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Chapter 2656: Space for Time

During the last high-level meeting, Bev, who had a forward-looking vision, proposed the idea of ​​sending troops to the Hades Empire.

But it was rejected by other high-level wizard civilization leaders present.

Now, another letter for help from the Minghe Empire has arrived, accompanied by the news of the complete destruction of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

The choice before the top leaders of wizard civilization no longer seems to be the option of "rejection".

It takes a lot of courage to continue to stick to your own ideas.

Because behind this, there may be risks to the survival and future development of wizard civilization.

At this time, Knight Seti, who was known for his fiery and impatient personality, did not immediately give his answer.

But it was rare that he fell silent.

The content of the letter is just that.

I don’t know if it’s because the Minghe Empire is still afraid and wary of the wizarding civilization.

Or maybe they are still clinging to their so-called pride of being a powerful and top-notch civilization.

In this letter, the Minghe Empire did not mention the damage it suffered on the battlefield in the Light Dimension Star Field, nor did it talk about the difficulties they faced domestically.

They are just "sincere" and asking for help from the wizarding civilization.

He can always be unruly, and his custom is to peel off the skin of his opponents to decorate his own evil and powerful top civilization, the Hades Empire.

For the sake of asking for help in a low voice, it actually explains a lot of problems.

The higher-ups of the wizarding civilization are still considering it.

In the end, it was Douglas, who had retired, who took the lead in breaking the calm.

I saw Douglas say, "Logically speaking, at my age, I really shouldn't dictate the development plan of wizard civilization and the general trend of civilization."

Ms. Bev said hurriedly, "Master, you are serious. Only a wise man like you with erudite knowledge and depth of life can lead us out of the fog and overcome the difficulties."

"In fact, we still have a lot of immaturity and shortcomings," Bev said.

And other senior leaders of the wizarding civilization present also nodded and looked at Douglas.

I hope that this ancient and powerful being who has led the wizarding civilization since the wizarding world began in the medium plane can come up with any effective suggestions.

Douglas said, "You don't need to compliment me. The war with the Gallente Federation has proven to me that you have all grown up. I am very pleased."

"As for the war crisis that exists in the Minghe Empire, I know that what you are currently considering is whether to place the battle line in the Minghe Empire, so as to get rid of the hidden danger of igniting war in the future."

"But have you ever thought that even if we fully support the Minghe Empire, the Minghe Empire will definitely be able to withstand the pressure of the demonic civilization?"

"This is an unprecedented super civilization that has destroyed more than ten top civilizations."

"I know you will consider that you can continue to win over the fairyland civilization to join the war."

“But will the Fairyland Civilization be willing to face the crisis brought by the Demonic Tide Civilization together with us?


"There are some things that can be done with wealth and wealth, but if we share adversity..."

"Moreover, can you guarantee that the Minghe Empire will really warmly welcome our arrival and cooperate closely with us?"

"Now, they do need us, but when we are really deep in the quagmire of war..."

"Finally, what I need to say is that rather than sending an expeditionary legion to assist the Hades Empire now, what we may need more is to rest and digest the resources after annexing the Gallente Federation."

"The safety of the Minghe Empire has nothing to do with us. Even the Great World and the vast star field that is separated from our wizard star field have nothing to do with us."

"Putting the future safety of civilization on others is an unwise decision."

"In the end, the only one we can rely on is ourselves." Douglas said solemnly.

He is worthy of being an old antique who has been leading the wizarding world to continue to develop and become stronger since the beginning of the wizarding civilization in the medium-sized plane.

Master Douglas has a kind appearance, and he is an easy-to-get-together old man no matter how you look at him.

But in fact, the meaning revealed in Douglas's words is to abandon the death of trillions of creatures in the Hades Empire, including the great world of the universe, and the subsequent plane civilizations that exist in the vast starry sky separated from the wizard civilization.

It is also not within the scope of Master Douglas's consideration.

Yes, the star realm is so big, whoever can manage it and take care of his own family is pretty good.

Master Douglas was able to lead the wizarding civilization from a medium-sized plane to a large world, and witnessed the wizarding world entering a top-level civilization.

It doesn’t rely on the Holy Mother and kindness.

The success of wizard civilization was built on the bones of countless planes.

Douglas's words can be summed up in one sentence: trade space for time.

Master Douglas believes that now is not the best time for the collision between wizard civilization and demon tide civilization.

The Wizarding World has just ended the civilized war, so it is best to absorb the nutrients of the Gallente Federation to enhance its own strength.

As for the safety of the Hades Empire...what does it have to do with the wizarding civilization?

Now let the Mingha Empire take the lead, which can not only buy time for the wizard civilization, but also effectively consume the power of the demon tide civilization.

Top-level civilizations are different from large-scale worlds. Generally, world civilizations that reach this level have their own pride and disdain.

This is what was left behind by our own ninth-level creatures, and it is also what this type of powerful world civilization has slowly cultivated across the surrounding star fields.

Therefore, when encountering an invincible opponent, perhaps the masters of large worlds will want to retreat or even surrender.

But this kind of mentality is absolutely impossible to appear in top civilizations right away.

Even, until the entire civilization is destroyed

Even if they are destroyed, there may not even be any surrender or rebellion.

This is the case with the Kingdom of Light.

