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Chapter three hundred and ninety seventh win over

After putting the mermaid back into the crystal necklace and collecting all the loot on the deck, the man in black robe took out a dark yellow crystal ball from his arms.

This powerful black magician is an expert in the field of alchemy, and this crystal ball was specially made by him.

In addition to the normal crystal ball function, this crystal ball has other uses.

The dark yellow crystal ball was filled with a faint light, and a translucent magic map appeared in front of the man in black robe.

The center point of the magic map is where the man in black robe is at this time.

The closest place to the man in black robe was surrounded by two light spots.

As for the light spots further away, although there are also light spots emerging, those light spots are firstly too far away, and secondly, they already belong to the hinterland of the major holy towers and knight hall organizations on the south coast, so they are not considered by the men in black robes.

"These two guys? Well, let me think about it..."

"It seems that one is the idiot knight who talks a lot, and the other is a first-level magician wearing a special mask?"

There are two light spots on the magic map, one heading west and the other heading north.

The specific man in black robe is indeed not far away now, but as time goes by, it will be hard to say in the future.

For the man in black robe, there is a high probability that he can still do one job.

In fact, in the past half year or so, the man in black robe has done a lot of things.

Especially the vote he just completed can be regarded as the biggest achievement he has made since leaving the black realm.

Although these knights and magicians were killed in public areas, I guess it wouldn't be hidden for too long.

I'm afraid it won't be long before wanted notices from major holy towers and knight halls will be spread all over the south coast and its surrounding areas.

Especially at the Crown Pearl auction, which is quite big in the background, he probably won’t be able to spare the first one.

The men in black robes looked down upon ordinary first- and second-level knights or magicians at all. They dared to come just to bring food to them.

But if a third-level knight or magician takes action... no matter how conceited the man in black robe is, he has to avoid it.

Perhaps the best choice for him now is to return to the Black Realm as soon as possible to avoid the limelight.

"One more last shot! Just the little magician. His mask is very interesting. The secrets of the fire element involved in it seem to be of a type that I have never been exposed to." The man in black robe muttered, and then turned into a piece.

Black mist, chasing west.

More than half a year has passed since Thain left Munich.

The endless South China Sea in the Wizarding World will also usher in a more active storm season again.

However, the sea where Thain and others were sailing at this time was calm.

The sun shines on the sea level, golden light shines, and many strange and strange fish cross the sea surface, some of which still have thin cicada wings.

Thain's journey to the Western Islands was actually a journey for him to travel and gain knowledge.

It hasn't been long since he left the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade, but the several space rings that Thain originally prepared are almost filled up by him.

The materials and props purchased with magic coins are actually not many. The real bulk are the many rare animal and plant specimens collected by Thain on the road.

Magicians' acquisition of knowledge is not limited to magic books or tutors' teachings.

Developing truth bit by bit in life and daily observation is the quality that a true magician should possess.

"Our Kuliman Chamber of Commerce has traveled this sea route for 1,200 years."

"Don't worry, as usual in previous years, rough waves will not be involved here at the beginning of the storm season."

"What do you think? Do you really not want to consider joining our Kuliman Chamber of Commerce?"

"Our Kuliman Chamber of Commerce has properties in many holy towers of the Mamet Alliance. We may be able to provide you with some help and convenience." On the bow deck, the first-level magician Sachi walked up to Thain and said.


Official level magicians are a scarce resource everywhere.

Not only the major holy towers will offer favorable conditions to attract these magicians.

Including various medium and small magician organizations in the wizarding world, as well as magic families and magic chambers of commerce, they are not stingy in recruiting these talents.

What the first-level magician Sachi said in front of him was to win over Thane and become a worshiper of the Culiman Chamber of Commerce.

Being a member of the Chamber of Commerce actually limits your freedom a lot.

Devotees can still choose a holy tower to join, or even join other magician organizations, but they only need to regularly complete a task assigned by the chamber of commerce.

These tasks may be responsible for escorting goods, or they may be traveling to an alien plane to collect certain resources, or they may be helping the chamber of commerce cultivate some magic apprentices.

In short, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation.

In the Mamet United Alliance, there are indeed many official and above-level magicians who have continued to interact with some magician organizations or magic chambers after joining the Holy Tower.

If Thane was a magician from the Mamet United Alliance, maybe he would have agreed to the solicitation of the first-level magician Sachi.

But it is a pity that Thain comes from the Holy Tower of Blue Origin in the inland area of ​​the Wizarding World, which is not the operation scope of the Culiman Chamber of Commerce at all.

Moreover, Thain was just passing through the Mamet United Alliance. Therefore, facing the first-level magician Sachi's invitation again, Thain shook his head and declined politely: "I have no plans to join any magic chamber of commerce for the time being. If

Next time I have this intention, I will contact you, Master."

Thain and Thatch did not even exchange crystal ball marks, and of course there is no possibility of another exchange.

Saatchi also realized this, and after letting out a long sigh, he said goodbye and left Thain.

Compared to a magician like Thain who is relatively pure for the time being, the first-level magician Sachi seems to be a bit seriously corrupted by money.

The real source of power for magicians is knowledge and truth, not the so-called cold magic coins.

The first-level magician Sachi must have tried his best to persuade Thain because it would be of great benefit to win over Thain to join Culiman Chamber of Commerce.

I recall that in the past, in order to pursue the deep secrets of the Eye of the Sun magic, Thain did not hesitate to spend magic coins to offset the mandatory tasks of the Holy Tower Academy.

How could he waste his time and energy on boring resources or magic coins today?

Saatchi probably didn't even realize that he was gradually putting the cart before the horse in his quest to explore the truth of magic.

A clear crystal ball appeared in Thain's hand at some unknown time.

Looking at the data in it, Thain didn't know what he was thinking about.

Mental power:162.8



Compared to the time when Thane just came back from the world of poisonous green flames, his mental power, magic power, physical strength and other values ​​have undergone earth-shaking changes.

With such a rapid improvement in a very short period of time, Thain guessed that his growth in the poisonous green flame world battlefield would gradually translate into improvements in specific numerical values.

And this growth rate shows no signs of stopping yet.

Thain predicted that his mental power would only slow down after it soared to 200 points.

This chapter has been completed!
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