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Chapter 37 Coma

When Thane walked up to the attacker, the guy was still alive.

In a crisis situation, it was not only Thain who reacted quickly, but also the Underdian in front of him.

However, the opponent's luck was obviously not as good as Thane's. Although the corrosive acid released by the strong acid cane did not penetrate it directly, it shot a huge hole of flesh and blood in the demihuman's left chest and abdomen.

The short body size marks a hole of the same size. For a strong creature like the tauren, it is a serious injury, but for a creature like it, it is a fatal injury.

Thain wasn't sure whether the corrosive acid had penetrated into its heart, but he looked at pieces of intestine-like organs flowing out of the holes, as well as some colorful things flowing.

Thain forced himself to raise his left hand, and the secondary fireball technique appeared immediately.

The subhuman being was in a state of depression, his black eyes revealed prayer and desire for life.

But Thain's cold and emotionless eyes did not waver at all, and a secondary fireball that was slightly smaller than usual was launched from Thain's hand.

The demihuman's head, along with its pair of black eyes that revealed the look of prayer, exploded into pieces.

After completely eliminating the threat, Thane staggered, put away the demihuman's dagger and the package he just dropped, and walked slowly into the darkness.

Thane did not rush directly towards the city of Mensobra, because his current physical condition was not enough to support him for walking for more than half a day.

In addition, Thane doubted whether there would be other threats on this "safe road" less than a day's journey from Mensobra City.

He must first find a suitable safe location and treat the wound before thinking about anything else.

After walking for almost half an hour, and when he was about to be exhausted, Thain finally found a small cave that was half a person's height.

I bent down and squeezed into the hole with difficulty, and pushed a few pieces of gravel to block the front of the hole.

After doing this, Thain was finally able to check and treat his injuries.

The demi-human who attacked him was specifically called a gray dwarf.

There are many gray dwarves in the Underdark, and even within this group, there are many subdivisions.

In the underground world, gray dwarves are synonymous with despicability and insidiousness.

This group has always been at the lowest end of the underground food chain. With their large population base and outstanding reproductive capabilities, they can gain a foothold in the harsh underground world.

But in every ethnic group, there are always some outstanding ones.

The gray dwarf who attacked Thain just now is probably as strong as an intermediate apprentice, and he is still relatively strong.

If it weren't for the fact that Sion had a strong acid cane nearby and successfully hit the opponent, I'm afraid he would have really fallen into trouble this time.

The gray dwarf was also insidious enough. He should have noticed the changes in the Gray-White Valley a long time ago, so he laid an ambush halfway and waited for Thain.

The black magic apprentices are so famous in the city of Mensobra, these underground people don't dare to have any evil thoughts.

But outside the city, there is no official black magician to deter them, and darkness provides shelter. As long as they attack quickly enough and leave no trace behind, no one can guess that they did it.

This is the real law of survival in the underground world - the weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

The underground humans in the Ashen Valley can only rely on Thain's charity and kindness to live, and they can only sink to the bottom of the food chain forever.

"Fortunately, it's as I expected. It's just smeared with blue moss juice and there are no other toxins." After looking at the gray dwarf's dagger twice, Thane breathed a sigh of relief.

The wound on his neck was not large, but what was more troublesome was that the paralyzing toxin contained in the blue moss had gradually invaded his body.

Blue moss itself is not very toxic, and in some cases, underground creatures will even apply it near wounds to slow bleeding and reduce tearing pain.

But what is different from usual is that Thain's injury this time was on his neck.

Under the influence of the toxin, Thain gradually felt that the right half of his body had no feeling.

The occurrence of this situation is enough to prove how critical this moment is.

Fortunately, when he came out this time, Thain had the potion he got from Boss.

With difficulty, he took out two potions, one red and one blue, from his arms with his left hand. After biting off the stopper with his mouth, he swallowed the two potions in one go.

A touch of warmth and a special pungency came from Thain's abdomen. Before Thain's spirit gradually weakened and he fell asleep completely, the only thing he thought in his mind was "I really owe Meili my life this time."

I don't know how long it took, but after waking up from the darkness, Thain instinctively looked at his surroundings.

A series of memories of the academy mission in the Ashen Valley and the subsequent attack flooded into Thain's mind, making Thain slowly realize what kind of situation he was in.

The feeling of hunger in his belly not only did not make Thain feel depressed, but instead made him feel happy. Being able to feel hungry at least showed that he was still aware of his body.

Especially when he tried to control his body next, Thain found that although the right half of his body was still a little numb, he was able to barely raise his right hand.

With the weak vision provided by the pale mask in the darkness, Thain gently pushed away a small piece of gravel in front of him and observed the surrounding environment.

This should be a corner location in the underground world's rocky passages extending in all directions.

For him to find such a secret small hole half a man's height, it can only be said that Thain's life should not be cut off.

Since we don’t know how much time has passed, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, what Thain should do immediately is to replenish his physical strength.

Thain bit off the cork of the only remaining low-level recovery potion and drank it in one gulp. The role of low-level recovery potion is not only to restore injuries, but also to provide a certain amount of energy.

It's just more luxurious.

The dry food in his waist disappeared at some point. Along with this food, he also lost part of his harvest in the gray-white valley.

This is something that can't be helped. When his life is threatened, it would be great if Thain can save his own life. How can he care about those external things.

Including the hind legs of the Blue-jawed Feather King that were originally hanging around the waist, have long since disappeared.

That Warcraft hind leg was discarded by Thain on his own initiative before he found this hole.

He couldn't guarantee whether a monster's hind legs exuding the faint aroma of barbecue would provoke something else while he was in a coma.

Not to mention a demonized creature or a monster, even an ordinary beast from the underground world could have dealt with Thain in that situation.

Looking around, there are only four Green-jawed Feather Eggs left around Thain.

With a gentle tap, a hole the size of a thumb appears.

Thane put his mouth up and sucked.

An unpleasant salty smell filled the mouth.

But at least in terms of satiety, this green-jawed feather egg is more effective than that small, low-level recovery potion.

While sucking the green jaw feather egg white, Thain was thinking that after this mission was over, he should learn how to make nutritional potions from his senior sister Fei'er.

Although the nutritional potion tastes bad, it is definitely stronger than the raw egg he is holding in his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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