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Chapter 360 Prosperity South Coast

Although Jasmine City is not yet a true coastal city in the southern part of the Wizarding World, the scenery here already has many characteristics of the south coast.

In the urban area, the overall house structure is relatively low, and the eaves adopt a relatively gentle design, unlike those in northern cities.

And the overall atmosphere on the south coast of the Wizarding World seems to be more open and free.

Thain saw many noble ladies in the city, and even commoner women, wearing cooler clothes.

Unlike the common people in the north who generally wear gray linen, the aristocratic class mainly wears black.

Both nobles and commoners here pursue diversity in their lives.

Judging from the social atmosphere of the lower class alone, the southern coast of the Wizarding World is much larger than the human countries in the Lycian League and the surrounding areas of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

No wonder everyone among the magic apprentices in the Underdark Region yearns for this place.

After all, whether in terms of underlying structure or superstructure, the south coast of the Wizarding World is indeed much larger than the area near the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

Before arriving, Thain had roughly explored the area near the south coast where he first arrived. There were four Holy Tower organizations alone.

More fertile land, a denser population, and the resulting number of magician organizations.

In addition to the four holy towers, there are two knights' halls in the nearby area.

However, most of these holy towers and knight halls are not on Thain's route.

The only holy tower that Thain could possibly deal with, and that Thain himself was very curious about, was the Holy Tower of Dawn located on the southernmost coast of this area and slightly to the west.

According to data records, the Holy Tower of Dawn is the strongest holy tower in the nearby area.

Compared to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, which was only established a few hundred years ago, the Holy Tower of Dawn has been standing on the southern coast of the Wizarding World for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is a powerful holy tower with a long history that can be compared with the Jade Fire Holy Tower built by the ancestor of Thain, Cuilis.

From the perspective of a first-level magician, Thain could not tell which of the two holy towers was stronger or weaker.

However, judging from the scope of the Holy Tower's radiating influence, the Jade Burning Fire Holy Tower belonging to Master Thain, Cuilis, still has a wider range of influence.

Although the Holy Tower of Dawn also occupies a large territory on the south coast of the Wizarding World, its territory of power is only half of that of the Holy Tower of Green Burning Fire.

Of course, it is also possible that there are too many forces and holy tower organizations on the south coast of the wizarding world. Even the more powerful holy tower among them will have difficulty in getting much territory.

Unlike the Holy Towers such as the Jade Fire and the Jade Source, which are located deep in the interior of the Wizarding World, the land there is much deeper and wider than here.

After staying in Jasmine City for a few days and experiencing the unique customs and customs of the southern coast of the Wizarding World, Thain continued to move towards the endless South China Sea.

The southern coast of the Wizarding World is indeed rich. The most intuitive manifestation is that the prices here seem to be slightly more expensive than the inland area where the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue is located.

Although it is expensive, the various resources here are extremely rich.

There are many medium and low-level resources circulating in the market that Thain didn't know, and Thain even saw many magic material stores run by ordinary humans.

With the strength and channels of ordinary humans, it is of course impossible to open this type of shop. There must be other magic apprentices or formal magicians behind it.

But just bringing ordinary humans into the circle of this extraordinary power class is rare enough.

Thane saw some shrewd businessmen more than once, bargaining seriously with magic apprentices or knight attendants.

The currency circulating in the southern coast of the Wizarding World is not much different from that in the north. Most of them are magic coins and energy crystals.

The southern coast of the Wizarding World is really too big, and Thain has no interest in looking for the few magic apprentices he met in the Underdark more than twenty years ago. This is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The fresh customs, customs and environment of the south coast made Thain, a visitor from the north, very curious when he first arrived.

It was almost two months before Thain finally smelled the salty smell of the sea breeze.

"Is this the sea in the wizarding world?" Thain couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the endless blue sky.

The closer you get to the southern coast of the wizarding world, the more prosperous the magical civilization and economic development here will be.

On the south coast of the Wizarding World, the group of magicians and knights here does not seem to be separated from ordinary humans.

Although there are many human kingdoms and noble classes here as dense as stars, the power of magic and fighting spirit has actually been integrated with the lives of ordinary humans.

Walking on a coastal road, surrounded by busy shops and pedestrians, Thain felt out of place.

Thain is not the only official magician on this street. Many official magicians like Thain have hidden their presence and haunt this seaside road like ordinary people.

However, there are still a small number of official magicians after all, and those who appear on this street are mostly magic apprentices and ordinary humans.

The pale yellow street lights that look like coconut trees standing on both sides of the street should be some kind of low-end alchemy product.

What’s surprising is that this kind of street lights don’t just exist on this coastal road, but are scattered throughout the city.

This is a seaport city named "Fernand Star". This city finally has something in common with the northern city - both are named after the surname of a certain being.

The human from the wizarding world named Fernan seems to be the founder of this city, and he is also a powerful third-level magician.

"Boom!" Amidst the sound, a huge floating ship appeared in the sky above the city, so that a shadow appeared on the ground.

The city of Fernanx is well managed and developed, and its extremely prosperous economy and magical civilization make it seem like two different worlds from the Blue Origin Holy Tower area in the north.

In addition to a specially widened seaport, Fernanx City has even established a small floating port in the northern city.

This floating ship flying through the sky was probably heading to that floating harbor.

Thain glanced at the sky. The shape of the floating ship on the south coast of the Wizarding World was slightly different from that in the north.

It's better to say it's an aerostat than an airship.

Its overall appearance is much flatter and its interior space is slightly smaller.

When Thain came, he also took a brief look at the floating port from a distance in the sky.

It was a port floating in mid-air. The reason why it was able to float in mid-air seemed to be because the clay and other materials used in the floating port itself were relatively special, and the corresponding floating magic runes were also reinforced.

Many ordinary humans and magic apprentices around looked up at the flying aerospace craft with expressions of amazement.

Thain has seen even more magnificent space fortresses, so naturally he won't pay too much attention to a mere aerospace craft.

After lowering his head, Thain's attention was quickly attracted by several humanoid creatures with blue skin and obviously rich water vapor.

This chapter has been completed!
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