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Chapter 356 Fire Crystal Mountains

"Where should we go first?" In the sky, standing side by side with Thane on a huge metal disk, the constructor slave Yuli couldn't help but ask.

As the influence of soul slavery gradually deepened, Yuri's unilateral obedience and dependence on Thane became deeper and deeper.

In addition, Thain himself was not a slave owner who placed great emphasis on status, so in their daily interactions with Yuri, the two of them gradually became normal.

For example, Yuri could ask them very casually where they were going next without overstepping their bounds.

"Let's go to the Tyran Kingdom first. Let's go directly south in this direction." Thain pointed at the magic map in his hand and said.

The magic map in Thane's hand is a relatively complete map of the wizarding world that he obtained at the Holy Tower of Origin.

This magic map, which sells for up to 150 magic coins, is much more detailed than the partial map he inherited from his former mentor Moses.

The Kingdom of Tyron is located directly south of the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue. It is only separated from the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue by a sea of ​​gemstones. It can also be regarded as an adjacent country to the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue.

Thain has never been to the Kingdom of Tyran before, but it is said that the magical civilization of the Kingdom of Tyran is also relatively prosperous, and is not inferior to the Kingdom of Malgeria to the west of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

Going south along the Tyran Kingdom, Thane and the others will pass through three human kingdoms before arriving at a volcanic group named the Fire Crystal Mountains.

The continuous volcanoes in the northeastern region of the Lycian League are actually the edge of the Fire Crystal Mountains.

The real Fire Crystal Mountains are vaster than people imagine.

And according to the records in the Holy Tower Library and the Magic Map of the Wizarding World, there are indeed a large number of fire-type monsters and even giant dragons inhabiting the Fire Crystal Mountains.

However, those giant dragons basically have owners and are not easy to provoke.

Generally young dragons have at least the first level of life, and the best among them, or the adult dragons with longer lifespans, can easily reach the second level.

The generally high life level and powerful physique make dragons the top of the food chain among the Warcraft species in the wizarding world.

And these giant dragons that can destroy cities and countries at every turn, according to the records of the Holy Tower...most of them are raised by the Belen Empire, a large force in the central and southern part of the wizarding world.

The overall strength of the Beren Empire in the wizarding world is at a higher level than the Conclave of Fire.

The powerful Dragon Knight Legion is the signature force of the Beren Empire.

And this ancient empire with its powerful knight corps is also not too weak in the field of magic.

It is said that since ancient times, the Beren Empire in the south-central part of the Wizarding World and the Ebalut Empire in the north-central part of the Wizarding World have been feuding over the title of "The First Empire of the Wizarding World".

One side has an unparalleled army of knights, and the other side is famous for its magical civilization.

What is even more ridiculous is that although the Beren Empire is an empire of knights, its magical power is not weak.

As for Abarut, as a magic empire, the strength of the Knight Legion is not bad either... and it has even developed a Griffin Legion that attempts to compete with the Belen Empire's Dragoon Legion.

If it hadn't been from ancient times, there would have been the Knights of Ely League between the two wizarding worlds and human empires.

Nowadays, many forces and Holy Tower organizations have developed, such as the Conclave of Fire. These two powerful empires in the wizarding world are very likely to have a fight with themselves first.

Of course, the possibility of civil war breaking out in the wizarding world is approximately 0.

The Guardians will not sit back and watch this happen, and the top leaders of the various forces in the wizarding world will try their best to coordinate relations with each other.

Nearly two hundred thousand years have passed since the wizarding world was promoted to the top civilization.

At least on the surface, all the forces within the wizarding world get along relatively harmoniously, and several major forces cooperate with each other from time to time.

The Neisser Starfield War that is about to end is the best example.

After traveling all the way south from the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, Thain arrived at the central area of ​​the Fire Crystal Mountains in only about twenty days.

The scorching waves of fire in front of him made Thain feel like he had returned to the battlefield of the poisonous green flame world.

What's more, even Thain was a little stunned that the average temperature in the Fire Crystal Mountains in front of him seemed to be higher than that in the Poison Fire Green Flame World.

Although the Fire Crystal Mountains are a pasture for the Beren Empire to raise dragons, this vast and boundless mountain range is, strictly speaking, an ownerless thing.

In such extreme terrain and temperature, there is no human kingdom at all, and there is no trace of the existence of any holy tower or knight's hall.

There are quite a few first- and second-level knight magicians like Thain who appear in this fire crystal mountain range.

There are a lot of fire resources and materials here, which attract knights and magicians from the surrounding areas to come and collect them.

Including those low-level fire monsters, powerful men from the wizarding world would sometimes come to hunt them.

It is worth mentioning that after being promoted to the first level, Thain learned one thing - that is, any knight magician in the Holy Tower and Knights Hall who is above the first level in the wizarding world cannot hunt them for no reason.

This move is to protect the species diversity of the wizarding world.

Otherwise, with the number and strength of knights and magicians in the wizarding world, it would not be a problem to kill all the monsters to extinction.

The knight and magician system developed by humans is the mainstream of the wizarding world.

Human beings are the masters of this powerful civilization.

Other groups, whether they are monsters, demi-humans, sea tribes, etc., are just vassal species crawling at the feet of human knights and magicians.

The situation in recent years has been relatively good. Both Warcraft and the Sea Tribe have a place in the wizarding world. In terms of the rules of the Holy Tower, laws have also been issued to protect the rights and interests of these creatures.

But if it were in ancient times, or the ancient times 200,000 years ago, the fate of races in the wizarding world such as the Sea Tribe, demi-humans, and Warcraft would have been more tragic.

No one cares about their life or death at all. Hunting magic crystals wantonly and collecting corpse materials are the only contributions they can make to the powerful wizard civilization!

Flying over the Fire Crystal Mountains, Thain looked at the scene in front of him curiously.

The unknown is the inexhaustible motivation for magicians to explore the truth.

This was the first time for Thain to go deep into the center of this fire crystal mountain range. During this period, he also collected a lot of fire-attribute ores and other resources.

These resources and flame ores are not of high value, but they are more novel than before. Many of them are types that Thain has never seen before.

Due to his alchemy skills, Thane usually dealt with these metal ores.

As for those low-end fire-based materials, their practical value is not high, but their collection value is okay.

For example, Thain carefully made a beautiful "six-tailed magic pattern flower" into a plant specimen and included it in the space equipment.

Just when Thain stood up and was about to move to the next area, a huge giant shadow flew straight towards him, carrying a terrifying heat wave.

"Unfamiliar first-level magician, you have entered our clan's territory."

"Don't go any further, please leave here." A muffled sound came from the sky, and this big guy spoke the common language of the wizarding world.

This chapter has been completed!
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