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Chapter 2658 More and more enemies

"Are you all ready?" the Dark Demon Ancestor asked before arriving at his own demonic tide army.

What appeared in front of the Dark Demon Ancestor at this time was a female eighth-level peak Demon Ancestor whose body was filled with extremely rich power of water laws.

This Demon Ancestor is named Xuanlan Demon Ancestor. It was only 1,500 years ago that he officially moved from the late eighth level Demon Emperor realm to the eighth level peak Demon Ancestor level.

The other party is also the youngest among the more than ten demon ancestors of the Demon Tide Civilization.

The extremely young qualifications make the Xuanlan Demon Ancestor not only powerful but also the weakest among all the Demon Ancestors.

At the same time, the Demonic Tide Legion under her command also has a large number of soldiers and few generals.

The most surprising thing is that the Blue Demon Ancestor is obviously one of the few dominant-level beings with a relatively gentle personality in the Demonic Tide Civilization.

Many people think that she should follow Youhuang Supreme, who also belongs to the "moderate faction".

But in fact, the Brilliant Blue Demon Ancestor has been following the Dark Demon Ancestor since he reached the mid-seventh level, and followed him in all his expeditions.

He is one of the few logistical talents under the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Some people say that the reason why Xuanlan Demon Ancestor follows the Dark Demon Ancestor so firmly is because the Dark Demon Ancestor saved her once in the early years.

Faced with the Dark Demon Ancestor's inquiry, the Colorful Blue Demon Ancestor hurriedly replied, "It's ready!"

The army under the Dark Demon Ancestor has just finished encircling and destroying the Fallen Leaf Civilization, and the legion's damage was not great in the last war.

It is enough to support the Dark Demon Ancestor's next war needs.

So the Dark Demon Ancestor ordered, "Let's go!"

As the Dark Demon Ancestor took the lead in flying to the back of a dominant demon dragon, the demon tide army, which had been dormant for some time, moved out again.

What kind of generals there are, there will be what kind of soldiers.

The Dark Demon Ancestor is extremely arrogant and violent, and his fighting power is unparalleled.

This also makes the Demon Tide army under his command an extremely evil and elite army with outstanding combat power in the entire Demon Tide civilization.

When these fierce demon tide armies under the command of the Dark Demon Ancestor set out from the depths of the Demon Tide Star Territory, they naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Soon, the news reached the ears of Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​and Demon Ancestor Yanxia informed the matter to Supreme Youhuang.

"I heard from Kaihuang Demon Ancestor that

According to the news, that civilization is called Immortal Domain, and it seems to be another top-level civilization."

"The Dark Demon Ancestor has reopened a battlefield. I don't know whether it is good or bad. How about I go and persuade him?" the Yanxia Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice.

Supreme Youhuang, who was in the Supreme Temple, did not answer for a while.

In the entire Demon Tide Civilization, the only one who can persuade the Dark Demon Ancestor is the Yanxia Demon Ancestor in front of him.

Others can't even use the Supreme.

After a long time, Supreme Youhuang said slowly, "If you embark on the road of traversing the void, you will have to suffer the backlash from the rules of the star world."

"Our enemies will become more and more numerous."

"The fairyland civilization that has appeared now is just one of them."

Supreme Youhuang then sighed and said, "Let the Dark Demon Ancestors go. With the current strength of our Demonic Tide Civilization, there is no problem in dealing with five top civilizations at the same time."

"It's impossible for Star Realm to give us two level nine creatures as opponents in a short period of time."

"After all, the will of the star realm must also follow its own rules of balance." Supreme Youhuang said with a sneer.

There seems to be a hint of mockery of the astral realm.

The words of Supreme Lord Youhuang made Demon Ancestor Yanxia lower his head and said nothing.

In the memory of Demon Ancestor Yanxia, ​​the Youhuang Supreme in front of him has indeed never made a mistake in calculation.

The ridicule and disdain for the will of the astral world appeared on his face, which soon turned into a sigh.

Supreme Youhuang, who no longer paid attention to the Dark Demon Ancestor's next war movements, asked, "What is Ziyou doing recently?"

"It seems that after coming out of the world of despair, she has been hiding in the temple of the world of Demon Abyss."

"Is she going to be promoted to master soon?" Supreme Youhuang couldn't help but ask.

