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Chapter 3311 Crush

This is an unequal crushing.

Although there is only one Sword Master, it is enough for him to take care of Beria, the Many-Eyed Demon Emperor and the Case Demon Emperor.

Not just the Sword Master, but actually every demon ancestor in the Demon Tide Civilization has the ability to fight one against three in this situation.

However, when such an eighth-level peak powerhouse appears in a hostile civilization, it is still too shocking for these demonic creatures.

Of course, the most shocking thing at this time was the red ant king in front of Beria and others.

When Sword Master Karel took action, the Red Ant King, who had been fighting fiercely with Belia, didn't even have room to intervene.

All that came into view were the shadows of various swords, and their sharp sword energy left the Red Ant King without any doubt that if it took a step closer, it would probably be injured by Karel's sword energy.

At this time, Karel's high-speed burst was still continuing.

This is not a wizard civilization master suitable for fighting a protracted war.

Therefore, his fighting style has always been quick and decisive.

And Karel is different from the strongest knight masters of the past. The strongest knight masters hundreds of thousands of years ago can continuously make up for their own consumption by absorbing the destructive power from the surrounding starry battlefields, making them a "powerful knight" on the battlefield.

"Perpetual Motion".

But obviously Sword Master Karel does not have this ability.

His high-speed bursts and the sharp and terrifying sword energy all consumed his own strength.

Completely different fighting styles, as well as different powers of the original laws that he masters, make Karel, who is also an eighth-level peak master, put different pressure on his opponents than others.

Although Karel is not as extravagant as the Demon Tide Demon Ancestors, who each possess a civilized treasure, his accompanying silver sword is currently only at the level of a top-notch world-class secret treasure.

Moreover, apart from this sword, there seems to be no other conspicuous equipment on Karel.

But just one sword from this man brought more pressure to the three demon tide masters in front of him than even those demon ancestors!

This is because of Karel, who is almost reaching the extreme.

His opponents who were approaching were simply unable to resist him!

Why did the Dark Emperor Beria send messages for help to the Monster Emperor Gromz one after another in the early stages of the war with Karel?

It was because Karel put too much pressure on him in a very short period of time.

It’s so big that even Beria’s eternal soul can’t support it!

A shield of rules of light and darkness appeared on Beria's body.

Faced with the storm of sword shadows that Karel suddenly launched as soon as he came up, Beria was a bachelor. After realizing that he was no match for the opponent, Beria did not fight back at this time and directly defended with all his strength! And went crazy.

Send a signal to Gromz for help.

And Beria is much more insidious and selfish than the monster emperor Gromz!

When the Monster King Gromz faced the attack of Endless Light, he still took a step forward and shielded the two seventh-level monster kings behind him from the wind and rain, resisting the large energy torrent from the main cannon of Endless Light.


But the Dark Emperor Beria obviously had no interest in blocking the bullets for the two seventh-level demon emperors behind him.

After all, these two seventh-level demon emperors did not follow him for long.

And even among Beria's closest confidants, when it comes to his own life and the lives of two seventh-level demon emperors, Beria must be more concerned about the former.

Beria, who didn't care about the life or death of the two Demon Emperors, left Sword Master Karel with no good solution for a while.

No matter what you say, Beria is still an eighth-level master.

With the abundance of Eternal Soul, even if Karel explodes with all his strength, it is impossible to kill him in a short time.

Not to mention, Karel had already received news that the larger main force of the Demonic Tide Vanguard was approaching here.

There is not much time left for him.

Taking his eyes away from Beria, who was concentrating the light and dark shield in front of him, Karel turned to look at the two seventh-level masters who looked extremely embarrassed from the beginning.

How can the Demon Emperor be a seasoned veteran who can follow Beria?

Even if they have to choose a new backer, most demon emperors will definitely choose Gromzi, who has outstanding combat power!

Although Gromz is not very smart, he is truly a peak level eight combat power.

Moreover, sometimes, following a boss with an upright temperament may be a blessing.

At least the other party would not be like Beria, who could analyze the pros and cons so clearly and quickly, and then directly give up on these two seventh-level demon emperors.

The six sword shadow clones that besieged Beria were subsequently drawn out by Karel and used to target the Demon Emperor Kais and the Many-Eyed Demon Emperor.

