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Chapter 3140: My Worry

The war between the Minghe Empire and the Demonic Tide Civilization, as well as the movements caused by the wizard civilization on the battlefield of the Minghe World.

In fact, there are quite a lot of civilizations and powerful people around who are paying attention.

For example, the Pingmo Alliance is paying close attention to the battle situation here!

The lineup of one Supreme Being, seven Demon Ancestors, and hundreds of Lords is too luxurious.

Even when the Demonic Tide Civilization attacked the Nine-Star Civilization, they did not use such a large-scale strategy.

Paying attention to the Mingha War is to prepare for the future when your civilization is threatened by the demonic tide again.

The current scene of fierce destruction in the world of Mingha, as well as the beautiful counterattack and encirclement tactics carried out by the wizard civilization, have attracted many strong men in the star realm hidden in the dark to nod secretly.

Oren, the Star Envoy of the Nine-Star Civilization, is currently in the Metal Cemetery war zone, but he is also paying attention to the battle here.

When I saw the alliance between the wizard civilization and the Minghe Empire, which obviously had smaller power, but kept all the demon ancestors and hundreds of demon emperors in the world of Minghe, and set off a scene of annihilation.

Even Oren, who had half a level nine strength, couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Of course, while the Wizarding Civilization has achieved great results, it has also paid a huge price.

Oren, the starlight user, knew even with his eyes closed that attacks that destroyed equality, such as the endless light and the God Crystal, could not be used casually.

And this time the wizard civilization can achieve such remarkable results, another main factor is that they sacrificed a top plane!

How many top planes in the star realm are willing to cooperate like this?

These are the unruly Pharaohs.

If it were Oren, the Starlight Emissary, he would definitely not be able to do this to his mother plane.

In the Pingmo Alliance, perhaps only the Yandi Protoss can make a choice similar to the Minghe Empire in the final desperate situation.

In addition to Starlight Ambassador Oren paying attention to the battle situation here, Wanhua Tianzun World, who is an old enemy and rival of the wizard civilization and dislikes each other, is also paying attention to the situation on the battlefield here.

Wanhua Tianzun World has basically confirmed the fact that it will join the Pingmo Alliance.

Even the wizarding civilization cannot change this, because the Demon-Plain Alliance does not have the final say in the wizarding world.

Several other top civilizations, including the Nine-Star Civilization, still value the strength of the Wanhua Tianzun World.

Not to mention anything else, just my venerable person is enough for these top civilizations to win over.

You must know that although the Iron-Blooded Civilization also bears the title of a top-level civilization as both are top-level civilizations, there are no eighth-level peak creatures within the Iron-Blooded Civilization.

The strongest one is only the great elder Nigrod who is at the late eighth level.

Although, Nigrod, who has mastered the treasure of civilization, is no less powerful than the "self-made" Lord.

But how could the top management of the Pingmo Alliance give up high-quality combat power like Lord Weiwu to join it?

Including the other masters of the Wanhua Tianzun world, together they are a considerable force.

In short, the world of Wanhua Tianzun is much more valuable than the alien civilization!

The only reason why the Wanhua Tianzun world's Weiwu Lord pays attention to the war in the Minghe Empire is actually mainly to see the wizard civilization suffer misfortune.

When he saw the master of the wizarding civilization fall, His Majesty Weiwei felt so relieved, not to mention how happy he was.

But at this time, seeing the great commotion caused by the wizarding civilization on the battlefield of Minghe World, the face of Lord Weiwu, who had been relaxed not long ago, became serious again.

Especially the blow of the endless light and the detonation of the God Crystal made Venerable Weiwu turn into a black face.

Today, the biggest gap between the world of Wanhua Tianzun and the civilization of wizards is in the treasures of civilization, that is, achievements in the field of destroying the rules of balance.

It is obvious that after winning the war against the Gallente Federation, the wizarding civilization became more powerful and difficult to deal with than before.

At this time, if the world of Wanhua Tianzun wants to have a head-on collision with the wizard civilization, it must first consider whether it will be hit with a bloody head.

Just the world-destroying power erupted by that round of endless light strikes is enough to make most civilizations fear it.