As one of the leaders of the demonic civilization, and even more so as a father.

There are only two things that Supreme Lord Youhuang cares about most in his life.

The first is how to lead the Demonic Tide Civilization out of its predicament.

The second is the future development of his daughter Ziyou.

Once upon a time, Supreme Youhuang believed that blood ties were not as important as civilization and righteousness.

But when his true bloodline relative was born, Supreme Youhuang deeply felt the throbbing from the depths of his bloodline, which was so intoxicating.

But most of the time, Supreme Youhuang acts as a strict father in front of Ziyou.

Not only was he unwilling to give his daughter the treasure of civilization, but he also strictly required Ziyou to complete his planned training plan.

Before sending Ziyou to the world of despair for training, it was also the instruction from Supreme Youhuang behind his back.

But no matter how stern he appears on the surface, in reality, Youhuang Supreme still cares about his daughter very much.

Every now and then, Demon Ancestor Yanxia will watch and protect him in secret.

Just now, when Demon Ancestor Yanxia introduced the Immortal Realm, he mentioned how this top civilization first appeared in the vision of their Demonic Tide Civilization.

This matter also has something to do with Supreme Youhuang.

Because the Dark Demon Ancestor brazenly launched a conquest and invasion of the fairyland civilization, one of the reasons was to avenge Ziyou.

Faced with the question of Supreme Youhuang, Demon Ancestor Yanxia smiled and said, "That child Ziyou is indeed about to be promoted to ruler."

"I originally thought that after she returned to the material star realm, she would immediately start promotion."

"But recently it was discovered that she used special means to seal her magic power and continue to stay at the peak of the Demon King."

"This is also a good thing, because when she is promoted to master, she will be able to go further with her early accumulation." Demon Ancestor Yanxia said with a smile.

Beings like them standing on the ceiling of the star realm naturally know what kind of cultivation and promotion path is the most correct.

Ziyou's approach is equivalent to making her foundation stronger.

But then, Demon Ancestor Yanxia mentioned another thing, "There is nothing wrong with Ziyou's child's cultivation status, but she has been staying in the temple in a daze recently, and she has been looking at a ring in her hand."

"Oh? What is that?" Supreme Youhuang asked curiously.

Demon Ancestor Yanxia then appeared

In his hand, the image of a silver rose ring appeared, and he said, "This is it."

"That child Ziyou seems to have gained something other than strength and knowledge in the world of despair." Demon Ancestor Yanxia pointed out something.

Supreme Youhuang couldn't help but glance at the other party. He sent Ziyou to the World of Despair, mainly because he wanted his daughter to be exposed to the situation of a truly powerful and top-level civilization in advance.

The countless remnants of top-level civilizations buried in a desperate world mean the final destination of a civilization. Supreme Youhuang hopes that his daughter can learn from them and grow up as soon as possible.

To avoid the demonic tide, civilization will follow a similar path in the future and turn into a pile of loess.

Youhuang Supreme trained Ziyou in the direction of being a leader of civilization.

But obviously Demon Ancestor Yanxia has other ideas. The concept of this female Demon Ancestor is slightly different from that of Supreme Youhuang.

According to Yanxia Demon Ancestor, emotional experience and full cognition are also a kind of cultivation for Ziyou's growth.

She didn't want the child she regarded as her daughter to end up knowing nothing but killing and endless demonization.

Supreme Youhuang also knew that the Yanxia Demon Ancestor in front of him was a woman with ideas, and she would not do anything detrimental to Ziyou.

So Supreme Youhuang nodded and said, "Okay, as long as the child is fine."

"It has been some time since she returned to the material star realm. Now that her condition has gradually stabilized, let's send her to perform some war missions."

"The demonic conquest mission at the medium-sized plane level is no longer challenging for her."

"How about sending her directly to a large-scale battlefield?" Supreme Youhuang said.

"I have no objection." Demon Ancestor Yanxia replied.

Supreme Youhuang then agreed, "Let her go to the world of Master Yuhua."

"The three masters of that world have been severely injured and one has been killed."

"Inform the Sky Demon Emperor and the others not to help Ziyou too much. I want to see her own strength." Supreme Youhuang said.

"I see."

"However, it would be better for me to go there in person." Demon Ancestor Yanxia said.

This chapter has been completed!
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