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Chapter 2293 Book three more seats

"The Angel Reincarnation Pond, the Underworld of Reincarnation, the Gate of the Underworld...are they all civilized treasures or fragments of treasures that involve resurrecting life, or even resurrecting the dead?"

In a huge library in the Sky City, Thane stood in the corner of the bookshelf and murmured to himself.

These cultural treasures are the treasures of other civilizations.

The wizard civilization currently has no resurrection treasures.

It could also be that the wizarding civilization doesn’t have that much fear of death?

At the same time, you are not so obsessed with eternal life?

Magicians in the wizarding world care more about the truth and meaning rather than the passing of life.

In the view of many magicians in the wizarding world, the birth and death of life are just different manifestations of the power of elements and energy.

In the astral realm, some elements are in an active period, which must mean that other elements are in a period of depression and sluggishness.

This is also consistent with the law of conservation of energy.

In the past, Thane did not have such high pursuits of death and immortality.

Perhaps in Thain's view, death is death, but he was not able to explore to the end of the truth he was pursuing, so he was a little unwilling.

But since experiencing the departure of Selena and Irene, as well as more and more relatives, friends and old friends, they have gradually disappeared in the long river of time.

Thain suddenly felt that it would be good if the wizarding civilization had a resurrection treasure?

But these civilizational treasures also have their limitations.

According to the records of the Sky City in the Wizarding World, in the Angel Reincarnation Pool of the Light God Clan, all resurrected creatures will be transformed into angels after resurrection, no matter what species they were in life.

And this reincarnation process will greatly reduce the soul strength of the living body.

Resurrection is not infinite. Generally, after two to three times, the weak light of the soul will dissipate directly. Only a few special souls may be able to be resurrected as many as five to six times.

And even after resurrection, the potential and power of the new generation of angels will be far less than before the resurrection.

In short, there are still many disadvantages.

As for the disadvantages of the underworld of reincarnation and the gate to the underworld, there are also many.

One of the biggest disadvantages of the reincarnation underworld is that it erases the memory of the previous life.

Only when you reach a certain stage, or if you leave some memory inheritance in advance, can you regain your true self from the previous life.

However, one advantage of the reincarnation hell is that the potential of the resurrected individual is less affected than the angel reincarnation pool of the Light God Clan.

"Theoretically", the reincarnation underworld can even be used an unlimited number of times.

There are even some individuals who, in the process of continuous reincarnation, have potential and demonstrated strength in several lives that exceeds that of their first life.

But at that time, who is he, and which memory does his personality belong to?

That's another worry and mental obstacle.

The many truths and mysteries about resurrection recorded in the Sky City Library made Thain's head hurt when he saw them.

These profound truths are indeed too high-end.

And those civilization treasures are also top treasures that have reached the limit of Thain's imagination.

Now, Thain has not been able to make even a low-grade, top-grade world-class secret treasure, let alone a prop of the level of a civilization treasure.

The more he knew and the deeper he dabbled in the advanced mysteries of resurrection, the more Thane felt his own insignificance and ignorance.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

In the library, Thain took out his beautiful Rubik's Cube crystal.

Because it is in an unexcited state, the Rubik's Cube behaves somewhat obscurely and low-key at this time.

The soul lights of Selena, Irene, and Lenna's parents are now stored in the Rubik's Cube.

I wonder when in the future, Thain will be able to see them again?

In addition to exploring the cutting-edge mysteries of the resurrection field, Thane has also branched out into other areas in which he is more skilled.

Such as fire system, mechanical system, alchemy system, etc.

Sure enough, it would be much easier for Thane to absorb the cutting-edge academic knowledge in these fields than to delve into the secrets of resurrection.

It is also this kind of process of observing other people's mysteries and making inferences oneself to expand the truth. It is much more efficient than doing research alone in a laboratory.

After just a few years in the Sky City, Thain feels that he is more efficient than if he had been bored in the laboratory for hundreds of years!

The only flaw is that Thain's Mathematical Olympiad points are spent too quickly.

Although Thain subsequently contributed knowledge several times and replenished his Mathematical Olympiad points, Thain still felt that it was not enough.