At this moment, Venerable Weiwu, who was at the peak of the eighth level, suddenly thought, if the Demon Tide Civilization is overthrown and destroyed by the Ping Demon Alliance in the future, will an "ultimate wizard civilization" be reborn on the corpse of the Demon Tide Civilization?


This is definitely not alarmist.

Perhaps many powerful people in the star realm now believe that the strength of the wizard civilization is not obvious, at least much worse than the nine-star civilization, and not as good as the Hades Empire before its collapse.

But as the Venerable Weiwu who has watched the wizarding civilization step by step step by step to where it is today, how terrifying is the development potential of this civilization?

Not only the wizarding civilization, but also the fairyland civilization, which has always had such a good relationship with the wizarding civilization that it wears a pair of pants, is also a top-level civilization with extremely exaggerated and terrifying development potential!

My lord, Weiwu, has no favorable impressions of these two top civilizations.

But the reality is that in order to resist the threat of the expansion of the demonic tide, the Demon-Plaining Alliance cannot do without their existence.

"I must promptly inform the top leaders of several other top civilizations in the Demon-Pinging Alliance about the possible threats to the Wizarding Civilization."

"Not long ago, news came out that there is another top-level death world called Gintama World, which is also involved in the war against the Demonic Tide Civilization."

"Perhaps the Gintama World is also an important ally for me to unite with other civilizations to jointly resist the Wizarding World and Fairyland."

"Perhaps I should send someone to go to the Gintama World and the Mohai World Group." Lord Weiwu pondered in his heart.

The first candidate that came to mind for Venerable Weiwu was Yun Qizun.

Yun Qizun is not very powerful, but he is a being that is highly favored by other sages in the world of Wanhua Tianzun. Only my venerable one also admired him very much back then.

However, ever since Yun Qizun showed doubts about some of the decisions made by Venerable Weiwu, and revealed some favorable impressions of the civilization of the Immortal Realm, this talented seventh-level master gradually separated from the decision-making level of Wanhua Tianzun's world.

At present, the world of Wanhua Tianzun is obviously still dominated by the will of Only My Lord.

In addition to Yun Qizun, Venerable Weiwu thought of the equally young Venerable Tianhua.

But it is a pity that Venerable Tianhua was attacked by an alien civilization before and has not recovered until now.

The master omnipotent soul recovery technology developed by Wanhua Tianzun World is obviously much worse than those top civilizations that once had ninth-level creatures.

This is also the reason why Venerable Tianhua is almost "wasted".

However, after joining the Ping Mo Alliance, with the help of Ping Mo Alliance's size and the assistance of several other top civilizations, this unlucky master whose omnipotent soul was defeated just after he was promoted to level seven may be able to regain his power in the future.

The possibility of "rising".

It was not easy for Venerable Tianhua to go out as an envoy, so Venerable Weiwu turned his attention and this heavy responsibility to Venerable Bibing, who was a female Venerable.

Wanhua Tianzun World was able to successfully join the Pingmo Alliance, and as soon as it entered, it established good diplomatic relations with the big brothers of the Pingmo Alliance such as Jiuxing Civilization.

Venerable Bibing played a huge role in this.

On the contrary, the Yandi Protoss seems not to be too interested in the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

The Capricorn Empire, on the other hand, cannot offend both sides. Knowing that the Wizarding Civilization and the Wanhua Tianzun World once had enmity, both sides wanted to establish diplomatic relations and both sides wanted to do business.

Of course, in terms of closeness and distance, the Capricorn Empire still needs to be closer to the wizard civilization.

After all, the Wizarding Civilization is larger and has supported the Metal Cemetery War Zone.

These real-life technology empire businessmen!

Because of the alien civilization, the Iron-Blooded Civilization has an atmosphere of common hatred and enmity with the Wanhua Tianzun World. It is a top-level civilization that the Wanhua Tianzun World can try to win over.

The other large worlds in the Peace Demon Alliance also have their own situations and the top civilizations they follow, too numerous to mention.

All in all, for Venerable Weiwu, it is not an easy task for him to lead the Wanhua Tianzun world to make a breakthrough.

The path of civilization development itself is a process full of crises and ups and downs.

Our Lord Wei Wu looked at the starry sky and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

This chapter has been completed!
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