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Chapter 2869 A Dramatic Visit

The high-level meeting with the Pingmo Alliance has reached the fifth round.

Thain built a magic circle and used some of the props he brought with him when he came out of the wizarding world, and was able to contact Ms. Bev and others in the wizarding world.

Regarding what Thain and others are talking about, as well as the intention to send troops to cooperate with the Capricorn Empire.

Ms. Bev and other senior leaders of the wizarding civilization responded to Thain.

"If the conditions are right, it would be okay for our wizard civilization to send troops to help the Capricorn Empire."

"But the commitment that needs to be obtained is that after that, the Capricorn Empire must launch a certain degree of counterattack on the battlefield where it is located, or enter a preparatory offensive posture."

"That's the bottom line," Ms. Bev said to Thain.

Thain nodded, indicating that he understood.

In fact, in the years since Thane left the Wizarding Civilization and went to the Demon Alliance as an envoy, it may not seem like a long time, but in fact, a lot of things happened in the Wizarding Civilization.

The focus is still on the battlefield of the Minghe Empire.

After receiving another round of aid from the wizard civilization, the Hades Empire only slightly stabilized its position, but then suffered a series of war defeats.

The ninth pharaoh of the Hades Empire died in battle not long ago.

The one who killed him was Beria, the eighth-level giant of light who had been demonized and infected by the demon tide civilization.

As the "rookie" of the Demonic Tide Civilization on the battlefield of the Hades Empire in recent years.

After Beria fell into the embrace of the Demonic Tide Civilization and gained the title of "Dark Emperor", he really caused a lot of trouble for the Hades Empire!

In addition to possessing the power of demonization, Beria also possesses an extraordinary source of light.

The two forces did not conflict with Beria.

Instead, the Demonic Light Giant Legion led by Beria was the sharpest dagger inserted into the chest of the Hades Empire.

The civilization of the Kingdom of Light was destroyed, and the Minghe Empire had to bear at least half of the responsibility.

Unexpectedly, the bitter consequences and retribution from the Kingdom of Light and Dimension would appear in such a form.

Originally, the power of the demonic tide was relatively easy to infect the creatures of the Hades Empire, and the other party also had the light attribute to restrain itself...

In recent times in the Hades Empire, in addition to the fall of the Ninth Pharaoh, there has also been a large number of monster legions. Under the influence of Beria's power, large-scale rebellions have occurred.

These monster legions that gradually joined the demonic tide camp greatly enriched Belial's dark kingdom.

Affected by this, the Hades Empire continued to seek help from the wizard civilization.

On the other hand, the pragmatic Tenth Pharaoh finally persuaded other people in the Pharaoh Temple to seek a solution from the former feudal family of Guangwei.

The light-dimensional survivors who master the power of pure light are the most capable of restraining powerful men like Beria.

In particular, the Guangwei survivors still hold the "Plasma Spark Tower", a cultural treasure.

At least when fighting against those demonized light giant legions, these light-dimensional survivors are much more efficient than the death legions of the Mingha Empire.

Of course, Thane does not need to worry about the battlefield situation in the Minghe Empire. He only needs to know what happened.

Ms. Bev and others did not want to put more pressure on Thain.

On the other hand, Ms. Bev herself showed great interest in the iron-blooded civilization and alien civilization proposed by Thane.

Perhaps the one who is really interested is not Ms. Bev, but her sister, the Queen of Blades.

The Zerg, commanded by the Queen of Blades, has the ability to suppress the rank of most insect-form creatures.

Moreover, the Zerg also have the exaggerated evolutionary ability to devour and absorb high-quality genes from other races to strengthen their own bodies.

According to the introduction of the Pingmo Alliance, the alien civilization seems to be an "insect civilization"?

No matter how weird and bloody the opponent's ability to expand and reproduce is, it is an undeniable fact that aliens in their infancy seek hosts in the form of "facehuggers".

If there is an opportunity in the future, the wizard civilization would really like to have more contact with the alien civilization.

The war in Faerûn that ended not long ago actually benefited the most from the Titan world, which also started to believe in the system of becoming gods.

The benefits gained by the Zerg in that war were not significant.

After obtaining the inert crystal from the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, the Zerg are indeed temporarily short of energy.

But how to obtain the driving force for continued development, especially the leapfrog at the level of genes and civilization groups, is not something that can only be solved with sufficient energy.

When the negotiations with the Pingmo Alliance reached the seventh round, the Wizarding Civilization and the other party's intention to cooperate had basically reached a consensus in all aspects.

It was also when the seventh round of negotiations was about to end that Nine Star Civilization sent a message to Thane.

It was a coincidence that the envoys sent by the Iron-Blooded Civilization, which also had the intention to join the Pingmo Alliance, had already arrived in the Nine Star Civilization Star Domain in a spaceship.

Moreover, what is very dramatic is that this envoy, who was clearly from the Iron-Blooded Civilization, was clearly divided into two groups after arriving in the Nine-Star Civilization.

The first group was, of course, led by the 14th Iron-Blooded Elder of the Iron-Blooded Civilization.

He is the plenipotentiary representative of Jagged Civilization in this contact and negotiation.

The other group only had three ships, and one of the ships exploded within the Nine-Star Civilization.

In the end, only two dilapidated ships covered with scars struggled to sail outside the Nine Star World.

What emerged from these two ships was a group of alien creatures with impressive appearance and an average height of about seven meters.

Among these alien creatures, the leader is an alien beast with a sixth-level peak life level. There is a vague aura of dominance emanating from its body.

It means that in a remote dark star field an unknown distance away, there is a Dominator-level alien king controlling its actions.

The alien civilization came all the way to the territory of the Nine-Star Civilization, and even quietly parasitized three ships of the Iron-Blooded Civilization. Of course, it was not just to slap the Iron-Blooded Civilization in the face.

Actively contacted the Nine-Star Civilization and revealed that he also had the intention to join the Pingmo Alliance.

This is what this Alien King clone wants to express.

This is also a message from the Alien Queen!

It seems that after the Iron-Blooded Civilization and the Nine-Star Civilization and other flat-demon alliances got in touch, the alien civilization also felt great pressure.

This is not a race that only knows how to kill and expand brutally.

On the contrary, they are very smart.

Facing the alien civilization that came to express its sincerity, the nine-star civilization represented by Oren seemed very happy.

During this period, Nine-Star Civilization is opposed to any form of internal friction and waste of resources.

It would be best if the Iron-Blooded Civilization and the Alien Civilization do not fight each other.

Uniting all the forces and dedicating themselves to the war against the Demon Tide Civilization is the common attitude of the vast majority of members of the Nine-Star Civilization and Peace Demon Alliance.

As for the bottom creatures in the three ships that were parasitized by the iron-blooded civilization, not many people care about them.

After all, it’s for the greater good!

"The next chapter is still being written, and I will try to update it around eight o'clock~"

This chapter has been completed!
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