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Chapter 266 Rolling War

Compared with more than half a year ago, the main base of the fortress has undergone great changes.

The most obvious change is that of the three space fortresses hovering in the sky, only two are left.

One of the space fortresses from the Holy Tower of Flame Sigh has left the main base.

I heard that it is heading to the northeastern area of ​​the Flame Continent, and plans to establish a sub-base there.

The most majestic and gigantic space fortress, the Holy Tower of Green Fire, is still floating quietly in the sky.

What Thane didn't know was that his master Cuilis had left the poisonous green flame world not long ago.

A large part of the current command authority of this space fortress of the Holy Tower of Jade Fire has been transferred to the hands of his mentor Lu Lianman.

After returning to the main base of the fortress, Thain immediately went to the mission hall of the main base to submit the war missions for the past six months.

Because of the real-time recording by the crystal ball, the magicians participating in the war seldom had any trouble completing their tasks.

After more than half a year, Thain once again earned more than a hundred magic coins.

Although it is nothing compared to Thain's overall net worth, the speed at which he earns magic coins is the fastest among all first-level magicians.

(ps: The previous reward of 500 magic coins for discovering energy crystal veins has been changed to 50 coins.

It's because a reader made a point in the comment area. If the average income of magicians participating in the war is one thousand magic coins, then the total income of 200,000 magicians in the Poison Fire Green Flame World is 200 million. The entire Poison Fire

Even if Green Flame World is sold, it’s not even worth that much.

Therefore, the average income of magicians participating in the war has been reduced to several hundred magic coins, which is a more reasonable figure.

A magic coin can be exchanged for a high-grade energy crystal.

The exchange ratio between first-level energy crystals and magic coins is between 1:10 and 1:20. The reason why it is different is that the policies of different holy towers fluctuate slightly according to different regions.)

After submitting the mission, Thane flew towards the space fortress in the sky.

In the space fortress of the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire, there is also a room that belongs exclusively to Thane.

At this time, the wizard civilization army that invaded the poisonous green flame world has passed the most critical initial stage, so there are not many mandatory war missions in the near future.

Including that Thain has just been out fighting for half a year, logically speaking, he should also have at least two months of rest.

After returning to the space fortress, Thane did not contact the familiar magician Irene.

It is estimated that Magician Erin, like Johnny and others, is still fighting outside and has never returned.

There are actually many magicians' communication methods in his crystal ball.

For example, Luna, the first-level magician she met when she first came to the world of poisonous green flames, or other senior brothers and sisters under the sect of the Jade Burning Fire Master.

However, Thain did not take the initiative to contact them, because the relationship was not that serious, and Thain himself was not a sociable character.

After returning directly to his residence on the top floor of the fortress, Thain took a short rest and began to devote himself to many experiments that he had already thought of.

Thain did not involve experiments that were too time-consuming or whose theory was relatively immature.

At this time, it was a state of war, and Thain did not have that much time to spend on fussing.

Perhaps soon, a mandatory war call order will force Thane to end his experimental state.

When Thain entered the laboratory, the first thing he took out was two test tubes of Bi Glaze that he had obtained not long ago.

The green slurry exudes some inexplicable smell.

This smell could not be called pleasant, but Thain vaguely felt that his power of the jade fire element seemed to be drawn by the liquid in the test tube.

A green fireball immediately appeared in Thane's hand.

Looking at the slowly burning green flame in his hand, Thane said: "Let's start with the transformation of the spell models of each magic I have mastered."

"Only using the Eye of the Sun magic to fight, the attack method is still too simple, and it is very likely to be restrained by certain creatures." Thain shook his head and said.

As a first-level magician, Thain has mastered a lot of fire magic.

What he needs to complete now is to incorporate all the fire magic he has mastered into a trace of the characteristics of green fire magic.

Since the spell model of Fireball is extremely simple, Thain can use it directly on the battlefield without much careful study.

Some other spell models are more sophisticated, and complex high-level spells require Thain to slowly derive them in the laboratory.

Fortunately, this kind of research does not require inspiration or luck.

It just takes a certain amount of time and patience.

During his apprenticeship, Thain had a very solid foundation.

Including the crystal ball he got from his mentor Lu Lianman, it also described the various characteristics of Jade Fire Magic in a very profound way.

Thain in the laboratory is completely unaware of the passage of time in the outside world.

Originally, Thain only planned to rest and study in the space fortress for two months.

But when Thain is actually immersed in the research situation, he will not stop at all unless outsiders forcefully interrupt him.

This state of selfless research has rapidly increased Thain's strength and knowledge reserves.

Originally, Thain just wanted to incorporate all the fire magic he had mastered into the power of Jade Fire. However, after the improvement of these spell models was basically completed, Thain naturally turned to exploring the deeper mysteries of Jade Fire Magic.

"What has this little guy been doing recently?" Lu Lianman, the fourth-level magician responsible for overall resource allocation for the war in the space fortress, finally remembered that he had a disciple.

At this time, nearly a year has passed since the Poison Fire Green Flame World War began.

In other words, several months have passed unknowingly since Thane returned to the Space Fortress.

The reason why no one bothered Thain for such a long time, and no so-called forced war call order was issued.

On the one hand, Thain, as the disciple of the tower master, originally had certain privileges.

This kind of privilege was not given to him by Lu Lianman, but by the second- and third-level magicians from the Holy Tower of Blue Origin and the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire. For the sake of Lu Lianman, they gave it to Thain Ji.

Great respect.

On the other hand, it was because of this war that the four Holy Towers worked together.

A low-level plane like this can be conquered and occupied solely by the power of the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire.

With nearly 200,000 magicians participating in the war and more monks than meat, no one would pay attention to one missing Thane.

At least for now, there is no shortage of people on the front lines.

It can even be said that there is a lot of redundancy in the combat personnel.

Maybe it won't take thirty years, just ten, or even fifteen years, before the wizarding world can completely conquer this alien plane.

A month ago, the fifth-level magician Gargaru once again had a battle with the fifth-level creature, the poisonous flame demon king Anreda, in the area north of the molten sea in the middle of the poisonous green flame world, and once again defeated the opponent.

This should be a crushing plane war without any suspense. Lu Lianman, who was participating in a plane war for the first time as a fourth-level magician, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This chapter has been completed!
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