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Chapter 3186 Tourmaline’s Thoughts

When they left the Star Territory of the Great World and returned to the homeland of the Wizarding Civilization, Cuillis and Gongsun Wudi did not go with Thain.

Trilis' withdrawal batch is later than Thain's.

Gongsun Wudi, on the other hand, has other tasks to perform.

Also staying in Huanyi World is Federal Marshal Merrick.

He is now the chief defensive front layout consultant of the Wizard Civilization Combat Command.

The war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation has made the top leaders of the wizard civilization deeply realize how advantageous technological civilization is in fighting a defensive war.

After the destruction of the Mingha Empire, the first to resist the demonic crisis was the wizarding civilization.

The war experience of the Gallente Federation may be useful to the current wizarding civilization.

The vast majority of wizards and civilized magicians are very humble and studious, and rarely have that kind of arrogance.

Basically, you will learn and use whatever is useful to you.

The top leaders of the wizarding civilization did not have any contempt for the achievements of these federal creatures just because the Gallente Federation was defeated by them.

In addition to the Wizarding Civilization's next defensive battle plan, it will humbly follow the advice provided by the federation.

Many high-level leaders of the wizarding civilization, including Ms. Bev, have also signed. Next, they will inject large amounts of resources into the Gallente Federation and accelerate the expansion of the federal's various heavy military industry expansion production plans!

This civilized decision-making even has Thane's own law signature.

A crisis of civilization is coming, and wizard civilization must mobilize all the forces it can mobilize!

It just so happened that the Wizarding Civilization gained a lot of resource wealth during this war in the Hades Star Territory. It also earned a lot of energy crystals and emerging technologies from the Capricorn Empire and other flat demon alliances.

Maximizing one's own strength is the only thing that the current wizard civilization can do.

You can’t just pray that the Demonic Tide Civilization won’t hit you, right?

When Thain retreated to the Wizard Wenxing Realm, he also said hello to Xiao Shi, Princess Minghe Rowinika and others.

Xiao Shi and the others retreated later than Thain and others.

Because the Minghe survivors have not joined the Wizards' Alliance, they still have to go through certain procedures if they want to get a place to live within the Wizarding Civilization.

The wizard civilization also needs to make some preparations in advance.

Like the Minghu survivors, who will also withdraw to the Wizarding Star Territory to continue fighting, there are also the Lightweigh survivors including Remgio and Taptro.

The defeat and destruction of the Minghe Empire also marked that these light-dimensional giants who originally fought against the demonic tide army at the border of the Minghe Star Territory had no soil to rely on.

The Resistance Army of the Lightweird Relics, led by Taptro, finally decided to move the legion to the Wizarding Star Territory to continue fighting after being courted several times by the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization and through the mediation of Robb, the Dominator-level Knight of Dawn.

One thing that is slightly better about the Light Dimension Relics than the Ming He Relics is that they already have a dominant Light Dimension Giant who has established an outpost in the Wizarding Star Territory in advance.

When the Guangwei survivors go directly, the territory and surrounding environment they will own will be more in line with their own attributes.

However, the background and overall situation of the Guangwei family is worse than that of the Minghe family.

Just the most precious treasures of civilization, the Minghe Empire has two, which is enough to show that the future development of the Minghe survivors will be better than that of the Guangwei survivors.

Moreover, when the Tenth Pharaoh and the Second Princess Rovinika broke out from the world of Hades, they took with them a large amount of wealth that had been accumulated by the Pharaoh's temple and the imperial royal family for countless thousands of years.

Especially the former.

Only with enough resources and wealth can we live a better life in the future!

What is most important when mixing in the star world? Resources, power and connections!

Anyway, at least from the basis of development, the Ming He family is much stronger than the Guangwei family.

However, the ability of light-dimensional giants to restrain demonic creatures far exceeds that of the pharaohs of the Hades Empire.

Once the Guangwei survivors decide to join the wizard civilization, they will form a community of interests with the wizard civilization.

When the time comes, those giants of light won’t need to worry about resources, the wizarding civilization will take care of things for them!

Of course, at this stage, neither the Guangwei family nor the Minghe family have made a clear statement that they want to join the Wizards Alliance.

But it is already a good sign that the remnants of the two top civilizations are both willing to migrate to the Wizarding Star Territory for development.

Gongsun Wudi, Cuilisi and others did not go with him, but when Thain finally left the world, the sisters Bai Xing and Tour Xi returned to the Wizarding Star with him.

This time Shirahoshi brought her pet - the ancient sea god Usothos.