The Minghe Empire, which has always been unruly in the surrounding star fields, is obviously of this type!

The Wizarding Civilization does not need to worry, the Hades Empire will directly surrender to the embrace of the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Of course, the "demonization" characteristic of the Demonic Tide Civilization also makes the Wizarding Civilization fearful.

After the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization slowly digested the meaning of Douglas's words, Master Douglas continued to smile and said, "Of course, I'm not saying that I don't care about the situation in the Hades Empire at all."

"Whether the Minghe Empire will eventually collapse has nothing to do with us, but first-hand information about the Demonic Tide Civilization should still be known in advance."

"At least it cannot be the same as during the Light Dimension Star Field War, where the information was always vague."

"We need more detailed data about the Demonic Tide Civilization, and we even need to predict when the Hades Empire will eventually collapse."

"As for when the Demonic Tide Civilization will hit our Wizarding Civilization in the future, we must find a way to pinpoint it to a certain year."

"The super quantum computer, the treasure of the Gallente Federation civilization that has just been captured, should help us quickly collect and analyze all data." Master Douglas said.

After all, he is an antique-level true spiritual magician from the wizarding civilization. Master Douglas's remarks can be called old and spicy.

After Douglas finished speaking, the top leaders of the wizard civilization present looked at each other, and then started voting on whether to support the Hades Empire.

The final voting result was that one-third agreed, one-third rejected, and one-third were neutral.

The occurrence of this situation will cause the wizard civilization to send one, two, or several combat legions led by master-level creatures to the front lines of the battlefield of the Hades Empire.

But that's all.

It is impossible for the wizard civilization to send more legion combat forces in the short term to participate in a war that has little to do with itself.

With several masters and tens of billions of legions, this is indeed a powerful combat force that cannot be ignored for a large-scale world civilization.

But for a top-level civilization that is in trouble, what can such a small amount of power do?

Faced with such a reply from the wizard civilization, the Minghe Empire later did not dare to express any dissatisfaction.

They pinned their hopes that this was the first wave of vanguard legions sent by the wizard civilization.

Only by maintaining friendly diplomatic relations with the Wizarding Civilization can the Hades Empire continue to apply to the Wizarding Civilization to support the legions in the future, and even ask for massive amounts of war supplies.

Of course, the wizarding civilization did not accept the Hades Empire's request for war supplies.

However, the wizarding civilization did not put its words to death.

It is impossible to give things to the Minghe Empire for free.

The Wizarding Civilization also said that we follow the principle of equivalent transactions.


You can give me money, but you have to give me something in exchange!

The Mingha Empire, which is vast and rich in resources and rich in various types of death and negative attribute resources, has too many resources that the wizard civilization wants.

These resources are very common in the star territory controlled by the Pluto Empire, but they are relatively rare in the wizarding civilization, and some are even scarce materials that are not available at all.

In the same way, the wizarding civilization also has a lot of things that the Hades Empire does not have.

For example, the Tenth Pharaoh who sneaked into the wizarding civilization and participated in the war was very interested in the artificial satellites and various types of metal defense lines produced by the Gallente Federation.

These things are of great help to the Minghe Empire in resisting the invasion war of the demonic civilization.

At the same time, the space fortresses and various types of large-scale magic weapons produced in the wizarding world are also the equipment that the Mingha Empire is keen on.

The Tenth Pharaoh and the Hades Empire's military were also very interested in these armaments that had shown great success during the civilized war between the wizarding world and the Gallente Federation.

Cooperation begins with the sale of arms.

The wizard civilization sent a support legion headed by several master-level experts to station in the Mingha Empire and assist in the battle.

But the command of these legions lies entirely in the hands of the wizard civilization itself.

The Minghe Empire has no right to allocate them, and even the Minghe Empire has to be responsible for the logistics and all equipment needs of these legions.

At the same time, a large amount of the wizarding world's war resources and export goods began to flow towards the Hades Empire.

What made the top leaders of the Ming He Empire gnashed their teeth was that the pricing power of the transactions between the two parties was in the hands of the wizard civilization.

If the Minghe Empire wants to sell, it will be sold; if it doesn't, it will be brought down.

In a desperate situation, the Wizarding Civilization directly withdrew its troops from the Hades Empire and later severed any foreign trade ties with the Hades Empire.

This is an unequal civilizational diplomatic relationship.

There is no way, who told me that it is the Minghe Empire that is being invaded by the mainland now?

When the war broke out between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation, the Hades Empire did not abide by its principles. On the contrary, they took action against the wizarding civilization many times.

If you come out to mess around, you have to pay back!

The wizarding civilization has no mercy towards the Hades Empire.

Including the aid to the Minghe Empire at this time, it can also be seen as the Minghe Empire standing in the front to attract the firepower of the demonic civilization, but the wizard civilization is behind and wants to cut the blood of the Minghe Empire and eat their flesh.

Those rare resources belonging to the Minghe Empire, if the Minghe Empire was not in a moment of war and civilization crisis, would they be sold to the wizarding civilization so cheaply?

How much money does the Wizarding Civilization make by flipping things around like this?

If the war in the Minghe Empire really lasts for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

For the wizarding civilization, the rate of return is probably far higher than what it earned during the Gallente Federation War.

Despicable wizard civilization...

This chapter has been completed!
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