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Chapter 3322 The ants retreat

As the six-winged demon ancestor also approaches the battlefield of the Ant-Man civilization.

The focus of this battle of civilizations in the vast starry sky has gradually shifted from the Pantera star field front to the Ant-Man civilization, a large star field that was not initially valued by the wizard civilization and the demon tide civilization.

At this time, the war here still puts the powerful wizards such as Thane at a greater disadvantage.

Although Thain and others had evened out the high-level combat power of both sides when they first arrived.

However, support from the Demonic Tide Civilization is arriving continuously.

Before the arrival of the Six-Winged Demon Ancestor, more than ten demon tide masters descended on this war zone one after another.

These demon tide masters who came here to support were not here for the monster emperor Gromz.

The situation within the Demonic Tide Civilization is of course very serious, but not all Demonic Tide masters only focus on the camp and the leaders they follow.

There is a fierce resistance war here in the Ant-Man Star Territory. Even if those demon emperors do not receive orders from the six-winged demon ancestors, they will spontaneously move closer here for the sake of the hegemony of the entire demon tide civilization and their own expansion interests.

And as time goes by, the number of Demon Tide Lords and Demon Tide Legions arriving here will increase.

Until everything is swallowed up by the demonic tide!

The tenth Pharaoh was outside the ant nest line and had just suffered a moderate defeat.

Holding the two cultural treasures of the Hades Holy Book and the Sealed Divine Ring, she can be called the leader of contemporary civilization in the Hades Empire, and she tried to persuade the monster emperor Gromz and his monster army to surrender.

But before the Tenth Pharaoh could get close to Gromz, a ruthless and cold monster ray shot over after grazing the Tenth Pharaoh's sealing clothes.

Immediately afterwards, Gromz's sharp claws and tail also swung at the body of the tenth Pharaoh with unusual ferocity.

I was so surprised that I couldn’t swing the tenth pharaoh into three pieces on the spot!

The tenth pharaoh was so angry that he almost couldn't help but use the sealing ring to teach this "traitor" a lesson!

But considering that Gromz possesses the eighth level of peak strength, the price paid by the Tenth Pharaoh to forcefully use the Sealing God Ring is her dominating omnipotent soul.

The Tenth Pharaoh finally took a deep breath and calmed down.

It's far from the time of decisive battle, and the sealing ring and other civilization treasures are not used in this way.

However, when the sealing ring, a civilization treasure left behind by Ozman, Gromz's previous master, appeared on this battlefield, it still made this behemoth's body stiffen slightly.

It seems that even if they are demonized and become minions of the demonic civilization, it is impossible for Gromzi and others to completely disown their relatives because their memories and some deep-seated things in the body are still there.

Ozman's influence on Gromz is obviously huge.

Even though Ozman had already left the star realm, this sealing divine ring only contained a trace of his aura before he left, but Gromz's eyes could not help but become cloudy and hesitant.

Gromz's hesitant moment was the opportunity for Sword Master Karel to strike with all his strength.

To this day, Karel also knows that Queen Elizabeth agreed to lead the Ant-Man civilization to retreat to the Wizarding Star Territory, including Thane and other wizarding civilization support groups, and some of the factors were called over by Karel.

Therefore, for Karel, severely damaging or defeating Gromz is not the main purpose.

How to consider evacuating from this battlefield as soon as possible is the top priority.

Therefore, looking at the gap between Gromzi's stiffness and hesitation, Karel slashed at Gromzi's joints on one side, and on the other hand, he used the edge of the sword shadow to support the Red Ant King and others, forcing them to retreat.

There are many demon tide masters in front of them.

"Let's go quickly!" Karel said solemnly to the Red Ant King and others.

At this juncture, it is no longer meaningful to stick to the Ant Nest Front, including giving up the huge wealth accumulated in the Ant-Man World, which is completely acceptable.

As long as the "people" are still there, are you still afraid that you won't be able to make money back in the future?