This old bastard has obviously become much more honest after experiencing the war in the Minghe Star Territory.

The surface of the thick turtle shell is full of pits and remnants of Domination-level power strikes, which is enough to show how heavy a blow this guy suffered in the previous war.

When he saw Thain, the old turtle Usothos lowered his head very wisely. Thain flew along its head and neck, all the way to the top of its shell.

After mechanical transformation, Usototh is simply a mobile metal fortress, and it also has dominance-level combat power.

In particular, this guy's turtle shell has a very strong load-bearing capacity. The mechanical legion under Thain's command forcibly transformed it into a spacious platform similar to a large space fortress.

In the process of returning to the Wizard's Star Territory, Usothoth was Thain's temporary mount.

Because this guy itself has a master-level life level, it is more convenient for Thane to conduct certain research in its laboratory than in the Ash Fortress and Thor Robot.

The process of returning to the Wizarding Star is not boring, except for the various experiments to be studied that fill Thane's next time.

After experiencing a protracted war, Thane also wanted to relax.

Although there was indeed pressure from the demonic tide, Thain did not want to push himself too hard.

Relaxation and relaxation are what Thain has learned from his experience in exploring the truth for so many years.

In the laboratory.

Tourmaline, which transformed into a girl's form, curled up in Thane's arms.

From being extremely afraid of injections at the beginning, to now being able to respond perfectly to all of Thain's experimental requirements, Tourmaline has also continued to grow over the years.

Thain, who had just completed a body-training experiment, took advantage of his interest and had another "warm-up" with Bixi.

Several female mechanical angels, including Fumila and Ikaros, who had previously assisted Thain in his experiments, had quietly retreated from the room.

No matter how you look at Tourmaline, which is curled up and holding Thain's arm, it makes me feel pity for her.

This caused Thain to fall silent just now, but he couldn't help but twitch his index finger.

I don’t know whether it was because he had endured it for too long some time ago, or whether it was the fierce war and the crisis of the demonic tide that gave Thain a desire to vent and release in his heart.

In short, since taking a little leisure time in recent decades, Thane has been quite demanding in addition to his daily experiments.

Lina, Mellie and other girls have become a little afraid of staying in the laboratory for long periods of time with Thane in recent years.

Even female knights such as Natalya and Lenna have felt weak in the legs after seeing Thain recently.

Their knight physiques are simply not worth mentioning compared to the dominator's body after Thane's chaotic body refining.

Therefore, as a last resort, they called the Kryptonian warrior Cram, the Huyan princess Gamora and other girls over some time ago, and they fought for a while.

At present, the only person who can really challenge Thain in bed is Gongsun Wudi, who has also reached the realm of domination and has an extremely powerful physique.

It's a pity that the Princess of Tianming Empire did not accompany Thane and others this time.

Although Tourmaline is petite in human form, her endurance in this aspect is much stronger than that of Lina and other women.

After experiencing several fierce battles with Thain, Bixi was very content and lazily slept with her head on Thain's arm.

She also rubbed her head on the back of Sean's hand and asked: "Sean, you said I won't be pregnant with a baby, right?"

"My sister said..." Bixi shut her mouth immediately.

Thain's cheeks twitched. He didn't expect Bixi to tell her sister Bai Xing such a thing.

Faced with the ignorant question raised by Bixi, Thain analyzed it from the rational perspective of a true spirit magician: "It is not impossible to have a baby, but the chance is very low."

"I am already a dominant creature, and it is very difficult to give birth to offspring. You, Bixi, have inherited the purest dragon bloodline, so your family's fertility should not be too high."

"Not to mention the human beings in the wizarding world, there is a certain bloodline gap between them and the dragon clan in the fairyland."

"So I think..." Thain spread his hands and looked at Bixi.

Thain himself doesn't really care whether he can conceive a child or not.

He can now be said to have "a house full of children and grandchildren".

Lina and Natalya gave birth to him a son and a daughter respectively, and the descendants of that boy Narcissus became more and more numerous.

But the tourmaline in front of me may still be looking forward to something.

There was a study in the Wizarding World of Beren Empire that showed that after female dragons enter estrus and reproductive period, their personal temperaments and concepts will undergo some changes.

Maybe Tour Xi also wants to try what it’s like to have children?

Or maybe it was her sister Bai Xing who instilled some strange things in her.

Thain touched Bixi's forehead. He didn't think much about it. The most pleasant thing he felt was the time spent with his family.

This chapter has been completed!
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