The more you know, the more insignificant you feel

, so I want to know more.

This seems to be an infinite loop.

Just like the star realm is so vast, its boundaries have not yet been explored.

After my Olympiad points were almost the same, and my knowledge gained a huge boost.

Thain finally reluctantly left the libraries in Sky City and went to visit Wharton and others with whom he had friendship.

Wharton, the well-known space fortress manufacturing master in the wizarding world, is very welcome to Thane's visit.

After Thain arrived, Wharton specially asked his assistant, the fourth-level magician named Xina, to bring a cup of specialty magic tea to entertain Thain.

This magic tea is different from the elemental juice that Thain usually drinks, and Thain also likes to drink it.

It's a pity that Master Wharton doesn't have much inventory here, and the process of making this kind of magic tea is also very troublesome. Otherwise, Thane would really want to buy some of it from Master Wharton.

After drinking two cups of magic tea, Master Wharton discussed with Thain some experimental problems and mysteries of truth that he had encountered recently.

Thain, who is certified as an alchemist master, can definitely be regarded as a person on the same level as Wharton, not to mention that he has now been promoted to level six.

Master Wharton's achievements and abilities in the field of space fortress construction also impressed Thain.

The exchange with Master Wharton has also benefited a lot from Thain.

And unlike in the previous Sky City Library, Thain does not need to pay Mathematical Olympiad points to communicate with Master Wharton in his laboratory.

Master Wharton was also impressed by the various mysteries of knowledge that Thain mentioned in the field of alchemy. Both of them made progress from each other.

Including Master Xina, who was originally responsible for filling tea and water beside the two of them, sometimes she could not help but fall into a state of absent-minded thinking when the two sixth-level magicians discussed some in-depth truths and mysteries.

Masters Thain and Wharton naturally wouldn't mind such details.

In addition to discussing their respective fields of expertise, Thain also mentioned to Master Wharton his experience in recent years when using the Union Fortress Group to fight on the front lines of civilized battlefields.

Including the secrets of integrating the intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron that Thain himself developed, he also taught them to Master Wharton.

Master Wharton can actually fuse with Thane

The power of the advanced intelligent robots on Planet Botan showed great shock and amazement.

If conditions hadn't allowed it at this time and those intelligent robots weren't with Thain, Master Wharton would have really wanted Thain to show him that level of mechanical integration on the spot.

When Master Wharton was amazed again and again, the little assistant in the opponent's laboratory, Master Xina, couldn't help but look at Thain with a look of admiration, and there was also starlight.

Unlike Master Wharton who is an old man with a gray beard, Thane is still young even though he is over 10,000 years old.

He has such achievements at such a young age. No wonder the way Master Xina looked at Thain changed.

For female magicians, what really attracts them is not money or material things. More often, it is the knowledge and truth mastered by magicians of the opposite sex.

Thain, who was in the middle of a brainstorm with Master Wharton, did not realize that the look in the eyes of the fourth-level female magician next to him had changed.

Talking about the happy Thain, he couldn't help but say, "Since my secret of mechanical integration can be compatible with more advanced intelligent robots."

"So does it mean that the combined fortress group can also integrate more space fortresses?"

"This time I come to the City in the Sky to visit you, Master Wharton, and I have one more request. I hope you can help me improve my experimental plan."

"It would be great if you, Master, could personally help me supervise the construction of a new space fortress." Thain said.

"You." Master Wharton smiled and shook his head, knowing that this extremely young magician who could act as his junior came to him this time for more than just catching up on old times.

Master Wharton did not immediately mention his request and the difficulty of building a space fortress for Thane.

He simply asked "How many fortresses do you need this time?"

Thain looked at Master Wharton's face in front of him, pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but tentatively said, "How about... seven more?"

Thain's answer made Master Wharton smile and shake his head.

Seeing this, Thain cut it down and said, "How about five?"

Master Wharton still shook his head, and finally said, "Three seats!"

"I can help you supervise the production of three more space fortresses at most, and the delivery time of these fortresses will be a little later." Master Wharton said.

"There will be more tonight~"

This chapter has been completed!
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