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Chapter 2759 The Qi of Chaos

"A late-level seventh-level master." Thain couldn't help but sigh after the figure of Taoist Heisha disappeared from the sky.

At this time, beside Thain, Fairy Yunmeng was still looking at the appearance of Taoist Heisha, looking confused and recalling.

Fairy Yunmeng really didn't know that there was another saint-level powerhouse hidden in Qingyang Realm besides her master.

However, in Fairy Yunmeng's memory, she had vaguely seen him.

About 40,000 years ago? Taoist Heisha once appeared in the Supreme Sect Master's Mansion in Tianyi Palace and had any conversation with Dongfang Bai.

But at that time, Fairy Yunmeng only thought it was her master and an old friend came to visit.

He did not immediately think of his identity as a saint or the Qingyang Realm itself.

In addition, Taoist Heisha never appeared again, so Fairy Yunmeng never paid any attention to this matter.

——With Tianyigong’s outstanding achievements in the alchemy field of the Immortal Realm Civilization, in the past 100,000 years, there have been countless Daluo Jinxian-level monks and above who have visited Fairy Dongfang Bai and Yunmeng.

How could Fairy Yunmeng remember everything?

Not minding Fairy Yunmeng's distracted state, Thain then looked at the situation of the fleet leaving Qingyang Realm, then smiled at Fairy Yunmeng and said: "Then Fairy, I will take my leave."

"I hope that the fairy will come to the Wizarding Civilization as a guest next time, and I will personally come out to entertain you." Thain said with a smile.

"Okay, see you soon, Master Thain!"

"Regarding the trade cooperation between Tianyi Palace and Ashes True Spirit Tower, I am also looking forward to bringing different development to our Qingyang Realm in the future." Fairy Yunmeng replied very politely.

Thain smiled, and then he and everyone around him stepped onto the teleportation array in Qingyang Realm and disappeared.

Most of the cultivation worlds in the fairyland civilization may have lost the will of the plane.

This is related to the path they take to "go against the will of heaven" and the fact that they often lead to "thunder disasters", which is the realization of this special rule.

But the lack of plane will does not mean that these powerful people in the fairyland do not like to develop their own planes.

Many monks in the Immortal Realm have deep feelings for the homeland where they were born.

Taking Qingyang Realm as an example, even if it has no plane will, looking at most large planes in the star realm, it can definitely be considered to be in good development status.

The prosperity and wealth of the plane are much greater than many large worlds in the Wizards League.

After leaving Qingyang Realm, Thain and his party continued to rush towards the prehistoric world.

The Qingyang Realm is located on the periphery of the three thousand worlds of the Immortal Realm. Therefore, if they want to reach the prehistoric world located in the core area of ​​the Immortal Realm, Thain and others must make at least a dozen space transfers.

The Three Thousand Worlds are not all the strength and influence of the fairyland civilization.

Although "three thousand" is an imaginary number, for the fairyland civilization, it only has a few thousand worlds. How can it possibly support such a large fairyland civilization with dozens or even nearly a hundred fairyland masters?


Outside the three thousand worlds of the Immortal Realm, the three major forces of Buddhism, Taoism, and Monster Clan, and even medium-sized forces including the Dragon Clan, Asura Clan, and Phoenix Clan, have also opened up extremely vast territories.

Wizard civilization continues to expand mainly through the wizard alliance.

The fairyland civilization directly expanded locally based on its heritage and countless years of accumulation.

And the Fairyland, like the Gallente Federation, likes "immigration".

Human beings in the wizarding world all live in the wizarding world itself.

But the monks of the fairyland civilization will sow the fire of their own civilization wherever their flying swords go.

The Demon Court Star Territory, which is currently at war with the Demon Tide Civilization, is a large star territory located on the periphery of the overall power territory of the Immortal Territory.

Not to mention it is quite far away from the chaotic void where the Three Thousand Worlds are located.

Even those vanguards of the Demonic Tide Civilization broke through the defense line built by the Fairyland Civilization in the Demon Court Star Territory.

If they want to hit the Chaos Void in the future, they still have a long way to go.

Along this stretch of road, there are also complex forces including Chanjiao, Buddhism, demon clan, etc. that form the star field.

Thain is not a strong native of the Fairyland, so he still doesn’t know much about the overall situation of the Fairyland civilization.

The ones who introduced these contents to him were a few guys sent by the Immortal Dragon Clan.

For example, the turtle prime minister of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is known as "nine thousand years old". He is a know-it-all in the fairyland civilization.

This guy can talk to Sean about all the big and small things in the fairyland.

It was also through the other party's introduction that Thain's understanding of the fairyland civilization became deeper.

"It turns out that this is the energy of chaos." Outside Chen Gou's boundary in Dongji, Thane looked thoughtfully at the gray aura in his hand.

The Chengou Realm in the East is one of the most famous Four Directions Heavens in the prehistoric world, and it is also a prestigious large-scale cultivation realm.

This is also the territory of Jiejiao.

Thain came here not long ago.

Arriving at the East Pole Heavenly Court means that Thain is not far from the prehistoric world.

During the time they were traveling through the three thousand worlds of the Immortal Realm, Thain and his team were traveling through teleportation formations instead of sailing in the starry sky outside the major cultivation worlds.

The reason for this is because the Three Thousand Worlds where the core of the Immortal Realm is located, outside its plane is not the boundless starry void like the Wizarding World, but a boundless chaotic void.

A large amount of chaotic energy and chaotic storms flood the outside of these fairyland cultivation worlds.

With the tyranny of these chaotic energies, only those who have obtained at least four levels of life can have the ability to stay in the chaotic void for a long time.

And if you want to cross the chaotic void and browse the entire fairyland civilization, even a sixth-level expert would not dare to guarantee it.

There is no doubt that the existence of these chaotic energies has greatly promoted the prosperity of the major cultivation worlds in the Immortal Realm.

Because in essence, these chaotic energies are also a kind of "energy", and they are also very high-grade energy!

But on the other hand, the existence of these chaotic energies also restricts the development and expansion of the fairyland.

For example, in the history of the Immortal Realm, it was precisely because of the existence of these chaotic energies that the Immortal Realm civilization fell into a state of isolation and internal strife that lasted for millions of years.

Everyone has no idea what is going on outside the chaotic void.

I also didn’t know much about the vast star realm at first.

The time when the Immortal Realm really began to develop and expand to the outside world should be traced back to more than 300,000 years ago.

That is to say, it is earlier than when the wizard civilization was promoted to the top civilization stage.

It is worth mentioning that the one who helped the Fairyland Civilization lift this blockade, further understand the Star Boundary, embrace the Star Boundary, and conquer the Star Boundary... was also the Wizarding Civilization!

No wonder the two civilizations have always had relatively friendly diplomatic relations in history.

And this information was all told to Thain by the 9,000-year-old prime minister of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

The old guy is not very strong, but he is old enough, so he knows more.

This chapter has been completed!
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