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Chapter 3333 Hurry

When Xiao Shi entered the battlefield again, it was already time to come to Thain's side and fight side by side with Thain.

This woman grasped the timing of the fight just right. When she quietly retreated, Gromzi, who was in a furious state, probably ignored the existence of this guy and turned all his attention to the Blade Queen Li in front of him.

On Shah.

Xiao Shi, who arrived at Thain's side, was not idle either.

The strong arrival of the Queen of Blades did provide them with a way to break through and destroy, but the surrounding demonic tide masters were not foolhardy either.

In particular, the two eighth-level Demon Emperors who had just been repelled by the Queen of Blades' attack now had a faint tendency to move forward again.

After Xiao Shi came to Thain, the first support he provided to Thain was that his body and rule clones went straight to the two demon emperors.

The Treasure Gourd Demon Emperor and the One-Horned Demon Emperor can only be regarded as ordinary characters among the eighth-level masters of the Demon Tide Civilization.

Facing the Tenth Pharaoh who has activated his self-sealing technique and is holding the Holy Book of Hades, the suppression power these two demon emperors can exert is really limited.

Before the demon emperors from other surroundings came up again, Thane and Xiao Shi looked at each other, and the two of them joined forces and continued to break out.

Ikaros, Fumila, and Xiao Shi's two dominant monster kings were all closely following Thane and others at this time.

That pitch-black avenue of destruction has not yet been swallowed up again by the purple demonic tide.

For Thain and others, this road is their "road to survival."

"Let's go!" Thane said in a deep voice to the surrounding masters.

The breakout of Thain and others was relatively successful.

The main reason is that from the beginning, Thain and others did not plan to fight too many fierce battles in this chaotic battlefield of the Ant-Man Star Territory.

Including the life and death of those ant-man creatures, Thane and other high-level wizard civilization officials don't care much.

Anyway, as long as the mission is completed, the other Ant-Man legions who are still fighting hard in the same place, let them replace Thane and others to block the approaching demonic army.

When Thane and others retreated from the outskirts of the Ant-Man Star Territory to the hinterland of the Ant-Man Star Territory, they finally reunited with Thor, Blade and others who stayed here.

"Why are you still here?" Thain couldn't help but asked in surprise after receiving the response from Thor and others.

Thain looked behind the wizards and civilization legions present. Although there was a road of destruction there, it was obviously much thinner than the road widened when Lisa first came to this battlefield.

And as time goes by, this avenue of destruction will eventually be swallowed up by the demonic tide.

Even if he is an eighth-level peak master, he is still somewhat unable to deal with the power of the demonic tide on this star field battlefield with the power of one person.

"His Royal Highness Thor told us that we must wait until Master Thain withdraws before we can leave together."

"I think His Highness Thor is right, and I believe this is what the Queen means." Blade Warrior said proactively.

At this time, Thane saw the Overlord following behind the Blade Warriors, the Swift Insect King, who was already suffering from obvious trauma.

One of the arms of the Swift Insect King was hanging there helplessly, and even one of its arms showed obvious purple demonic corrosion.

These Titan Legions and Zerg Legions must have paid a heavy price in order to stay here and insist on joining Thain and others.

Thain's heart suddenly condensed, and he nodded: "Okay, let's break out together!"

The masters, especially the elite legion led by Thane and others, broke out from the battlefield of the Ant-Man Star Territory very quickly.

They are masters, not fourth or fifth level creatures.

Even if there are some demonic tide legions and demon emperors, they intercept and pursue Thain and others.

But as long as they are not completely surrounded by the demon tide civilization, it will be difficult for those demon tide creatures to stop the breakout of Thain and others.

This is the tyrannical place of the ruler in the star realm.

If some seventh-level masters only want to escape, even an eighth-level master will have a hard time forcibly keeping the other person alive.

Unless the Demon Tide Civilization can produce another Demon Ancestor-level strongman at this time to stand in front of Thain and others.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

As for the situation of Karel and the Queen of Blades, the two most powerful wizards at the peak of the wizarding civilization, who are still far away from the ant nest front, they are not what Thane and others need to worry about right now.

Of course, Karel and others will not continue to fight to the death against the Demonic Tide Civilization here.

In fact, when they realized that Thane and others had broken through to an area out of their sight, Karel and the Queen of Blades began to retreat calmly.

Of course, a single Six-Winged Demon Ancestor and Gromz cannot threaten the lives of Karel.

However, taking advantage of the chaos in the Ant-Man Star Territory, it is the best time to leave here.

Otherwise, when other demonic tide masters turn around and invest all their power into Karel and others, even Karel, who is extremely fast and has elegant body skills, and Lisa, who has the blessing of the destruction suit, will also

Feeling deeply stressed.

Therefore, Karel and others retreated very quickly.

When he was about to leave the vicinity of the Ant Nest Front, Karel was surprised to find that fierce fighting broke out between the middle and lower levels inside and outside the dilapidated Ant Nest Front.

The entire ant nest front was almost turned upside down by the impact of the Demon Tide Legion, but deep in the dense ant nest, new ant creatures still rushed out from time to time, and bravely fought to the death with the Demon Tide creatures.


Although rational people all know that the number of ant creatures emerging from the ant nest front is limited.

At this time, there are fierce battles on all planes in the entire Ant-Man Star Territory. Even the mother plane of the Ant-Man civilization has been abandoned by Queen Elizabeth and others. How can there be excess troops to support this ant nest front?

However, the ant-man warriors constantly rushing out from the depths of the ant nest give people the illusion that the ant army inside is endless.

This is of course a beautiful fantasy, but the courage shown by the ant creatures in a desperate situation still attracted masters like Karel to look at it and sigh.

When Karel previously traveled to a medium-sized plane civilization called the Glimpse Star Territory, he accidentally obtained a cyan regular light belt that could contain living creatures.

During the fierce battle with the Six-Winged Demon Ancestor, Karel felt a sense of compassion, and with the light belt tied around his waist, he coerced and rescued the two million ant army inside and outside the ant nest front.

Two million creatures are nothing compared to the total number of hundreds of millions of ant legions still remaining in the ant nest front.

But this is indeed the limit that Karel can achieve as a knight master at this time.

Because of this rescue, Karel's shoulder was further injured by the Six-Winged Demon Ancestor using the Demon Lord Sword.

After completing the gathering of the two million ants, Karel couldn't help but look at the two dominant battle groups in the distance and let out a sigh.

The two dominating battle groups are where the Termite King and the Red Ant King are respectively.

But in Karel's current state, he is really unable to rescue the two ant kings.

At this moment, there were quite a few demon tide masters gathered around the two master-level ant kings, and they were completely surrounded.

Karel couldn't even see the two ant masters clearly.

Only from the fluctuations in the surrounding battlefield and the vague aura coming from there, it was judged that the Termite King and the Red Ant King were there.

This chapter has been completed!
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