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Chapter 2414 Monster

The seventh-level early master, Taptro, was left to participate in the war in the home star domain of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, except because he was the son of the King of Light.

Another reason is that the civilization of the Kingdom of Light has mastered the "Secrets of the Fusion of Light", the master of which is the result of the integration of several master-level light warriors such as Zorisphi and Seth Levin.

The fusion of the giants of light from the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is not the same thing as the fusion of the monster legions of the Hades Empire.

The combination of the monster legions of the Hades Empire makes more use of the laws and characteristics of dark energy and flesh and blood genes.

The combination of the giants of light is more reflected in the deeper utilization of the laws of light.

Do you think that "light" only has the color white?

Taptro, the son of the King of Light Dimension, happened to be the last link to complete the fusion of the dominant light giants such as Zorisphi and Seth Levine!

Before Taptro was promoted to master, Seth Levine and others were still a little short of the secret of integration.

It wasn't until Taptro joined them that this secret of light finally reached perfection!

Including Taptro, the six dominant-level giants of light have completed their final integration, and their combat power can reach the peak of the eighth level!

Any top civilization has its own desperate tricks.

When the Gallente Federation is at the end of its rope, it can resort to such crazy methods as "God Crystal" and "Doomsday Plan".

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light and Dimension, which has been in the top civilization field for a longer time, obviously has more than just superficial trump cards.

However, these trump cards are usually used at the last moment.

However, in a previous war, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light was forced to express itself in advance.

It was also in that battle that they repelled the attack of the eighth-level peak master Demon Karst who was holding a seal chain.

It was this small stage victory that allowed the civilization of the Kingdom of Light to avoid the fate of being invaded by the Pluto Empire's army into the 77 Nebula in its home star field within 100 years.

Otherwise, within a hundred years, it will be beaten to the home star domain by hostile civilization.

Not only for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, it is an unbearable "humiliation" and result.

At the same time, the threat and impact of the Hades Empire on the surrounding star fields is undoubtedly even greater!

In addition to the "mystery of light integration" mastered by the six master-level light dimension warriors, it is eye-catching.

In the process of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light resisting foreign enemies, the performance of other Lightdimensional warriors was also remarkable.

The combined battle between the eighth-level light dimension warrior Remgiu and his younger brother, although the expression is far less exaggerated than the combination of Seth Levine, Zorisfe and others.

But the final battle

As expected, Remigi and his younger brother Astra successfully joined forces to kill a seventh-level monster king of the Hades Empire.

In a situation where the overall civilization is in a state of collapse against the Kingdom of Light, the achievements of Remji and Astra have undoubtedly greatly boosted the resistance of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light!

In addition, among the middle and low-level light-dimensional fruit civilization legions, there are also many "heroes" emerging in recent years.

However... no matter how resolutely the civilization of the Kingdom of Light resists, or what trump cards they show, and what exciting achievements they achieve.

The fact turned out to be that the vanguard army of the Minghe Empire had still arrived at the outskirts of Nebula 77, the home star field of the Kingdom of Light's civilization.

The overall situation, including the entire civilization of the Kingdom of Light, is also showing a complete collapse.

The extremely cruel iron-blooded suppression and complete erasure of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light caused those planets of light that were occupied and conquered by the Hades Empire to become dead planets after the war.

They are also currently the largest source of nourishment for the rising tide of death in the Hades Empire.

Countless corpses of the civilized creatures of the Kingdom of Light have consolidated the tide of death that the Minghe Empire is carrying today.

The hatred between the two top civilizations has obviously been built on countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

So far, eleven of the dominant giants of light in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light have fallen and died in battle.

(The vast majority of them were influenced by Ozman and had part of their strength sealed, and then were beaten and killed by the master of the Hades Empire.)

However, in less than a hundred years, a total of eleven masters were killed. These exaggerated deaths and the lightning-fast wave of attacks have made even the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, which have reached the end of the civilized war,

After knowing this, I couldn't help but feel numb.

Correspondingly, only three of the Minghe Empire's master-class combat powers have fallen so far.

Such a huge gap in the high-level combat power between the two sides further demonstrates the end of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light at this time.

Fortunately, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is not so vulnerable.

With the passage of time, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light gradually found a way to restrain the powerful sealing technique of Ozyman Dis, the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire.

The main source of this method is another cultural treasure of the Kingdom of Light - the Plasma Spark Tower.

