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Chapter 2573 Good News and Bad News

"In more than 100,000 years, eleven top civilizations were destroyed..."

"And the other party has already appeared in the star field of the Kingdom of Light, and has a direct confrontation with the Minghe Empire..."

A series of messages caused a great change in the expression on the face of Saneses, a true spirit level magician.

Both are true spirit masters, but the difference between Bev and Thaneses is quite big.

While Saneses was still obsessed with the civilized battlefield with the Gallente Federation, Bev had already set her sights on the more distant star field of the Kingdom of Light.

And in the past few hundred years, Bev also ordered the master-level knight Klopp to select a group of young knights and magicians with good qualifications below level seven, and sneaked into the Star Territory of the Hades Empire and the Star Territory of the Kingdom of Light.

Perform penetration missions.

And brought back a large amount of first-hand information about the war situation in the star field of the Kingdom of Light.

The First Pharaoh breaks through the ninth level... The demonic crisis is coming... The Kingdom of Light and Wei is on the verge of destruction...

The occurrence of various situations undoubtedly indicates that for wizard civilization, great changes will come soon!

Regarding Bev's decision, Douglas, Klopp, who have a little knowledge of the situation, and Vivian, the eighth-level true spirit witch who is still on the battlefield in the Great World, are supportive.

As for the opponents, including Thaneses, many of them are unclear about the situation in the light dimension star field, or are skeptical and do not believe that the demon tide civilization will pose such a huge threat to the wizard civilization.

For these powerful people, Bev planned to have a good talk with these high-level leaders of the wizarding civilization after the important battles at this stage were over.

The current battle is undoubtedly a counterattack against the Gallente Federation's "Doomsday Plan".

Yes, the Gallente Federation military believes that it is executing a hidden doomsday plan, which was known to the wizarding civilization as early as two hundred years ago.

This is also the letter of submission given to the wizarding civilization by some senior officials of the Federation, along with the stack of contracts and agreements.

A total of six war fleets carrying God Crystals were launched just now

When they left their military fortress, they were informed by the wizard civilization and obtained all their planned star map routes in advance.

Why did the wizarding civilized army suddenly slow down its offensive against the federal hinterland?

Naturally, it is because the wizard civilization sent a sufficient number of high-level powerhouses and elite legions to intercept those federal fleets!

What the wizard civilization wants to capture is not only the complete federal fleet, they also want the six God Crystals!

In the process of dealing with the demonic crisis in the future, these six God Crystals, which were created by the Gallente Federation at countless costs, may have some unexpected effects.

And as a very senior true spirit magician in the wizarding civilization, Bev knew very well how powerful the explosion of the γ crystal, the predecessor of the God Crystal, which was also the Atredis civilization, was.

Although its detonation method is very complicated and sometimes comes with a huge price.

But for the wizarding civilization, it is still a rare and precious help.

Ms. Bev's answer made Thaneses let out a long sigh of relief.

It can be seen that this close friend of Ms. Bev's who has been acquainted with her for many years has been moved by Bev a lot.

However, he still couldn't help but ask, "Can those six federal fleets carrying the God Crystal really be captured by us?"

"How about I go back and take a look now?" Saneses said.

Bev said, "In those six fleets, there are more or less people who have defected to us."

"Of course, it is indeed difficult for some of the top federal officials to be corrupted and won over by us. They are also the die-hards that we must eliminate at the end of the civilized war."

"However, in response to possible accidents, Douglas and Sinnoh Nordin, two true spiritual magicians with astrological abilities, have returned.

Back on standby."

"In addition, I have also made arrangements in the Wizarding World."

"Don't worry, even if one or two of the six God Crystals are detonated, it will never happen in the hinterland of the Wizarding Civilization Star Domain." Bev said firmly.

Just as Bev finished speaking, good news came from the Wizarding Star Domain.

The person who sent the message was Nuo Bin, the seventh-level peak true spiritual mage.

He had already followed the star map route that Ms. Bev had secretly given to him, and had perfectly intercepted a federal Orobas-class war fleet group.

And leading this fleet group was none other than Marshal Rommel, the famous Desert Fox of the Federation.

What is very surprising is that during the Civilization War, Marshal Rommel caused great trouble to the Wizarding Civilization and was a mortal enemy of the Rose Dynasty Civilization, a subsidiary of the Wizarding Alliance.

When encountering the blocking army of wizard civilization led by Nobin, they gave up resistance without firing a single shot, and took the initiative to cancel all combat status.

"Rommel led his Orobas-class war fleet group and surrendered?!" Ms. Bev also looked at the magic message from Nobin with some astonishment.

In the magic light screen, the seventh-level peak magician Nuo Bin was obviously not sure what was going on.

The battle ended so smoothly, he didn't even release a single attack magic.

Next to Nuo Bin, a dominant-level maned lion lolled its tongue in boredom.

It seemed that, like its owner, it didn't understand what was going on.

Originally, it was because of the reputation of Rommel, the Desert Fox, that we chose to let Nobin and his soul mates deal with him.

I didn't expect such a result.

Nobin gathered the collar of his magic robe and said, "That Marshal Rommel hopes to have a peaceful dialogue with the top leaders of our wizarding civilization."

"And he said..." Nobin paused before continuing, "He doesn't want to be

Some victim of high-level politics.”

Without even firing a shot, they captured the Erobasi-class war fleet group led by Rommel, and captured the God Crystal in the hands of the opposing fleet group.

For Bev and the wizarding civilization, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

And immediately after Noobin, two pieces of good news came in succession.

The ones who sent the message were the seventh-level witch Alice, the seventh-level mechanic Victor, the seventh-level knight Seti, and the seventh-level knight Kesada.

The four of them also intercepted two stealth fleet groups that penetrated into the Wizarding Star Territory.

Although unlike Nobin's side, the battle ended without firing a single shot.

But the battles these four wizard civilization masters experienced were pitiful.

Only after surrounding and killing approximately one-fifth and one-tenth of the strength of these fleet groups respectively, these federal master-class fleet groups chose to surrender.

In other words, after a brief chaotic battle, large commotions and infighting broke out within these federal fleet groups.

Premeditated rebellion and surrender have already occurred within these fleet groups.

The appearance of the encircling army of wizard civilization can only be said to be another inducement for them.

"What are you doing? I haven't killed you yet!" Kesada was extremely dissatisfied and said, holding his bloody heavy sword and giant ax on his shoulders.

Where there is good news, there is naturally bad news.

As the three federal fleets that had sneaked into the Wizarding Star Territory were dealt with, Bev received another message from Rogge.

"We did not intercept the Gallente Federation fleet on the designated star map routes." Fat Rogge, who had been promoted to the eighth level, looked at the gray crystal ball in his hand with some confusion.

Next to Fat Rogge, there was still floating a white jade skeleton with the pressure of a dominant-level creature.

"There will be more tonight~"

This chapter has been completed!
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