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Chapter 3320: Lisa is promoted successfully and the Zerg race transforms!

Although Hela seems to have failed in her promotion to the eighth level, her aunt is about to succeed!

At this time, Queen of Blades Lisa was in the Zerg main base in the pan-star region where the Aiyoulandie civilization ruins were located.

Located deep in the Zerg main base, she enjoys the blessing of power from trillions of Zerg and the supply of countless Zerg resources.

A huge number of inert crystals were accumulated around the Zerg main base during this period.

Not only the main base, but also the Zerg auxiliary bases also digested a large amount of inert crystals at this time, and continuously transported this core energy through the Zerg biological pipeline into the main base where Queen of Blades Lisa is located.

The Queen's promotion relies on the resources of the entire Zerg race!

Among these resources, there are even many inert metals, which are the "divine gold" originating from the world of Pantera.

After those Zerg engineers mined resources from the world of Pantera, they couldn't wait to transport them here through the wormhole to contribute to the advancement of their Majesty the Queen.

From this point of view, Queen of Blades Lisa and Queen Elizabeth rely on the resources of the entire group under their command to undergo transformation.

But Lisa is obviously much better than losers like Elizabeth.

She is the real King of Zerg!

As countless top-notch cutting-edge energy poured into Lisa's surroundings, nourishing every cell in her body.

When Thane and others had just set off from the world of Pantera, Queen of Blades Lisa's dark golden pupils, which had been closed for a long time, finally slowly opened.

An indescribable pressure from the Queen suddenly spread throughout the Zerg base and beyond.

Trillions of Zerg species could not help but tremble at this moment and let out a sharp whistle.

They seem to be celebrating their queen, and they seem to be welcoming the arrival of the queen!

As Lisa completed her transformation in life level, she reached the peak level eight.

The entire Zerg race will surely prosper because of the Queen!

The birth of more powerful Zerg is just one of them.

The biggest change is that there may be more insect kings ascending to the realm of domination.

After all, for the Zerg who have no fixed place and no so-called mother plane.

The queen's height and upper limit of strength are the core factors that determine the potential of their Zerg civilization.

When hundreds of millions of Zerg race are excited for the Queen's promotion.

The vast star field where Thane and others are located is still a little far away from the main Zerg base where Lisa is located, so the mutations transmitted are also a little late.

When Thain and others had already traveled halfway, the Zerg army here felt something.

In the middle, the large-scale screams of the bottom Zerg made many strong men in the wizard civilization legion who did not know the truth look curiously at the huge number of Zerg creatures.

Thane also came to the Dominator Blade Warrior at this time and asked why.

The blade warrior in human form was also trembling slightly in its muscles at this time.

Using the Mask of Formlessness, Thane discovered that it seemed that the Blade Warrior in front of him, as well as the billions of Zerg, had undergone some changes.

In addition to the improvement in morale, it seems that the inner self has also been improved to a certain extent.

But the specific improvement must be determined through experimental anatomy.

——The changes in these Zerg creatures are actually their genetic shackles. As the Queen advances, many of them are released.

At this time, Blade Warrior also looked excited. Faced with Thain's question, Blade Warrior replied: "The Queen has been promoted successfully!"

When he heard that his adopted sister Lisa was successfully promoted, Thain was also happy.

Although Lisa is unlikely to arrive at the front line of the battlefield in the Pantera Star Territory in an instant, after hearing that the Wizarding Civilization has gained such an eighth-level peak powerhouse, Thane's confidence to face the Demonic Tide Civilization will also change.

It's a bit more satisfying.

He looked in the direction of the Ant-Man star field and called the exiled ruler Tidx over to determine the direction of the star map.

Thain said: "There is only half the distance left, let's speed up!"

"The total number of legions invested by the Demonic Tide Civilization in this vast star field is far greater than those in the Ant-Man Star Territory and those we came into contact with on the Pantera Star Territory front."

"The longer it takes, the more risks and variables there will be."

"The main thing we pursue in this support mission is 'speed'!" Thain said solemnly.

Faced with Thain's words, all the masters of wizard civilization responded in unison.

