monks. Whether it is the compensation that year or the apology gifts later sent by Zhong Kui, a strong man of the Wu clan, Thain has given Duan Po a share.

In Duan Po's words, "He has been a casual cultivator for so many years, but he has never seen so many treasures of heaven and earth."

As expected, when you come out to hang out, you have to pay attention to your power.

From the moment he met Thane to the time he reunited with his sister, Duan Po's path has changed a lot.

In addition to the yellow sand plane, Thain also unleashed forbidden spells on the battlefields of two other planes.

Although the Gallente Federation has developed a special blocking spray that can slightly restrain Thane's mechanical natural disaster curse, the power of Thane's forbidden curse still brought great power to the Gallente Federation legions in these three plane battlefields.

Big threat.

After releasing the three forbidden spells, Thain, who was extremely short of magic power, did not immediately rush to participate in one of the plane battlefields.

However, his attention was still attracted by the more eye-catching headwind plane in this star field.

There is a battlefield where many sixth-level combatants are present.

Including the world-class secret treasure "Turbo Metal Wing" that Thain is more concerned about, is also there.

When Thain sent out a mechanical puppet and put his mind into that battlefield remotely.

The Decepticon King in the Beast Star Territory is in a fierce battle with the sixth-level intelligent robot Decepticon on the planet Cybertron.

"Storm Nebula Split!" Extremely special law ripples appeared next to the Decepticon King, and with the pair of vortices behind him,

The wheel and wings are the hub.

These mechanical wings, shining with the light of profound laws, were tailor-made by the Gallente Federation specifically for the Decepticon King.

The powerful power of the nebula appeared in the eyes of the two turbines.

Coupled with the endless terrifying storm, the Decepticon King appears as the center.

The Gallente Federation indeed had its intentions in placing the Decepticon King in this battlefield on the headwind plane.

In this wind attribute plane, the Decepticon King's Storm Nebula Split trick is a bit more powerful than usual.

By remotely watching the battle in this low-level plane, Thane was able to learn that, as expected, the Decepticon King had also undergone technological transformation by the Gallente Federation and became a semi-mechanical creature, thus possessing greater power than in the past.


However, judging from the current battlefield situation, the Decepticons holding the world-class secret treasure high-frequency shock wave blade did not show much weakness when facing the opponent.

Even more often, the Decepticons are on the offensive side.

Obviously it attaches great importance to Thain's request.

Moreover, the Decepticon, who has received the Thain Cube to nourish his body in advance and has reached full status, has a better fighting posture than the Decepticon King, a sixth-level creature from the Beast Star!

"Buzz!" energy magnetic waves appeared at the tip of the Decepticon's blade.

The Decepticon, in all its fighting postures, has an exaggerated robot physique of several kilometers, and its red eyes stare coldly at the opponent in front of it.

The opponent's unique move "Storm Nebula Split" is indeed an attack that is difficult for the Decepticons to resist head-on, but it is confident that in this battle, the one standing here in the end must be itself!

"Storm Nebula?" Thane, who was observing the battle in this plane from a distance, couldn't help but carefully look at the Decepticon King's performance during the battle.

Although Thane did not have the power to dabble in the laws of the storm attribute, he was partly distracted by the Decepticon King's trick.

"This unique move of the Decepticon King seems to be mainly performed by relying on the pair of world-class secret treasure wings behind him."

"If it doesn't have those wings, even if it can release this law-based strike method, its power will be greatly reduced."

"I don't know...if I disassemble these metal wings and install them on the intelligent robot Decepticon, will it be able to master similar stunts?" Thain couldn't help but ponder.

Judging from the appearance, the Decepticon King and the Decepticons are quite similar.

Although the Decepticon currently maintains its robot form, it actually has its own second beast form.

Just like Optimus Prime and others, they have their own motorcycle form.

This chapter has been completed!
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