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Chapter 2290 The last alchemy experiment

After ending the communication with Knight Mane, Thane first contacted the Purple Dragon God.

After telling the other party that the Dragon Vein Warlock family and the Western Islands had settled, and requiring the Purple Dragon God to over-fulfill the magic contracts signed with several parties, this sixth-level peak dragon beast immediately expressed its gratitude to Thain.

"You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, go back and take a walk in the deep sea giant dragon plane." Thain said.

Although he did not explain anything in detail, with Purple Dragon God's understanding, he should be able to judge that the giant dragon king of the deep sea also played a big role in it.

Thain's next words only aggravated the Purple Dragon God's suspicion, "You have a good partner. I hope that in the future development, your Blue and Purple Star Territory can cooperate with my Holy Tower of Ashes in more aspects."


Upon hearing this, the Purple Dragon God immediately stated, "We, the Purple Dragon Beast clan, will definitely follow you, Master Thain."

"Under your leadership, we will definitely be able to reap greater fruits of war." Purple Dragon God said sternly.

After the communication with the Purple Dragon God was completed, the war in the Sovereign Star Territory was generally over.

This medium-sized star field does not have much war potential.

Perhaps because of their inner ulterior motives, they handed over most of the civilized war rewards they had received to the Wizarding Civilization for free.

It's a pity that none of this can open up the wizarding civilization.

There is always a traitor's execution method for betrayers. Wizarding civilization has no tenderness for this kind of world.

However, when destroying all the rule-complete planes in this star field, Thane acquired a lot of plane star cores.

The value of these plane star cores in the star realm is even greater than the core cores or godheads of ordinary fourth-level creatures.

Therefore, for Thain and others, it can be considered a small gain.

Thain also attaches great importance to the huge energy contained in these star cores.

The main energy source for the Gallente Federation's special ships and giant mechas above level four is the plane star core.

I heard that the central energy sources of those Dominator-level war fortresses and Dominator-level mechas were transformed from the plane hearts of medium-sized and above worlds.

Thain, who has made great achievements in the field of mechanics, in addition to mastering the secrets of mechanical integration, is also considering whether to find a way to create several level 4 or above mechanical puppets entirely made by himself in the future.

The plane hearts acquired this time will help Thain carry out his subsequent experimental plans.

After the creatures and all rules and complete planes in the Sovereign Star Territory were cleared.

Thain captured some of the captured high-level creatures and sent them to a command base requested by Knight Klopp, and then led his legions back.

The war to purge the Sovereign Star Territory lasted for more than ten years.

The main reason is that the collapse process of those planes cannot be dealt with immediately.

The commotion here is so loud, I think many planes and worlds in the surrounding star field should also be aware of it.

But during this period, no creature from the plane or world passed by the Sovereign Star Territory and asked what exactly happened.

Including the Norman Federation, the suzerain civilization of the Sovereign Star Territory, also remained silent.

It’s as if everyone has forgotten this world!

After completing the mission, Thain did not think about the follow-up matters related to this star field.

He went straight back to the wizarding world, and he still had a lot of things to do.

When Thane returned to the wizarding world, he didn't even have time to say hello to Knight Mane.

However, the well-informed Knight Mane had immediately sent all the top alchemy materials needed by Thain to the Ashes Saint.


Cavalier Manet deserves to have a dominating knight as his grandfather.

The batch of alchemical materials he sent to Thain was more than three times what Thain needed for his experiment?

At least four to five times!

And he also mentioned to Thain that if it was not enough, he would tell him again.

It is estimated that Knight Mane also doesn't know the specific success rate and material loss rate of Thane in creating a world-class secret treasure.

Anyway, in the words of Mane Knight, all his net worth is here.

If that's not enough, Cavalier Manet can also be found again, but he has to tell his family.

Or you have to borrow a sum of money from the Morgan chaebol for materials.

The Morgan Chaebol is a well-known economic organization in the Western Islands, and it is even famous in the entire wizarding civilization. .??.

Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth under Thane, has created many industries and economic benefits for Thain in recent years.

But compared with the Morgan chaebol, which has a profound foundation, it is still far behind.

With the intelligent robot WALL-E assisting Thain at his side, the material loss rate for Thain's refining of world-class secret treasures can be minimized.

The success rate can also be greatly improved.

Not to mention, he also has the Maskless Mask to help him.

In the end, Thain did not ask for more materials from Mane.

After a little preparation, he plunged into the intense alchemy experiment.

After returning to the Land of Ashes, Thane once again devoted himself to experiments, just as he had been tirelessly exploring the truth for the past ten thousand years.

Narcissus, who also returned to the Land of Ashes, looked at his father's holy tower and couldn't help but shudder.

"Fortunately, I didn't follow the path of my parents and became a pure magician."

"Such a boring life

Life, how did my parents adapt?" Narcissus muttered.

Rather than doing research in the laboratory, Narcisiu preferred to practice swordplay.

Because Thane has been in seclusion in the Ashes Tower in recent years, including the Ashes Tower Legion, there should be no big moves in recent times.

It was not easy for Naxi Xiu to convince his adoptive father that he would take him to carry out some scattered alliance tasks in the next period of time.

These tasks are specially prepared by the wizard civilization for the casual cultivators in the fairyland.

Naxixiu, who has heard many stories about Duan Po, can't help but long for the day when he can travel to the end of the world with his sword.

Thain, who was in the laboratory, didn't know that his son had run away.

When he walked out of the laboratory thirty years later, he realized that this kid had dragged Duan Po away to the front line of the civilized battlefield again.

The world-class secret treasure shield made for Knight Mane, the Black Star Arm Shield, has been completed.

Because the materials are relatively high-end, and Thain's alchemy level is also improving day by day, this arm shield finally reached the level of a low-middle-grade world-class secret treasure.

Low-level and high-grade world-class secret treasures may be a hurdle, and Thain has not yet been able to break through.

Also after making the Black Star Arm Shield, Thain conducted several alchemy experiments one after another.

For Lenna, Xaya, Honglin, Natalya and other girls, they made armors for them to wear respectively.

The materials used in these armors are those left by the knights on horseback.

Among them, only Lenna's armor has reached the level of low-grade world-class secret treasures.

The armors of the other girls are still among the best magic weapons.

After doing all this, Thain rubbed his brows and felt extremely tired.

He secretly decided that in the next thousand years, he would never refine magic weapons for others again!

This chapter has been completed!
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