The exiled ruler Tidex took the initiative to apply to join the support legion this time. Because he has been to the Ant-Man Civilization, his familiarity with the route is clearer than the star map handed over to Thain by the Wizard Civilization Combat Command.


Tidex's initiative can also be regarded as an attitude it showed to Thane and the wizarding civilization.

This guy has already made some achievements even before joining the Wizards Alliance. He is a malleable talent!

Including the exiled groups on the outer front of the Pantera Star Territory, Tidex also helped sort out the wizard civilization Zhaoan.

These things are all seen by Thane and other high-level leaders of the wizarding civilization.

For this reason, when setting off from the world of Pantera, Thane gave the other party a bottle of life potion produced by the wizard civilization that can restore the master of the omnipotent soul.

This should be the first time Tidix has seen such a valuable treasure.

This guy didn't even think about keeping it, but drank it on the spot, and felt the contentment that comes from the recovery of the omnipotent soul.

Having experienced the collapse of civilization and the interstellar escape process, the feeling that Tidex brought to Thane was indeed different from other star realm masters.

Thain has a good impression of this scarecrow.

At this time, the Demonic Tide Civilization's conquest of this vast starry sky has not yet ended, and nearly half of the plane civilizations have not fallen into the claws of the Demonic Tide.

There must be many more wandering groups who will flee to wizard civilization in the future!

With a dominant creature like Tidex as an example, the wizarding civilization's subsequent process of accepting other exiled civilizations will be much easier.

I just don’t know if there are any other exiled masters besides Tidx who can be recruited by the wizarding civilization.

Therefore, Tidux is quite important to wizard civilization.

Its knowledge also makes the wizard civilization very satisfied.

When Thane and others arrived at the Ant-Man Star Territory, what they saw was an extremely chaotic battlefield.

The Ant Nest Front of the Ant-Man civilization has not been lost yet.

There are also domination-level biological turmoil and countless middle- and low-level creatures fighting there.

However, the Ant Nest Front constructed by the Ant-Man Civilization is obviously not as long and vast as the Magic Metal Front constructed by the Wizard Civilization outside the Pantera Star Territory.

Including the underlying strength of the Ant-Man civilization, especially the number of Dominator-level creatures, it is far inferior to the Pantera World Front supported by the wizard civilization.

It is also for this reason that the current fierce civilized battles in the Ant-Man Star Territory are no longer limited to the Ant Nest Front on the periphery of the Star Territory.

Within the Ant-Man civilization, there are thousands of planes with complete rules, and fierce wars have broken out in most of them at this time.

Even the Ant-Man World, the home planet of the Ant-Man civilization, now has an extremely elite Demon Tide Vanguard Army that has broken into it.

The faint turbulence of the battle between dominant-level creatures came from the large plane of the Ant-Man world.

Because the core of the Ant-Man world was raided by the army of the master of the demonic civilization, the fighting spirit of the ant nest front and the trillions of ants among them were also greatly shaken.

They are not worried about the mother plane being destroyed by the Demon Tide Vanguard Army. What the trillions of ants are more worried about is the safety of Queen Elizabeth.

In fact, the Ant-Man civilization is a bit similar to the Zerg. Their feelings for their mother plane and homeland may not be that strong.

Billions of Ant-Men care more about their queen.

Therefore, when the ant queen Elizabeth decided to abandon her home star domain and retreat to the wizard civilization.

The great transfer of Ant-Man civilization will also proceed smoothly.

Even the queen ant has spoken, but the entire ant civilization cannot find a single voice of opposition.

Through Tidux, Thane learned more about the Ant-Man civilization and its civilization system on the way here.

Thane first looked at the Ant Nest Front at the border of the Ant-Man Star Territory, and then looked at the Ant-Man World.

Thain said in a deep voice: "Save the queen first!"

"Otherwise, these ants may not be willing to leave even if all of them are killed in battle!" Thain said.

And ordered Thor, Blade Warrior and other wizard civilization masters to lead their legions and fly directly towards the Ant-Man world.

This chapter has been completed!
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