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A note on the recent leave of absence

I never imagined that, living in a society governed by the rule of law, one day an incident of stabbing someone with a knife would happen around me.

At 11:40 am on July 17, 2022, my father was stabbed several times with a knife at the door of his community. There were wounds on both sides of the chest, left armpit, left shoulder, right upper abdomen, and back of the right wrist.

Knife wounds.

After being sent to the county hospital by a friend for the first time, because the county hospital did not have the conditions for surgery, he immediately took an ambulance to the city center hospital.

As a 25-year-old young man, I never imagined that I would ride in an ambulance for the first time in such a way.

Looking at my dad's increasingly gloomy complexion and his blood pressure that kept alarming in the ambulance, my heart felt cold.

I even heard what the doctor seemed to be saying about his will (or maybe the doctor was talking about medical orders. I was too confused and confused at the time and didn’t hear clearly.)

After arriving at the hospital at 4 p.m., he immediately went to the emergency room. After more than five hours of surgery, he was still not out of danger.

From the night of the 17th to the morning of the 19th, I stayed outside the ICU door and made a bed outside at night. Not to mention that I didn’t bring my computer, I didn’t even bring my mobile phone charger, so I couldn’t update the novel and had no intention of typing.


Until today, that is, at 11 a.m. on the 19th, my father was finally pushed out of the ICU and has been transferred to the intensive care unit. (It is not an ordinary ward. Family members still cannot visit him for a long time and can only stay outside.)

The doctor said that the average human body has 4,000 milliliters of blood. My father received a total of more than 3,000 milliliters of blood transfusion. He almost had to replace his whole body with blood and walked through the gate of hell.

Fortunately, those stab wounds did not seem to damage organs or important blood vessels.

I don't know why my father, a 50-year-old people's teacher, suffered such a misfortune.

The case has been reported, but my energy is focused on my father’s life safety, so I haven’t inquired about the specific progress of the case.

This morning after my father was transferred from the ICU to the intensive care unit, I briefly talked to him. My father was still very weak, but the doctor said that my father’s vital signs were stable and he was in good spirits. I mentioned the two days and two nights.

My heart finally let go for the time being.

The first thing my father said to me after he woke up was to ask about my mother.

My mother has always been in poor health. After my father's accident on the 17th, the whole family never dared to tell her. It was all my aunts, uncles, uncles, sisters and others who were helping me.

Including that I have never posted a single chapter asking for leave, nor have I said it in the group or on the official account. I have only mentioned it in the book circle, and it is also because my mother and older grandpa and grandma will pay attention to my novels.

, I'm afraid they know.

I never told my mother, but my mother and grandparents actually knew about it yesterday because the whole county was talking about it and they heard about it from others.

I wanted to stay with my dad all the time, but after my dad woke up today, he immediately asked me to go home and take care of my mom. My aunt and uncle are guarding the hospital.

So at four o'clock this afternoon, I returned home.

My mother seemed very strong and I chatted with her about some family matters.

My younger brother, who is still in junior high school, doesn’t know about our father. He told me today that he wanted to call my dad. I stopped him and used other methods to get rid of his idea. He thought that my father

Business trip.

After a period of time, maybe within a month or two, my updates will be affected.

Because I had to do five updates every day before, I didn’t save any manuscripts, and I would definitely be running back and forth between the hospital and home all the time, including my own coding condition, which was not very good either.

But the words must be coded, because I am now making money from this, and I have already spent 70,000 to 80,000 yuan in the hospital. Before leaving the hospital today, I gave my aunt another 20,000 yuan, in case I have to pay anything.

After I got home this afternoon, I coded a total of one chapter. I will continue writing at night because I have to make money.

I am posting this single chapter to explain to my readers the reason why I have taken leave for the past two days and stopped updating, as well as the possibility that updates may be unstable and the update time may be messed up in the future.

In the hospital, I actually kept reading Zongheng Book Circle. Because writing novels is my job. Outside the ICU, in the middle of the night, while laying the floor on the cold hospital floor, I kept asking myself, what if... I could

I can't support this family.

I hope this single chapter of mine will not affect everyone’s mood when reading my novel.

I originally planned to maintain five updates for the first two months of the new book, but now it seems that this is no longer possible. I can only try my best to maintain continuous updates.

Of course, I have nothing to do in the hospital or at home. Apart from taking care of my father and mother, I just do code writing.

I will try to write as much as possible and post it as soon as I write it.

Some readers have been sending me private messages asking me what happened. Thank you all for your concern.

I'm fine, I will always work hard. - July 19, 2022 at 20:45, I love Xiaodou.

This chapter has been completed!
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