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Chapter 333 Chicken Thief

The process of his great-grandfather Ulysses introducing Thain to these knights was actually the process of Thain broadening his network of contacts.

Although Thain's temperament gives people the impression of being relatively low-key and indifferent.

In fact, regardless of whether it was Thain's original intention or not, he has met many high-level magicians and knights above level one so far.

Personality factors will not affect Thain's judgment.

This is a magician who knows the pros and cons and is very good at assessing situations.

For example, at this time, Thain obviously didn't like to deal with these first-level knights who were like big bosses and overly affectionate.

But Thain knew that being friendly with these knights would be beneficial to him and the Grant family, so Thain still patiently talked to them one by one.

And not all knights are as powerful as the third-level knight Snape and know the art of dialogue.

Many knights spoke very vulgarly. Through the quiet mental transmission of his great-grandfather Ulysses, Thain knew that there were more than two hundred knights above the first level who he visited in person, and nearly two-thirds of them were civilians.

Ordinary knight.

Their ancestors were ordinary civilians, and through fighting and fighting, they grew up to be the first generation of nobles, possessing a life level of up to one level and a lifespan of nearly a thousand years.

Thain's great-grandfather Ulysses can also be called the first generation of nobles.

Despite the fact that Thain's great-grandfather Ulysses was usually taciturn, he looked like a very well-educated nobleman.

In fact, looking at what his mount, the Lion King, is like, you can roughly know what his great-grandfather Ulysses' temperament was back then.

Some things cannot be changed from the core, because they have adapted to their own style and principles.

Only the descendants of powerful aristocrats like Old Grant and Jeremy will be influenced by the aristocratic cultivation they have developed since childhood.

Many knights spoke too directly. For example, there was a first-level knight who felt quite good about himself after talking to Thain. He directly asked Thain if he could help get his granddaughter to study at the Holy Tower of Jade Origin.

When Thain replied that he had to abide by the admission regulations of the Holy Tower and undergo an entrance test before making a decision, the first-level knight didn't care much.

Instead, Thain was asked another embarrassing question: "Can my granddaughter directly become your teacher?"

"I know you magicians care about this kind of inheritance. My granddaughter is very smart." This first-level knight said straightforwardly.

This first-level knight is also a chicken thief. Thain is the disciple of the tower master of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue. His granddaughter has become Thain's disciple. Isn't she the tower master's disciple?

Although the other first-level knights at the banquet were talking to each other, they were also paying attention to the situation here.

When this first-level knight spoke, many people lowered their voices and looked this way.

Including the third-level knight Snape also looked over, as if he wanted to see how Thain would answer.

The question from this first-level knight named Rosey made Thain couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He has never even met the other party's granddaughter, and he doesn't know how old she is. He just calls her "smart", so how could he blindly accept her as a disciple.

Thain simply refused and said, "I have no intention of accepting a disciple yet."

"Okay." The knight with a beard sighed regretfully.

But then, he rolled his eyes and suddenly asked: "Master Thain, are you married?"

Thain: "..."

All in all, among the more than 200 knights invited by great-grandfather Ulysses and others to the banquet, there were indeed a few strange ones.

But in general, Thain feels that these people are actually relatively easy to get along with, and there is basically no evil intention.

Including Thain, he also talked for a while with a second-level knight from his stepmother, Mrs. Tiya's family. The second-level knight mentioned that the Kingdom of Western France also wanted to send some royal and noble children to study at the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

The Kingdom of West France seems to be beyond the territory of the Blue Origin Holy Tower, but it still seems to be within it.

Thain originally had no involvement in the Holy Tower's recruitment matters, but he didn't expect that a trip back to the Lycian Alliance would create so much business for the apprentice recruitment work of the Blue Origin Holy Tower.

For this reason, on the one hand, this place was originally located on the edge of the Blue Origin Holy Tower's area of ​​influence, and was not the center of gravity for the Holy Tower's recruitment of apprentices in previous years.

On the other hand, these knights probably also heard about the plane war that had just ended in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Don't think too simplistically about knights.

Just like the first-class knight named Rosey, although from the outside he looks like an upright and naive rough man, in fact, he has a lot on his mind.

After communicating with all the knights, Thane was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and return to the castle to rest.

Those energetic knights were still eating and drinking on the lawn. They did not need to focus on the exploration of knowledge and truth in the laboratory like the magicians.

From some perspectives, knights do have a better life than magicians.

Compared to the mysteries of truth that they cannot understand, knights in the wizarding world generally focus on enjoyment before the war comes.

Of course, this also resulted in the status of knights in the wizarding world. No matter how many rounds of changes it went through, there was still a certain gap between them and the magicians.

There is a saying that what you pay, you will get.

The magicians in the wizarding world pay more and have greater power.

And in many aspects: such as resources, rights, voice, etc., they all restrict the knights.

Therefore, the wizarding world has always been the wizarding world and has not become the world of knights.

According to the relationship between supply and demand, first-level magicians can talk to second-level knights on an equal footing.

Because first-level magicians can make potions, equipment, etc. that second-level knights urgently need.

However, the second-level knights can only rely on their strong power to help these magicians in the field of raw materials, and they cannot form a monopoly.

Yes, "monopoly"!

Think carefully about everything in the wizarding world, whether it is space fortresses, war airships, or relatively low-end floating ships, and almost all alchemical magic tools, magic potions, etc.

It seems that they are all made by magicians, and the knights just enjoy the ready-made ones!

This monopoly status has further strengthened the voice of the magicians in the wizarding world.

So obviously there are many knight masters with amazing strength in the wizarding world, and several of them are even more powerful than the most powerful true spirit magicians in the wizarding world.

But in many large decision-making areas, magicians still dominate.

At this time, Thain, as a vested interest class, also clearly felt the difference between knights and magicians.

However, he has not cooperated with these knights in a plane war, so it is not yet clear how the knights and magicians get along with each other during the war.

It seems that one of the main responsibilities of the Knight Legion is to protect the Magician Legion to ensure the Magician Legion's long-range bombing advantage against hostile creatures.

This chapter has been completed!
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