At this time, only the red ant king, termite king and black ant king are left as the masters of the ant-man civilization in this ant nest front.

The other two blue ant kings, who have space capabilities, and the flying ant king, who has outstanding flying abilities, had already quickly retreated to rescue the ant queen Elizabeth when the ant world was attacked by the elite army of demonic tides.

It can also be seen from here how much the Ant-Man civilization attaches great importance to Queen Elizabeth.

Obviously the war pressure on the front line is greater, but the rear area was only attacked by a small elite army. Even without the support of the Dominant Ant King, Queen Elizabeth's unusually abundant omnipotent soul reserve, coupled with the guards in the Queen Ant Palace Complex,

There is no problem at all with the desperate defense of many ant guards in the area for a period of time.

However, the Ant-Man civilization, which was eager to protect its master, still gritted its teeth and sent back two master-level ant kings to rescue their queen.

Even the Blue Ant King, who was extremely flexible and had the ability to jump in space, was hit hard on the back by several Demon Emperors in order to escape from the battlefield as quickly as possible, causing considerable damage.

The same goes for the Flying Ant King. When it rushed back to the Ant-Man world, even the translucent wings behind it were knocked off by the demon tide masters, leaving it in a state of disarray.

Not to mention the fighting situation in the Ant-Man world behind.

At this time, Karel's cover at the front of the ant nest front really reduced the pressure on the Red Ant King and others.

Even though the queen ant had given the order to move, the red ant king and others did not resist and immediately retreated.

At the same time, a series of orders were issued from the red ant king and other masters.

The communication and communication capabilities of the ant-people civilization are still very advanced. Without even seeing how the red ant king made any plans, the trillions of ant creatures originally stationed in the ant nest front began to evacuate in an orderly manner, retreating in the direction of the ant queen.

The retreat of these ant tribes is not a swarm of swarms, they are very organized.

And if you observe carefully, you will find that the ants who are the first to retreat from the ant nest front are not the strongest and strongest ones, but the "geniuses" with relatively high potential at the same level.

Queen Elizabeth is indeed a waste, but the children under her command, especially the ant kings who can reach the master level, are really capable.

The Red Ant King and others obviously also know that "talent" is the important cornerstone for the future development of Ant-Man civilization.

As for the other ant creatures who remained on the original front and continued to defend, they did not waver at this time, and they did not get into the ranks of the retreating ants and take advantage of the chaos to escape.

Are these ants who have left behind their queen really not afraid of death?

Of course not.

Through their big dark eyes, one can see in their eyes the fear of the coming wave of demonic waves and the desire for life.

But responsibility, as well as the discipline of the ant creatures, made these ants who stayed behind, as if there were nails in the soles of their feet, staying in place, motionless!

Similarly, the annoying termite king did not leave at this time.

No matter how disgusting things it had done before, at least at this time when the Ant-Man civilization was in a state of life and death, the Termite King, as a member of the Ant-Clan civilization, still insisted on completing his mission.

Moreover, it was in relatively good condition and scolded the Black Ant King, who had been seriously injured in the previous battle, to retreat first.

"Get out of here!"

"I can't hold on for long!" the termite king scolded the black ant king.

The powerful termite king has always looked down upon the honest black ant king.

Even if the opponent has a master-level life level, the Termite King has never given him a good look.

But who would have thought at this moment that it was the Termite King who took the initiative to stay behind and let the lowly Black Ant King go first.

The black ant king is really honest. If the termite king tells him to go away, he will really go away.

Not even the slightest trace of nostalgia.

It quickly retreated to the back of Ant-Man's world. When it left, it also took many elite black ant creatures from the Ant Nest Front with it.

Watching the Black Ant King walk away, the Termite King's body felt much more relaxed.

However, immediately after, the termite king's compound eyes looked at the oblique side of his master's body.

There, there is a shocking purple demonic corrosion wound, constantly eroding the termite king's will and draining its vitality!

This chapter has been completed!
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