On the other side, Karel sent a message to the Red Ant King who was in a daze for a moment: "I'm going to wipe out these two seventh-level demon emperors first. You cooperate with me to suppress this guy!"

Faced with Karel's message, the Red Ant King had no objection at all.

With a seventh-level body, fighting against an eighth-level master?

And with the help of a powerful foreign aid like Karel, Beria was suppressed!

If we miss this battle, we don’t know how many years it will take for the next one to appear.

The Red Ant King is also a seventh-level peak master with a violent temperament, but with his fiery personality, he usually thinks about things more comprehensively and steadily than the Termite King.

There is nothing to say about participating in the siege of Beria and beating up the drowned dog.

When the flaming ant blade of the Red Ant King also acts on the light and dark shield on Belial's body.

The pair of protruding eyes of the Red Ant King, the main object of attention at this time is still the ending of the Many-Eyed Demon Emperor and the Case Demon Emperor on the battlefield not far away.

Such an easy and crushing battle for dominance is definitely the first time the Red Ant King has ever seen it in his life!

After receiving the help of the Red Ant King, Karel was able to separate his mind a little, and also shifted his main focus from Beria to the other two Demon Emperors.

The one targeted by Karel first was the multi-eyed demon emperor who was the weakest and seemed not to be good at defense. Instead, he had keen perception.

Karel can be regarded as a fierce man who has been in the star world for many years and has experienced countless battles.

Although he doesn't like killing, he is quite experienced at observing his opponent's weaknesses and choosing his opponent.

After killing the weakest multi-eyed demon emperor first, he could devote more energy to the demon emperor Kais and even Beria.

The peak of level 8 versus the early stage of level 7?

This is a battle with no suspense at all.

Not to mention, the Multi-Eyed Demon Emperor doesn't have any overly eye-catching trump cards.

Its natal item is just a necklace that reaches the level of a mid-level world-class secret treasure.

As Karel's sword shadow continued to act on the dominant body of the Multi-Eyed Demon Emperor, not only the eyeballs on the Multi-Eyed Demon Emperor's body were shattered, but not long after, even his world-class secret treasure necklace was shattered.

It was chopped into pieces by Karel and shattered into countless pieces!

"Rumble!" Just as Karel began to focus on the multi-eyed demon emperor, a penetrating white energy torrent suddenly rumbled through the distant starry sky.

This was the first time for the strong men of the Ant-Man civilization to witness such a torrent of energy, but not the Dark Emperor Belial.

When he felt the energy torrent of endless light descending on the surrounding star field, Beria, who remembered the final battle in the Hades world, could not help but continue to strengthen his defenses and sent several more messages to Gromz.

A signal for help!

The endless light of the wizard civilization has achieved good results in this third round of launching against the demonic tide. I really have to thank Beria for it.

If Beria hadn't sent Gromz so urgently to ask for help, this torrent of energy might not have achieved such dazzling results.

The pure white endless light energy torrent serves as the background for the current war between the Ant-Man civilization and the demonic tide.

And as the Endless Light continued to attack, the peripheral energy tide began to spread to the surrounding Ant-Man star field, which also caused a considerable impact on the warring creatures on both sides in this large star field battlefield.

The main impact is on the middle and bottom organisms.

Because the dominant powerhouses are far away from the core of the endless light strike, the impact at this time is relatively small.

Belia was forced by Karel at this time and had no time to care about anything else, but the other demon emperors in this starry sky battlefield noticed that the center of the attack of the endless light was probably the vanguard led by Gromz.

Legion center.

For this reason, the morale of many high-level members of the demonic tide fighting outside the Ant-Man Star Territory has also been greatly reduced under the influence of such war situations.

It's endless light, and it's an eighth-level peak powerhouse like Karel.

Next step, might the reinforcements from the wizard civilization arrive?!

Because the fighting spirit of the top leaders of the Demonic Tide was affected, the Ant Legion of the Ant-Man Civilization could breathe a long sigh of relief during this period.

The tide of energy elements caused by the endless light has indeed had a great impact on the ant nest front of the Ant-Man civilization.

However, billions of worker ants are still pouring into the ant nest front in a steady stream at this time.

These simple-minded worker ant creatures don't care about the threat of the energy tide outside.

They enter the ant nest front one after another to repair and fill in, which is the main reason why this long ant nest front continues to stand here.

This chapter has been completed!
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