Only the plasma spark tower with the power to break the balance can restrain Ozman...

Dis, these people who break the balance.

In the past, this plasma spark tower was mainly used to expand the fertility rate of the giants of light in the civilization of the kingdom of light. It has always been controlled by the king of light in front of him.

According to the prediction of the King of Light Dimension, the Plasma Spark Tower can also have an effect on Diersga who is in the alien sealed space.

If all goes well, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is expected to help Dilsga out of trouble in a hundred years!

Support for another hundred years... This is the deadline required by the King of Light Dimension from all the dominant light giants.

One hundred years later, of course, it is not the time for the civilization of the Kingdom of Light to counterattack, but at that time, the King of Light and Wei hopes that the unblocked Diersga can help more civilization seeds break through and escape.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light still underestimated the power of a ninth-level creature. They never thought that they would be without any resistance against the attack of the Hades Empire army headed by Ozman Deas.

However, in 100 years, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light can obviously still hold on.

After all, the Minghe Empire's destruction of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is scheduled to be around 500 years. At this time, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light still has a lot of remaining strength.

And just like the civilization of the Kingdom of Light gradually found a way to solve Ozman's sealing method.

The more you fight against such a powerful enemy that far exceeds your own strength, the more experience you gain.

And the power that the civilization of the Kingdom of Light can mobilize is not only those giants of light.

Except for the reactivation of giants of light like Beria who made huge mistakes.

In the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, there are also an extremely large number of creatures of other lineages that are also extremely rich in species.

After all, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is a peace-loving country with overall civilizational characteristics that prefer a bright, friendly, and vibrant world.

It is the complete opposite of the Hades Empire.

Many alien planes that originally lived and lived around the two civilizations, because they could not stand the iron pressure and plunder of them by the Hades Empire, have joined the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Even the race of "monsters" is not unique to the Hades Empire.

The monster legions of the Hades Empire are genetic monsters that they concocted through darkness and death, etc. They are the most powerful war weapons of the pharaohs of the Hades Empire.

But tens or millions of years ago, the "monster" race living in the nearby star field was not originally like this.

These monsters are just special life forms with extremely large and exaggerated physiques. They are no different from beings like the Giants of Light and Pharaoh Hades.

They also have their own wisdom, but their wisdom is generally not high.

And not all monsters are bloodthirsty.

Many native monsters are individuals with extremely simple minds and no bad intentions.

Most of the time, they like to live deep in the earth's crust and sleep without having too much contact with other life forms.

Today, the monsters scattered around are basically extinct.

The current monsters are either those concocted creatures in the hands of the Hades Empire, or they are gentle monsters that have migrated to the civilization of the Kingdom of Light early and have many characteristics of light in their own characteristics.

At a time when the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is in a state of life and death, these monster tribes, as well as other various creatures that have peacefully survived and multiplied for many years under the rule of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, have also spontaneously stood up!

Although these monsters have not been made into combat weapons like the monster legions of the Hades Empire, their individual strength is not weak.

Otherwise, he would not have been noticed by the Minghe Empire and captured and cultivated.

Among these gentle monsters, there are even dominating monster kings.

Among them, the one who performed most outstandingly on this civilized battlefield was none other than the three-headed, dominant monster king who followed the eighth-level light-dimensional warrior Seth Levin to fight.

Although these three kings of dominant monsters are all at level seven, they are all loyal and their performance in many battles has been remarkable.

They are Miklas, Uyindam, and Akira.

This three-headed monster king had stayed in a capsule most of the time when he followed Seth Levin to fight before.

This kind of specially made props that can store monster units is a special technology developed by the civilization of the Kingdom of Light. Even the Hades Empire does not have it.

When the Hades Empire transferred its monster legion, it used other methods.

Miklas is in a green capsule, has several sharp horns, is powerful, and is good at hand-to-hand combat.

Wuyingdam is in a yellow capsule, wearing silver metal heavy armor, and is good at releasing laser attacks.

Akira is in a golden capsule, has some dragon blood, has a unicorn, and is agile.

Rather, they are Seth Levin's thugs.

Rather, they are Seth Levin's friends.

In addition, Rabi Degu, the king of monsters who grew up together with Taptro, the son of the King of Light, also has the initial strength of level seven!

Therefore, don’t look at the state of civilization in the Kingdom of Light and Wei that is so miserable now.

In fact, there is still some resistance!

This chapter has been completed!
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